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Automatic data extraction scripts for Plexe-Veins result files

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Plexe data extraction scripts

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This project includes a set of scripts and configuration files to automatically extract data from result files obtained through Plexe/Veins/OMNeT++ simulations.

The software works for OMNeT++ versions 5 and 6. It automatically detects the OMNeT++ version, and it uses the OMNeT++ R library for version 5 and the OMNeT++ python library for version 6. The reason for keeping both is that the R library has been abandoned by the OMNeT developers in favor of the python library provided with OMNeT++ 6. The python library, however, does not support the old vector file format.

Before trying to run the scripts please make sure you have the following software installed:

  • python
  • make
  • OMNeT++
  • R
  • reshape2 and data.table packages for R
  • configparser, pandas, scipy, and matplotlib libraries for python

The root folder of this repository should be inside your PATH. If you are using Plexe, then these scripts are already provided within the bin folder of the Plexe codebase and added to the PATH using source setenv (see Plexe documentation). If you use this softare standalone, then you manually need to add the root folder to the PATH.

The folder includes the following files that you are required to use:

  • what you're just reading
  • a python script that generates the Makefile that will automatically perform data extraction for you
  • parse-config: this is a config file that you need to modify to tell what you want to process and how. More details later
  • map-config: this is a config file that dictates the mapping between the parameters in the file name of your result files and the name you want to assign to those parameters in the post-processed R data file. More details later
  • omnetpp_0.7-1.tar.gz: this is the omnetpp R package that is needed to read OMNeT++ result files from within R. This is only needed if you are using OMNeT++ version 5. CAREFUL: this is NOT the version you find online, but a version modified by me to re-introduce some features that were removed by the original authors. If you have the online version, please make sure to remove it and install this version by typing

R CMD INSTALL omnetpp_0.7-1.tar.gz

on your command line

Other files:

  • r.tar.bz2: this is an archive with some OMNeT++ result files that you can use to test how the script works. You might want to untar that with

    tar xf r.tar.bz2

    to obtain the two .vec files Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.vec and Protocols_2_200_1_1_160_1_9.vec.

  • generic-parser.R: utility script (used for OMNeT++ version 5)

  • utility script (used for OMNeT++ version 6)

  • generic-parsing-util.R: utility script (user for OMNeT++ version 5)

  • merge.R: utility script

  • omnet_helpers.R: utility script (used for OMNeT++ version 5)

  • csv-to-rdata.R: utility script (used for OMNeT++ version 6)


The working principle of the script is the following. First, by using, you generate a Makefile, which you can use to extract the data from your .vec files. The idea is that you have one .vec file for each simulation you ran, but from each .vec file you might extract different information you are interested in. For example, if you ran a vehicular networking simulation, you might have logged mobility data as well as networking data, and you might want to extract that data into separate files to perform your post processing and then to draw your plots. By specifying some information within parse-config and map-config, you tell the script what you want to extract and from where. The script then generates a Makefile with several targets, one per each "type" of information you want to extract. Finally, by just typing make in your terminal, all the data you want will be automatically extracted and put into some .Rdata files. Notice that this script DOES NOT perform post-processing. Post-processing and plotting are two tasks that you will need to perform on your own depending on what you are working on and what you want to obtain. This script, however, eases the bothering data extraction procedure.


The required steps are the following:

  1. Edit map-config to let the scripts know what you want to extract and how to map the parameters in the file name. Inside map-config you find several sections (marked with []), which define, for each set of information you want to extract, how to extract that. In particular, you have the following fields:

    • module: this defines from which OMNeT++ modules you want to take the data. In the sample, you find scenario.node[*].prot. If you want to be sure, look inside your .vec file. For example, look at line 31 within Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.vec

    • names: this is a comma-separated (no spaces) list of fields you want to extract. These are the names you specified with the setName() method of your cOutVector. For example, by specifying nodeId,busyTime,collisions you tell the script that in your output file you want tuples with the id of the node, the channel busy time, and the number of collisions. Notice that for this to work, each tuple of values MUST have been logged during a single event.

    • <numbers>: numbers (like 6 = nCars) specify the mapping of parameters in the .vec file name. For example, if you take the following .vec filename


      and the following mapping

      6 = nCars

      8 = runNumber

      it tells the script that the sixth component (underscore-separated) of the filename needs to be called nCars (the number of cars in the simulation) and the eight needs to be called runNumber (the simulation repetition). Every unspecified parameter will not be mapped.

    Other mappings in the config can inherit from previously defined mappings. For example, in the sample map-config file you find


    inherit = default

    names = leaderDelayId,leaderDelay

    meaning that the mapping should inherit all the parameters of the default config, but "names" (the data you want to extract) should be different.

  2. Edit parse-config to tell the script how to parse the result files. As for the map-config, the parse-config file is divided in sections. First, you have a DEFAULT section where you can define variables. For example, if you have a single map-config file for all your configs, you can just define the variable

    file = map-config

    and recall it afterwards using %(file)s. Then you have a params section that, for the time being, only includes the resdir parameter, telling the script where your .vec files are located. Finally, you have several config sections, one per each kind of information you want to extract. The parameters you have in a config are:

    • config (e.g., config = Protocols): this is the config name of you simulation defined in omnetpp.ini. This is used to find all the files belonging to that config. This means that the file name of every .vec file you want to process must start with "Protocols_".
    • prefix (e.g., prefix = pbc): each .vec file will be parsed according to the specified rules and the result will be stored in an .Rdata file. For example, if the script parses the Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.vec file and you specify pbc to be the prefix, the output file will be named pbc.Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.Rdata.
    • out (e.g., out = ProtocolsBusyCollisions): if you decide to merge all your results in a single file (see later how), they will be merged in an .Rdata file with the name specified in your out parameter. In this case, the output file will be called ProtocolsBusyCollisions.Rdata. This will also be the name of the Makefile target that will perform the data extraction for this config.
    • map (e.g., map = default): this is the name of the mapping inside the map-config file that tells which data to extract.
    • mapFile (e.g., mapFile = map-config): this is the file that includes the mapping.
    • merge (e.g., merge = 1 (or 0)): by setting merge to 0, the generated Makefile will NOT merge all the files into a single one. This is useful when you have a lot of large output files. In such cases the merge operation requires a lot of RAM space and time. If your computer starts swapping, it might take forever to conclude the operation. If you have, instead, small output files easily manageable, it might be convenient to go for the second option. Having a single merged file is very convenient because, when doing post-processing and plotting, you have all the data that you need at hand. The choice is up to you.
    • type (e.g., type = Rdata (or csv)): by omitting this field or by setting it to Rdata, the scripts will output binary Rdata files that can be used with R. By setting the value to csv, the scripts will output comma-separated-values files that can be used with any data processing tool.
  3. Generate the Makefile. To perform this step run parse-config > Makefile

  4. Run the Makefile. If you have a nice terminal with auto completion even for make targets, if you type

    make <TAB><TAB>

    you will see that, for the sample parse-config, there are two targets, namely ProtocolsBusyCollisions.Rdata and ProtocolsLeaderDelay.Rdata. If you simply type


    and hit enter, the scripts will extract the data for you. When done, you will find seven new .Rdata files, i.e.,

    • pbc.Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.csv
    • pbc.Protocols_2_200_1_1_160_1_9.csv
    • pld.Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.Rdata
    • pld.Protocols_2_200_1_1_160_1_9.Rdata
    • pfd.Protocols_2_200_0_0_160_100_9.Rdata
    • pfd.Protocols_2_200_1_1_160_1_9.Rdata
    • ProtocolsBusyCollisions.csv

    The pbc.* files are the .csv files that extracted nodeId, busyTime, and collisions from the two .vec files, while the pld.* files are the ones that extracted leaderDelayId and leaderDelay from the .vec files. Similarly, the pfd.* files are the ones that extracted frontDelayId and frontDelay. ProtocolsBusyCollisions.csv is the merge of the two pbc.* files. Given that we disabled merging for the pld.* and the pfd.* files, we get no single merged file.

    Notice that the parsing of each .vec file is independent, which means that you can exploit a multi-core machine and run, for example,

    make -j 16

    to run 16 extraction tasks in parallel.


Each part is protected by its own, individual copyright(s), but can be redistributed and/or modified under an open source license. License terms are available at the top of each file. Parts that do not explicitly include license text shall be assumed to be governed by the "GNU General Public License" as published by the Free Software Foundation -- either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later). Parts that are not source code and do not include license text shall be assumed to allow the Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License" as an additional option (SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0). Full license texts are available with the source distribution.


Automatic data extraction scripts for Plexe-Veins result files






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