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Super Resolution for Weather/Climate Data: Test and Development Framework.


If mamba is not available, install miniforge. Execute the following to set up a conda environment for super-resolution-climate:

>  mamba create -n sres python=3.11
>  mamba activate sres
>  mamba install -c conda-forge dask scipy xarray netCDF4 ipywidgets=7.8 jupyterlab=4.0 jupyterlab_widgets ipykernel=6.29 ipympl=0.9 ipython=8.26
>  mamba install -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge litdata pytorch lightning lightning-utilities torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda cuda-python
>  pip install parse  nvidia-dali-cuda120
>  pip install hydra-core --upgrade
>  ipython kernel install --user --name=sres


Execute the following to install and setup the super-resolution-climate framework.

> git clone
> cd super-resolution-climate/


This project uses hydra for workflow configuration. All configuration files are found in the super-resolution-climate/config directory. Each workflow configuraration is composed of several sections, each with a separate config file. For example, in the sample script, the configuration dict specifies the name of the config file to be used for each section, i.e. the task section is configured with the file config/task/swot-2.2v.yaml. The ccustom dict is used to override individual config values. The cname parameter specifies the name of the root config file (e.g. config/sres.yaml )


The scripts under super-resolution-climate/scripts/train are used to train various super-resolution networks with various configurations. The notebook super-resolution-climate/notebooks/plot_training.ipynb is used to display a plot of loss vs. epochs for the configured training instance.


The scripts under super-resolution-climate/scripts/inference are used to run inference for the trained super-resolution networks.


The notebook plot_result_tiles.ipynb is used to explore the super-resolution results for individual tiles, and notebook plot_result_images.ipynb is used to display the results as assembled images for each region.