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Custom Action Recognition using TensorFlow (CNN + LSTM), this repository will help you to create your own Custom Action Recognition Model.

🚀 New Updates

  • (03/11/2022): MLFlow to Model training. So that we can Manage the ML lifecycle

    • Experimentation
    • Reproducibility
    • Deployment
    • Central Model Registry
  • (17/11/2022): Added VideoGenerator

    • Why we need VideoGenerator 🤔?
      • Previously we are unsing Data Extraction technic, take all data and stored in array.
      • But if we have large data, we will get RAM outoff memory Error.
      • Data Extraction take 60-80% of total time.
    • Advantages of VideoGenerator 🥳
      • Videogenerator solve all of these problems.
      • Its same like Image-generator
      • Option to add Data Augmentation

🥱 My Experience

I create my own Model to predict my custom Action Classes.
Here is my Sample Output:
Its predicting Horse Race and Rope Climbing Classes. (you can see the prediction on Top Left Corner (in color Green))


But If You need create Model, focusing Action Area (ROI) with help of YOLOv7 Object Detection Model

+ Go to branch "detect" 
git checkout detect

! Follow the Instruction

Output Example:


😎 Custom Action Recognition Model

Clone this Repository

git clone
cd CustomActionRecognition-TensorFlow-CNN-LSTM

Install dependency

pip3 install -r requirement.txt
xargs sudo apt-get install <packages.txt

Take Custom Action Recognition Data

Example: UCF50 Dataset (Demo)
Downlaod the UCF50 Dataset:

wget --no-check-certificate

#Extract the Dataset
unrar x UCF50.rar

Inside Data Directory - Folder with Class Name - Inside each class folder - Video data for that Action Class

🤖 Train Custom Model

📝 Note:
Model Dir: LRCN and convLSTM for sample Demo to understand how will be the output, You can remove that Dir. If you NOT remove the Dir, its will never affect your Model or Training, It will replace with your Model

--dataset: path to dataset dir
--seq_len: The number of frames of a video that will be fed to the model as one sequence
--size: The height and width to which each video frame will be resized in our dataset
--model: Choose Model Type

  • convLSTM: convLSTM

--epochs: Number of epochs for model Training
--batch_size: Size of Batch on Training the Model


python3 --dataset data/ --seq_len 20 \
                 --size 64 --model convLSTM \
                 --epochs 50 --batch_size 4


python3 --dataset data/ --seq_len 20 \
                 --size 64 --model LRCN \
                 --epochs 70 --batch_size 4

The Output model, history plot and Model str plot will be Saved in corresponding its Model Dir

⚠️ Training on Colab [Error]

DNN library is not found

# Install latest version
!apt install --allow-change-held-packages libcudnn8=

📊 MLFlow UI

MLflow is an open source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle
terminal is in the same directory that contains mlruns, and type the following:

mlflow ui

# OR
mlflow ui -p 1234

The command mlflow ui hosts the MLFlow UI locally on the default port of 5000.
However, the options -p 1234 tell it that you want to host it specifically on the port 1234.

open a browser and type in http://localhost:1234 or

📺 Inference

--model: path to trained custom model
--conf: Model Prediction Confidence
--save: Save output video ("output.mp4")
--source: path to test video

  • Web-cam: --source 0
python3 --model LRCN_model.h5 \
                     --conf 0.75 --source data/test/video.mp4

# to save output video
python3 --model LRCN_model.h5 --conf 0.75 \
                     --source data/test/video.mp4 \
# web-cam
python3 --model LRCN_model.h5 \
                     --conf 0.75 --source 0

# to save output video
python3 --model LRCN_model.h5 \
                     --conf 0.75 --source 0 \

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