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Definition of Done

Charles Zipp edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 7 revisions

This page documents what is expected to be completed for each story/issue for it to be considered done.

  1. Code changes reviewed
  2. Existing documentation is updated (readme, .md's, and/or wiki pages)
  3. New documentation needed to support the change is created
  4. Code changes checked into master
  5. Testing is automated (todo: add in explanation... prove in automated way that the story meets acceptance criteria)
  6. All existing automated tests (unit and/or e2e) pass successfully
  7. Build and deployment of change is automated
  8. Build completes successfully
  9. Deployment completes successfully
  10. Smoke test production deployment (todo: clarify if this is demo env to demonstrate project capabilities)

todo: add more detailed explanation of whats expected in each bullet item

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