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Shape-constrained unfolding

Matlab code for the paper M. Kuusela and P. B. Stark (2017), Shape-constrained uncertainty quantification in unfolding steeply falling elementary particle spectra, arXiv:1512.00905 [stat.AP], to appear in the Annals of Applied Statistics.

Tested on Matlab R2014a. Requires the Optimization Toolbox and the Curve Fitting Toolbox.

Note: The interior-point algorithm in linprog and the SQP algorithm in fmincon were changed in Matlab R2015b and R2016b, respectively. The present code may not be fully compatible with the new solvers, but should work with the legacy implementations of these algorithms.

Uses the following external functions: parfor_progress, subplot_tight and dashline


Main files

File Description
coverageTable.m Produces Table 1 in the paper
generateDataFlat.m Generates the data for the constant spectrum
generateDataIncJets.m Generates the data for the inclusive jet case study
generateDataLinear.m Generates the data for the linearly decreasing spectrum
plotFlat.m Plots strict bounds intervals for the constant spectrum
plotLinear.m Plots strict bounds intervals for the linearly decreasing spectrum
plotPaper.m Produces the figures for the paper
splineDemo.m Shape-constrained spline fit, used only for the demo in Figure 1
unfoldDAgostini.m D'Agostini iteration
unfoldDAgostiniCVVar.m D'Agostini iteration with weighted cross-validation
unfoldFlatStrictBounds.m Shape-constrained strict bounds for the constant spectrum
unfoldFlatStrictBoundsCoverage.m Coverage study of shape-constrained strict bounds for the constant spectrum
unfoldIncJetsDAgostiniCoverage.m Coverage study for D'Agostini with fixed stopping point
unfoldIncJetsDAgostiniCoverageCVVar.m Coverage study for D'Agostini when the stopping point is chosen using weighted cross-validation
unfoldIncJetsSVDCoverage.m Coverage study for SVD unfolding with fixed regularization strength
unfoldIncJetsSVDCoverageCVVar.m Coverage study for SVD unfolding when the regularization strength is chosen using weighted cross-validation
unfoldIncJetsStrictBounds.m Shape-constrained strict bounds for the inclusive jet pT spectrum
unfoldIncJetsStrictBoundsCoverage.m Coverage study of shape-constrained strict bounds for the inclusive jet pT spectrum
unfoldIncJetsStrictBoundsInit.m Precomputation for the strict bounds, needs to be run before the other strict bounds scripts
unfoldLinearStrictBounds.m Shape-constrained strict bounds for the linearly decreasing spectrum
unfoldLinearStrictBoundsCoverage.m Coverage study of shape-constrained strict bounds for the linearly decreasing spectrum
unfoldSVD.m SVD unfolding
unfoldStrictBounds.m Unfolded confidence intervals using shape-constrained strict bounds
unfoldStrictBoundsNoConOc.m As above, but omits computing the conservatively discretized convex intervals

Helper files

File Description
CVVarObjectiveSVD.m Weighted cross-validation objective function for SVD
computeBetaInit.m Computes starting point for the spline fit
constraintConLbTaylor2.m Nonlinear constraints for the convex lower bound
constraintConUbTaylor2.m Nonlinear constraints for the convex upper bound
funCon.m Objective function for fmincon
incJetsTheory.m The true inclusive jet pT spectrum
logLikelihood.m Log-likelihood for the spline fit
makeFeasible.m Adjusts the solution iteratively to make it feasible
unfoldDAgostiniOneIter.m One iteration of D'Agostini


Directory Description
data Simulated datasets, generated using generateData*.m
figures Figures for the paper, produced using plotPaper.m
results Saved results from running the scripts

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Mikael Kuusela and Philip B. Stark


Code for the shape-constrained unfolding paper






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