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Set Hallstrom edited this page Nov 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

To create a new Mastodon Bee, go into the hive tab and press the "New Bee" button in the Mastodon hive square. (Clicking the square will take you to an explanation of the service)

Create New bee

Enter a name and a description for your Bee. It's a good idea to write a detailed description, because once you start accumulating Bees it might get confusing otherwise.

In the settings of Bees you need to provide information about your mastodon account. Some of it you already have, other you will need to find within your mastodon account.

The information you already have is the following:


This is the URL of the mastodon instance you are using, including the protocol (https://) i.e. "" (Be sure your instance user terms permits the usage of bots and/or if you plan to send the same messages to another service, verify how they look upon cross-posting)

User account email

This is the email you use to sign in to Mastodon account

User account password

This is the password you use to sign in to your Mastodon account. This value will be stored in your config file in plaintext, so be sure your Beehive is running somewhere safe.

Warning: If like any reasonable person you are using a password manager, make sure your password does not contain any characters that can mess up the JSON of your config file, such as ],{,} or [. The best is to only use letters and numbers.

The information you need to find out on Mastodon.

Log in to your mastodon account and head for "Settings". Under "Development", you will find a button called "New Application". Click it.

Give the Application a name and make sure hit has permission to read, write and follow and click "Submit".

You will now see your newly created application in the list. Click on the link. In the first part of this page you see your key, Client secret, and access token.


This is called the "Client key" in mastodon. Copy the string of random characters from mastodon to your bee's field labeled "Client id for the mastodon client"


This is also called "Client Secret" in mastodon. Copy the string of random characters from mastodon to your bee's field labeled "Client secret for the mastodon client"

Click "Create Bee"

VOILA! Your Mastodon Bee is all set up! \o/ You can go a head and create chain with it!