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Dinner 55

Full Stack website simulating Diner server to kitchen ordering - Utilizing MVC Architecture


This full stack web site simulates as food diner server to kitchen order interactions. New orders can be entered and move to the kitchen queue being presented as "ready for pickup". When pick up button is clicked the order moves to the server order list. From the servered order list an order can be closed out and deleted. CRUD operations manage the order entry, retrieval, state change and deletion. MySQL database persist the data; it is loaded and presented on page load. The site is hosted on Heroku.

Front-End Technology

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Handlebars, and Bootstrap

Back-End Technology

  • MVC architecture, Node.js, Express.js, mySQL, JavaScript, JQuery, NPM packages (express, express-handlebars, mysql, path), API routes, Heroku



Screen Captures:

home page


Validation example


Getting Started

Native and NPM Packages Used

  1. express - for interactive command line response
  2. express-handlebars for view templating
  3. mysql - for database connectivity
  4. path - for absolute and relative path resolution


  • none -


  • none necessary - use link to page deployed on Heroku

Executing program

  • enter new orders
  • move orders from kitchen (top) to served (bottom) by clicking "Pick Up Ready"
  • delete served orders by clicking "Close Out Order"

Possible Enhancements

  • the select server drop down on Order Entry form is populated by a client side

    AJAX route call. Add this into the MVC structure and populate as a handlebars partial

    via a MVC controller to model call instead.


Myles Carey

Version History

  • 1.0 - Initial Release



Thanks to beta testers - my 15yo & 17yo daughters and wife

Thanks for photograph via unsplash photographer : Spencer Davis