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Astro with Tailwind on Github Pages

  1. In Github go to Settings > Developer settings > Personal Access tokens. Generate a new token with Repo permissions.

  2. In the astro project repo, go to Settings > Secrets and add your new personal access token with the name API_TOKEN_GITHUB.

  3. Set Github Pages to branch gh-pages

  4. Change to your Github Pages URL

    in astro.config.mjs

    export default {
    buildOptions: {
      site: '',
  5. Reference with

    in /src/pages/index.astro (line 8)

    const Css = + "/global.css";

    in /src/pages/index.astro (line 19)

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href={Css} />
  6. Add scripts in package.json to generate TailwindCSS and reference it after build time

    in package.json

    "scripts": {
      "start": "astro dev",
      "build": "astro build",
      "css": "npx tailwindcss -o dist/global.css"

    in .github/workflows/deploy.yml

    - name: Build
          run: |
            npm run build
            touch ./dist/.nojekyll
            npm run css