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GCP Marketplace solution for MOSTLY AI Synthetic Data Platform

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With MOSTLY AI Platform, you can generate synthetic data that is highly accurate, protects the private information of your data subjects, and retains the statistical characteristics of your original data.

Learn more.


Architecture diagram

MOSTLY AI runs as a set of containerized applications and services that you can deploy in a Kubernetes cluster and maintain a fault-tolerant and highly available application.

Application Nodes

Pod and image name Description Pod Lifecycle
Web frontend mostly-ui mostly-app-ui Contains the frontend of MOSTLY AI. Reachable over port 8080. Service
Backend mostly-app mostly-app-enterprise Contains the backend and public APIs of MOSTLY AI. Service
Coordinator Service mostly-coordinator mostly-coordinator Component that takes all requests from the web application and coordinates execution of tasks on the main AI engine. Service
Data mostly-data mostly-data Component that reads metadata and analyzes data sources and destinations. Service
Keycloak mostly-keycloak mostly-keycloak Keycloak is an open-source identity management, authentication, and authorization tool. This container has a pre-configured Keycloak instance for MOSTLY AI. Service
PostgreSQL mostly-psql postgres Database instance of the system. Contains databases for app, coordinator, and Keycloak. Service
Rabbit MQ mostly-rabbitmq rabbitmq Message queue handling communications between the AI engine and the application. Service

AI Worker nodes

Pod and image name Description Pod Lifecycle
Task agent job agent‑<task‑id> mostly-agent Job that runs the steps to synthesize data. Job
Data job engine‑step‑<step‑id> mostly-data Component that reads from data sources and writes into data destinations. Job
AI job engine-step- mostly-engine-v2 The main engine component, which does the AI training and data generation. Job
QA job engine-step- mostly-qa Engine component, which creates the Quality Assurance report for privacy and accuracy of the generated data versus the original data. Job


Quick install with Google Cloud Marketplace

Get up and running with a few clicks! Install this mostly-ai app to a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster using Google Cloud Marketplace. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Command line instructions

You can use Google Cloud Shell or a local workstation to complete the steps below.

Open in Cloud Shell


Set up command-line tools

You'll need the following tools in your development environment. If you are using Cloud Shell, gcloud, kubectl, Docker and Git are installed in your environment by default.

Configure gcloud as a Docker credential helper:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Enable the required APIs

Enable the Artifact Registry and Google Kubernetes Engine APIs: Enable the APIs

Enable the Cloud Filestore API and the Google Kubernetes Engine API. Enable the APIs

Create a new Google Kubernetes Engine cluster from the command line:

Note that we will create the cluster in Frankfurt region europe-west3-a with initially 2 nodes of type c2d-highcpu-8 which is a compute-optimized machine family that has 8 vCPUs and 8GB memory per node. We need at least two nodes to afford the application workloads. However, this can be managed via the gcloud command reference in this link.

Besides, another node pool will be needed for the Kubernetes worker jobs, it's recommended that each node should have 16 vCPUs and 32GB memory, so the c2d-highcpu-16 node type will be used. This node will have a desired/minimum size of 2 nodes, and a maximum of 10, with nodes auto-scaler enabled. The mostly_worker=yes label has also to be added for worker jobs to start properly.

# Set the below environment variables
export CLUSTER=mostly-ai-cluster
export ZONE=europe-west3-a
export DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE=c2d-highcpu-8
export WORKER_NODE_TYPE=c2d-highcpu-16

# Provision the GKE cluster
gcloud container clusters create "$CLUSTER" \
--machine-type="$DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE" \
--num-nodes="$DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT" \
--addons=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver \
--autoprovisioning-network-tags=healthcheck \
--zone "$ZONE"

# Create a new node pool for wroker K8s jobs
gcloud container node-pools create \
workers-node-pool --cluster="$CLUSTER" \
--machine-type="$WORKER_NODE_TYPE" --enable-autoscaling \
--num-nodes="$WORKER_NODE_COUNT" --min-nodes="$WORKER_NODE_COUNT" --max-nodes="$WORKER_NODE_MAX_COUNT" \
--node-labels=mostly_worker=yes --zone "$ZONE"

Create a new firewall rule to allow the traffic from a couple of GCP IP ranges specified as health checks sources as in the below command.

Note that the node network tag healthcheck that was used in the above cluster create command MUST match the one in the firewall rule below.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check-and-proxy \
   --network=default \
   --action=allow \
   --direction=ingress \
   --target-tags=healthcheck \
   --source-ranges=, \

Configure kubectl to connect to the new cluster from your computer:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"

Clone this repo

Clone this repo and the associated tools repo.

git clone --recursive

Install the application resource definition

An Application resource is a collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, and so on, that you can manage as a group.

To set up your cluster to understand Application resources, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f ""

You need to run this command once.

The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on

Install the Application

Configure the app with environment variables

Configure the container images:

Mostly AI Helm Chart has many components, each one has its own Docker image. Therefore, you have to update the image tags according to the release that you wish to deploy.

For example: for the v113 release, the below image tags will be used:

export APP_TAG=113.8.0
export UI_TAG=113.8.0
export UI_DOCS_TAG=113.8.0
export DATA_TAG=113.8.0
export COORDINATOR_TAG=113.8.0
export KEYCLOAK_TAG=113.8.0

Configure other application variables:

Below are some other essential variables that need to be set before installing the Helm Chart:

export CHART_NAME=mostly-ai
export NAMESPACE=mostlyai

Expand the manifest template

Use helm template to expand the template

cd gcp-marketplace
helm template "${CHART_NAME}" chart/mostly-ai \
  --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
  --set APP.image.tag="${APP_TAG}" \
  --set APP.manualDeployment=true \
  --set UI.image.tag="${UI_TAG}" \
  --set UI.imageInit.tag="${UI_DOCS_TAG}" \
  --set DATA.image.tag="${DATA_TAG}" \
  --set CORDINATOR.image.tag="${COORDINATOR_TAG}" \
  --set KEYCLOAK.image.tag="${KEYCLOAK_TAG}" \
  --set domain="${DOMAIN_NAME}" \
  --set nginx.namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
  --set ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/cors-allow-origin"="https://*.${DOMAIN_NAME}"

Apply the manifest to your Kubernetes cluster

Use kubectl to apply the manifest to your Kubernetes cluster:

cd gcp-marketplace
helm upgrade --install "${CHART_NAME}" chart/mostly-ai \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
  --set APP.image.tag="${APP_TAG}" \
  --set APP.manualDeployment=true \
  --set UI.image.tag="${UI_TAG}" \
  --set UI.imageInit.tag="${UI_DOCS_TAG}" \
  --set DATA.image.tag="${DATA_TAG}" \
  --set CORDINATOR.image.tag="${COORDINATOR_TAG}" \
  --set KEYCLOAK.image.tag="${KEYCLOAK_TAG}" \
  --set domain="${DOMAIN_NAME}" \
  --set nginx.namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \
  --set ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/cors-allow-origin"="https://*.${DOMAIN_NAME}"

Install the Cluster Issuer (Let's Encrypt Prod)

This will automatically generate and renew free certificates automatically using cert--manager, which is deployed as a part of the Helm chart. All you need to do after deploying the cluster issuer is to obtain the Nginx ingress controller public IP address, configure it in your DNS system, and cert-manager/Let's Encrypt will take care of the rest

# Install the Cluster Issuer (Let's Encrypt Prod)
cd gcp-marketplace/resources/manifest
kubectl apply -f cluster-issuer.yaml

Obtain the Public IP address created for Nginx Ingress so that it can be created for the domain name in the DNS system:

kubectl get svc ingress-nginx-controller --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Note down the public IP address; as it will be needed in the next step.

Create the DNS record for your domain

One last step is to take note of the new Static IP address (created in the previous step), and create a new DNS A record in your DNS system, with a value of the domain name that will be used in the Network Load Balancer for Mostly AI app.

For example: if the domain that you will use for Mostly AI app is:, and the static IP address that got created in the previous step is:, then you've to create a new A record as shown below:

  • Log into your DNS system.
  • Navigate to the desired domain name, in this case:
  • Create a new A record as below:
    • Name: mostly
    • Value (IPv4 address):
    • Type: A
    • TTL: 300

Check the status of the mostly-ai cluster

If your deployment is successful, you can check the status of your cluster using the following commands.

# Get a list of all pods
kubectl get pods -n "${NAMESPACE}"

# Get logs from specific pod - Below is a list of all available pods labels
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "app=mostly-app" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
kubectl logs "$POD_NAME" -n "${NAMESPACE}"

# Same for pod description
kubectl describe pod "$POD_NAME" -n "${NAMESPACE}"

Deployment labels are:

  • mostly-app: app=mostly-app
  • mostly-ui: app=mostly-ui
  • mostly-data: app=mostly-data
  • mostly-psql: app=mostly-psql
  • mostly-rabbitmq: app=mostly-rabbitmq
  • mostly-coordinator: app=mostly-coordinator

Connecting to mostly-ai application:

You can connect to the mostly-ai application using the domain name used in the environment variable during the application deployment using Helm.

You can check the Network Load Balancer that got created by the GCE Ingress resource in the Load Balancing, where you will find:

  • The Frontend configuration:

    • TPC Protocol
    • The Public static IP address that was created with Nginx Ingress deployment
    • Premium network tier
  • Backend configuration:

    • List of Backend services, including the GKE nodes and their health status
    • There are also some other options like: Endpoint protocol, Timeout, Logging...etc.

Using your own domain certificate

In case you already have a corporate self-managed domain certificate and don't want to use cert-manager to automatiically generate/renew the domian certificates, then you can follow the below steps to integrate it with Nginx ingress resource:

  • Navigate to the directory where you have the certificate and the private key, and create them as a kubernetes secret:
    kubectl create secret -n "${NAMESPACE}" tls domain-cert --cert=fullchain.pem --key=privkey.pem
  • Remove the annotation in the chart/mostly-ai/values.yaml file (line 35).
  • Make sure that the secret name matches the name that is defined in the ingress resource (in the chart/mostly-ai/templates/mostly-app-ingress.yaml, under: tls > hosts > secretName)

Scaling mostly-ai application

Scaling the cluster up

By default, the mostly-ai application is deployed using 1 replica.

To scale the target deployment, increase its replic count in the Helm chart values file, or set it as a variable like we did before:

For example, to increase the mostly-app pod from the default of 1 replica to 3 replicas, use this helm command flag: --set APP.replicasCount=3. The full Helm command is:

helm upgrade --install "${CHART_NAME}" chart/mostly-ai \
  --create-namespace \
  --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" \
  --set APP.image.tag="${APP_TAG}" \
  --set UI.image.tag="${UI_TAG}" \
  --set UI.imageInit.tag="${UI_DOCS_TAG}" \
  --set DATA.image.tag="${DATA_TAG}" \
  --set CORDINATOR.image.tag="${COORDINATOR_TAG}" \
  --set KEYCLOAK.image.tag="${KEYCLOAK_TAG}" \
  --set domain="${DOMAIN_NAME}" \
  --set ingress.annotations."nginx\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/cors-allow-origin"="https://*.${DOMAIN_NAME}" \
  --set APP.replicasCount=3 \

Other pods can be scaled using the same way:


Note that you can always use tha above helm upgrade --install command to modify/update your chart.

Uninstall the Application

Using the Google Cloud Platform Console

  1. In the GCP Console, open Kubernetes Applications.

  2. From the list of applications, click mostly-ai.

  3. On the Application Details page, click Delete.

Using the command line

Prepare the environment

Set your installation name and Kubernetes namespace:

export CHART_NAME=mostly-ai-1
export NAMESPACE=mostlyai

Delete the resources

Run helm command to uninstall the chart:

helm uninstall "${CHART_NAME}" --namespace "${NAMESPACE}"

Delete the namespace

You can also delete the namespace werre the application was created to make sure that you have completely cleaned up all related resources:

kubectl delete ns "${NAMESPACE}"

Delete the GKE cluster

Optionally, if you don't need the deployed application or the GKE cluster, delete the cluster using this command:

gcloud container clusters delete "$CLUSTER" --zone "$ZONE"


GCP Marketplace solution for MOSTLY AI Synthetic Data Platform






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