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The web component toolbox for any CMS but particularly used for Web Components + Umbraco === Mutobo



Component generation:

  • To generate a new plain component use: npm run make

Component Rules:

  • Components should share their breakpoint with children.
  • A component directly requiring web components as children has to customElement define those, if not already defined. To do this, use fetchModules. See more at Shadow.js.
  • A component triggers the rendering at the connected callback and must check, if it should render before doing so, to avoid multiple rendering.
  • Add event listeners at the connected callback and remove them at the disconnected callback.

Event Driven Rules:

  • A controller must not query-select nor output any css or html. The communication must be strictly through events.
  • The only data, which can be passed between components except of events, is in case of a parent with child web components, through the constructor or attributes at creation time.

JS Rules:

  • use as little JS as possible. First think, if your problem could be solved with CSS before using JS.
  • run the linter from time to time.
  • use as much jsdocs annotations as possible.
  • for nice appearance use this.hidden boolean. See more at Shadow.js.
  • added event listeners must be timely removed. This means calling addEventListener should not be async especially if the event target is outside of the web component.

CSS Rules:

  • no double dashes in css selectors or within variables NO:(tile--stuff) or (--var-hi--stuff) [Note: Shadow.js cssNamespaceToVar function does select on double dashes]
  • no inline style tags / styles with css properties outside of a web component or a template which is loaded by a web component (allowed are only inline style tags with css variable settings)
  • mobile font-size should not be smaller than 1rem
  • no absolute CSS values like px except for borders. Everything has to be relative eg. em, vw, vh, etc.
  • variablesCustom.css has to be kept as tiny as possible
  • use templates instead of namespace-fallback
  • each template must have a local preview
  • ONE breakpoint strategy!
  • use _max-width_ for "@media only screen and (max-width:" selector
  • use _import-meta-url_ for all urls (!important, pass option "importMetaUrl: import.meta.url" to Shadow.js in the constructor to have the viewpoint of the Class inheriting Shadow.js) / Example NewsPreview.js
  • sort css properties and variables alphabetically
  • variables naming rule: --{selector aka component aka namespace}-{css property}-{pseudo class or media query name} eg. --p-background-color-hover
  • within the component don't use any name spacing eg. component header don't use --header-default-color just use --color the namespace can be added by the Shadow as an html attribute
  • avoid overly use of reassigning / overwrite variables
  • the default transition is: 0.3s ease-out

HTML/CSS Tooling:

  • vscode extensions: es6-string-html & es6-string-css

Master Branch locked 🙌

Checklist for each component:

  • Note date of cleaning/overhaul, fix comments, fix all type/file errors of red highlighted files, + ("return Promise.resolve" to async function)
  • Transform mouseEventElement (mouseover|mouseout) hover on parent to prototype Hover.js class
  • Remove fetchCSS.then replace and use replaces property
  • Split the Template Switch/Case into a separate function, that it can be overwritten by components which extend it
  • Change the loadChildComponents function to use the Shadow.js fetchModules
  • transform all import.meta.url.replace(/(./)(.)$/, '$1') to this.importMetaUrl