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Example User Test

Violet Forest edited this page Apr 13, 2021 · 6 revisions


Users of prosthesis usually sit with their doctor to have some time to learn how to use their new prosthesis. In the situation of our app, users will most likely stumble upon it or hear about it through a friend, and work with someone to have it printed. For the sake of the testing, we will give them instructions of how to use the app. This will be their “doctor office visit” to learn how to use the app. In the real world, users would be directed a user manual on the website.


Coming from a user who has read our website and downloaded the app on their own and built their hand with someone’s help, we want to assess how well the user understands the UI interface with little introduction and the user-friendliness of using the app with the hand. We will also find out the accuracy of how well the grips function, and how the user could intend to use the app in their own life.


We will guide you through how to use the app with the hand, and give you a couple of minutes to get used to it. Once you feel comfortable, please go through the series of activities in the list to pick up. We are curious to see how you would maneuver these tasks with little help, but you can always ask us for help if you need.

User Manual / Guide

"This app connects with bluetooth. the name of the hand is “Brunel Hand”."

How to Pick up a cup

  • Hit record, then hold the grip until the timer runs out
  • You can choose 5s, 10s, 20s, infinite for timer
  • Only thumb, index, middle, ring fingers can be recorded
  • Try to face hand to phone camera, use hand points as feedback
  • Explain thumb movement and degrees of freedom/rotation
  • Explain how to freeze thumb with button for more control. This is done in a two-step process. First you record the thumb, let timer run out, then click to save. Then you can record the rest of the fingers

How to Release an object:

Hold button

Button functionality

*Freeze Thumb / Unfreeze thumb (toggle) *(Quick Single click)

  • How to save current grip

  • (Quick Double click)

  • How to load saved grip

  • (Quick Triple click)

Success Metrics

  • What percentage of the user base would be open to keep trying it at home?
  • Can the user successfully pick up the objects with fist and hook grip?
  • Can the user successfully pick up the objects with pinch and tripod grip?


  • What do you think? (Why/What/When/Where/How?)
  • What did you think about the button?
  • What did you think about the thumb control?
  • Would you rather the thumb have a freeze option or have the thumb toggle in and out?
  • What did you think about the timer?
  • What is the number one thing that could be improved?
  • Would you prefer this app to be on your phone or embedded into your prosthesis?
  • If this were available now, would you be willing to take this home and incorporate this into your routine?
  • How much time would you be willing to take to set this up?
  • How do you think this app could integrate with your existing prosthesis?

Guidelines for Development and Design

User Test Documentation

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