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Downloads images from NOAA's GOES (GOES-16, GOES-17) satellite.


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NOAA GOES (GOES-16, GOES-17) Image Scraper


This is a tiny program that scrapes and downloads images from NOAA's GOES East or West satellites. As of December 18, 2017, GOES-13 has been retired from the GOES east position and been replaced with GOES-16. This program is an updated version of GOES-13 that works with GOES-16 and GOES-17. The point of this project is to be able to keep a locally stored database of these images, so you can look back further than the image limit of the online directory list.

NOAA's site with the images can be found here.


  1. Obtain a compiled jar file: See the "Building from source" instructions or head over the releases page.
  2. cd to the directory containing the jar file. The images will also be downloaded in this directory.
  3. run the JarFileName.jar with java -jar JarFileName.jar \[OPTIONS\].
  4. The images will appear in a newly created "./imgs/" directory.


 -b,--band <arg>                 selects the color/band  (run --bands for
                                 list of types) (GeoColor)
    --bands                      prints a list of bands
    --beforedownloadtime <arg>   the time (ms) between downloading the
                                 list of images and actually downloading
                                 them (600000)
    --checksleeptime <arg>       the time (ms) between checking if sleep
                                 time has passed (600000)
    --downloadbatchsize <arg>    the number of images to download at the
                                 same time (4)
    --help                       prints this help message
    --infotechnique <arg>        the strategy for gaining information on
                                 images (directorylist)
    --infotechniques             prints a list of strategies for gaining
                                 information on images
 -o,--output <arg>               selects the output directory for the
                                 images (imgs/)
 -r,--resolution <arg>           selects the image resolution to download
                                 (run --resolutions for list of
                                 resolutions) (339x339)
    --resolutions                prints a list of resolutions
 -s,--satellite <arg>            the satellite (run --satellites for list
                                 of satellites) (GOES16)
    --satellites                 prints a list of satellites
    --sleeptime <arg>            the time (ms) between downloading images
 -t,--type <arg>                 the type of image (run --types for list
                                 of types) (FD)
    --types                      prints a list of types


Band        Description
GeoColor    True Color daytime, multispectral IR at night
1           0.47 µm, Blue - Visible
2           0.64 µm, Red - Visible
3           0.86 µm, Veggie - Near IR
4           1.37 µm, Cirrus - Near IR
5           1.60 µm, Snow/Ice - Near IR
6           2.20 µm, Cloud Particle - Near IR
7           3.90 µm, Shortwave Window - IR
8           6.20 µm, Upper-Level Water Vapor - IR 
9           6.90 µm, Mid-Level Water Vapor - IR 
10          7.30 µm, Lower-level Water Vapor - IR
11          8.40 µm, Cloud Top - IR
12          9.60 µm, Ozone - IR
13          10.3 µm, Clean Longwave Window - IR
14          11.2 µm, Longwave Window - IR
15          12.3 µm, Dirty Longwave Window - IR
16          13.3 µm, CO2 Longwave - IR


FD (Full Disk)
Resolutions     Bands
339x339         all
678x678         all
1808x1808       all
5424x5424       all
10848x10848     GeoColor, 1-3, 5
21696x21696     2

CONUS (contiguous United States)
Resolutions     Bands
416x250         all
625x375         all
1250x750        all
2500x1500       all
5000x3000       GeoColor, 1-3, 5
10000x6000      2

SECTOR/* (Regional sector view)
Resolutions     Bands
300x300         all
600x600         all
1200x1200       GeoColor, 1-3, 5


Satellite           Description
GOES16              GOES-16 / GOES-East
GOES17              GOES-17 / GOES-West


Type        Description
FD          Full Disk (Entire Western Hemisphere)
CONUS       contiguous United States
SECTOR/pnw  Regional sector view: Pacific Northwest
SECTOR/nr   Regional sector view: Northern Rockies
SECTOR/umv  Regional sector view: Upper Mississippi Valley
SECTOR/cgl  Regional sector view: Great Lakes
SECTOR/ne   Regional sector view: Northeast
SECTOR/psw  Regional sector view: Pacific Southwest
SECTOR/sr   Regional sector view: Southern Rockies
SECTOR/sp   Regional sector view: Southern Plains
SECTOR/smv  Regional sector view: Southern Mississippi Valley
SECTOR/se   Regional sector view: Southeast

Timestamp explanation

The images are labeled with a timestamp from NOAA. The timestamps are in UTC time. The format of these timestamps are YYYYDDDHHMM. YYYY is the 4 digit year, DDD is the number of days that have past since the start of the year (Jan 1 is 001). HHMM is the hour and minute.

An example might be 20181132152. This timestamp was from the year 2018, day #113 and at 21:52 UTC, or April 23, 2018 at 21:52 UTC.


This program is copyrighted to Will Bresnahan or n9Mtq4 under the MIT License. More info in the LICENSE File.

Building from source

  1. Clone or download the source code
  2. Extract the code if you downloaded the zip file
  3. cd to the directory with the code
  4. Either run "./gradlew build" on unix systems or "gradlew.bat build" on windows
  5. Your shiny new jar will be located in "build/libs/"

Recommended ffmpeg options for timelapse

If you wish to make a timelapse from this programs output, here is an ffmpeg command that I recommend (for 5424x5424px), change the bitrate (-b:v) as needed.

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -b:v 20MB -maxrate 20MB -bufsize 100MB video.mp4


Downloads images from NOAA's GOES (GOES-16, GOES-17) satellite.







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