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239 lines (162 loc) · 10.7 KB


NuGet NuGet License: MIT Build Status


Visualizes your BenchmarkDotNet benchmarks to Colorful images and Feature-rich HTML (and maybe powerful charts in the future!)

Dark Theme:

for, foreach, ForEach() Benchmark - Dark Theme

Light Theme:

for, foreach, ForEach() Benchmark - Light Theme

A Real World Demo (.NET Collections Benchmark 🚀)

A Comprehensive Performance Comparison Benchmark Between Different .NET Collections.

Getting Started

1. Install Package

PM> Install-Package BenchmarkDotNetVisualizer

2. Using Methods (Recommended)


  • SaveAsImageAsync()
  • SaveAsHtmlAsync()
  • SaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync()


var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<JsonSerializersBenchmark>(); //Prefer to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner

var htmlPath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Benchmark-Dark.html");

var imgPath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Benchmark-Dark.png");

var options = new ReportHtmlOptions
    Title = "Json Serializers Benchmark",
    GroupByColumns = ["Method"],                          // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
    SpectrumColumns = ["Mean", "Allocated"],              // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum
    DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.EmptyDividerRow, // Separates tables by Empty Divider Row
    HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.Simple,           // Uses simple HTML table
    Theme = Theme.Dark                                    // Optional (Default is Dark)

await summary.SaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(htmlPath, imgPath, options);

Note: Use BenchmarkAutoRunner to Run your benchmarks

Prefer to use BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run() instead of BenchmarkRunner.Run() to run your benchmarks. BenchmarkAutoRunner is similar to BenchmarkRunner, but is Smarter!

// Instead of 

Output HTML:

Visit this HTML page at samples/JsonSerializersBenchmark/Reports/Benchmark-Dark.html

Output Image:

Json Serializers Benchmark

3. Or Using Exporters

Note: prefer to use previous (recommended) methods.


  • [RichImageExporter]
  • [RichHtmlExporter]


BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<JsonSerializersBenchmark>(); //Prefer to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner

//Export to colorful image
    title: "Json Serializers Benchmark", 
    groupByColumns: ["Method"],             // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
    spectrumColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"], // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum and Sorts the result by them 
    //format: ImageFormat.Webp or Jpeg      // You can set image format (Default is ImageFormat.Png)
    //theme: Theme.Dark                     // Optional (Default is Dark)

//Export to feature-rich HTML
    title: "Json Serializers Benchmark", 
    groupByColumns: ["Method"],             // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
    spectrumColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"]  // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum and Sorts the result by them 
    //sortByColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"]  // You can also sort by other columns as you wish
    //theme: Theme.Dark                     // Optional (Default is Dark)

[MemoryDiagnoser(displayGenColumns: false)] // Displays Allocated column (without GC per Generation columns (Gen 0, Gen 1, Gen 2) due to false option)
public class JsonSerializersBenchmark { ... }


To see the results, navigate to the following path:


For Example:

  • MyBenchmark\bin\Release\net8.0\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\results\Benchmark-report-rich.png
  • MyBenchmark\bin\Release\net8.0\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\results\Benchmark-report-rich.html

Using JoinReports method to Join and Pivot your reports


Performance benchmark between for, foreach, and ForEach() in different versions of .NET

Pivot by Method column

var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<IterationBenchmark>(); //Prefer to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner

var htmlPath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method-Dark.html");

var imagePath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method-Dark.png");

var options = new JoinReportHtmlOptions
    Title = "Performance Comparison between for, foreach, and ForEach() method",
    MainColumn = "Runtime",
    GroupByColumns = ["Categories", "Length"],           // Groups by column 'Categories' and 'Length'
    PivotColumn = "Method",                              // Pivot 'Method' column per value of 'Mean'
    StatisticColumns = ["Mean"],                         // Colorizes 'Mean' columns as Spectrum
    ColumnsOrder = ["for", "foreach", "ForEach()"],      // Order of columns
    DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.SeparateTables, // Separates tables by Grouping by 'GroupByColumns'
    HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.RichDataTables,  // Uses feature-rich plugin
    Theme = Theme.Dark                                   // Optional (Default is Dark)

await summary.JoinReportsAndSaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(htmlPath, imagePath, options);

Output HTML:

Visit this HTML page at samples/IterationBenchmark/Reports/JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method-Dark.html

Output Image:

Iteration Benchmark

Pivot by .NET Runtime column

var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<IterationBenchmark>(); //Prefer to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner

var htmlPath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime-Dark.html");

var imagePath = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime-Dark.png");

var options = new JoinReportHtmlOptions
    Title = "Performance Comparison between for, foreach, and ForEach() method",
    MainColumn = "Method",
    GroupByColumns = ["Categories", "Length"],           // Groups by column 'Categories' and 'Length'
    PivotColumn = "Runtime",                             // Pivot 'Runtime' column per value of 'Mean'
    StatisticColumns = ["Mean"],                         // Colorizes 'Mean' columns as Spectrum
    ColumnsOrder = [".NET Core 3.0", ".NET Core 3.1", ".NET 5.0", ".NET 6.0", ".NET 7.0", ".NET 8.0"], //Order of columns
    DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.SeparateTables, // Separates tables by Grouping by 'GroupByColumns'
    HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.RichDataTables,  // Uses feature-rich plugin
    Theme = Theme.Dark                                   // Optional (Default is Dark)

await summary.JoinReportsAndSaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(htmlPath, imagePath, options);

Output HTML:

Visit this HTML page at samples/IterationBenchmark/Reports/JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime-Dark.html

Output Image:

Iteration Benchmark


  • Chart Visualization


Create an issue if you find a BUG or have a Suggestion or Question.

If you want to develop this project :

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

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If you find this repository useful and like it, why not give it a star? if not, never mind! :)


Copyright © 2024 Mohammad Javad Ebrahimi under the MIT License.