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Tutorial: Create a personal website with Quarto

Repository structure

  • /docs: Includes website rendered with Quarto.
  • .gitignore: Files that will be ignored when pushing with Git.
  • .nojekyll: Empty file indicating GitHub Pages not to use Jekyll to generate website.
  • Readme file you are currently reading.
  • _quarto.yml: Quarto config file providing website options and defaults for rendering the HTML documents.
  • favicon.png: Image for the favicon that should be used (small image in front of website name in browser tabs; also used for bookmarks).
  • index.qmd: Quarto Markdown file containing the website content.
  • profile.jpg: Profile picture displayed on side.

Step 1: Fork and rename this GitHub repository

Fork this GitHub repository and rename your repository to ''. As an example, my username is 'mikediessner' and the repository is named ''. This domain is unique to your GitHub account and you can use it for free.

Step 2: Install Quarto

The website is rendered with Quarto. You can download Quarto from here. For a tutorial on publishing a website with Quarto see this guide.

Step 3: Update _quarto.yml

In the website section, update title with your name, i.e. "FirstName SirName". I chose to display the navigation bar (social media links, etc.) on the top right and let it feature links to my GitHub, Google Scholar, Twitter, LinkedIn, and e-mail. Note: I removed Twitter but you can uncomment it and update to use it yourself.

Step 4: Update index.qmd

The main content of the website is in the index.qmd file. You can use basic markdown syntax (see this primer). You can also delete existing and add new sections. I've included some icons for each section to give the website some colour. You can find more icons here.

Step 5: Upload profile picture and favicon

Swap profile.jpg with one of your pictures. If you choose a different file name, make sure to also update the name in the 'About section' in the index.qmd file.

By default the favicon (your website's icon in your browser) is a :laptop:. You can create you own favicon and substitute it for favicon.png. I made the favicon with, a free service that does not require an account. If you choose a different name or file extension, make sure to also update the name in the website section in the _quarto.yml file.

Step 6: Preview and render html

Right now the website is in the Quarto format. You can preview how the final website will look by typing quarto preview into the terminal (you have to be in the directory of your _quarto.yml file). When you are happy with your website, you can render it (turn into html) by typing quarto render into the terminal.

Step 7: Push to remote repository

Once you rendered the website, add, commit and push your changes to your remote GitHub repository.

Step 8: Enable GitHub Pages

In your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Pages and make sure that under 'Branch' main and /docs are selected. After you saved your changes the website sould appear under ''.

Enjoy your new website! 🎉