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A collection of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms implemented with PyTorch to solve Atari games and classic control tasks like CartPole, LunarLander, and MountainCar.


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Deep RL Zoo

A collection of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms implemented with PyTorch to solve Atari games and classic control tasks like CartPole, LunarLander, and MountainCar.

The overall project structure was based on DeepMind's DQN Zoo. We adapted the code to support PyTorch, in addition also implemented some SOTA algorithms like PPO, RND, R2D2, and Agent57.


Environment and Requirements

  • Python 3.10.6
  • pip 23.0.1
  • PyTorch 2.0.1
  • openAI Gym 0.25.2
  • Tensorboard 2.13.0

Implemented Algorithms

Policy-based RL Algorithms

Directory Reference Paper Note
reinforce Policy Gradient Methods for RL *
reinforce_baseline Policy Gradient Methods for RL *
actor_critic Actor-Critic Algorithms *
a2c Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning | synchronous, deterministic variant of A3C P
sac Soft Actor-Critic: Off-Policy Maximum Entropy Deep Reinforcement Learning | Soft Actor-Critic for Discrete Action Settings P *
ppo Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms P
ppo_icm Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction P
ppo_rnd Exploration by Random Network Distillation P
impala IMPALA: Scalable Distributed Deep-RL with Importance Weighted Actor-Learner Architectures P

Value-based RL Algorithms

Directory Reference Paper Note
dqn Human Level Control Through Deep Reinforcement Learning
double_dqn Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
prioritized_dqn Prioritized Experience Replay
drqn Deep Recurrent Q-Learning for Partially Observable MDPs *
r2d2 Recurrent Experience Replay in Distributed Reinforcement Learning P
ngu Never Give Up: Learning Directed Exploration Strategies P *
agent57 Agent57: Outperforming the Atari Human Benchmark P *

Distributional Q Learning Algorithms

Directory Reference Paper Note
c51_dqn A Distributional Perspective on Reinforcement Learning
rainbow Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
qr_dqn Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Quantile Regression
iqn Implicit Quantile Networks for Distributional Reinforcement Learning


  • P means support distributed training with multiple actors and a single learner running in parallel (only supports running on a single machine).
  • * means only tested on Atari Pong or Breakout.

Code Structure

  • deep_rl_zoo directory contains all the source code for different algorithms:
    • each directory contains a algorithm, more specifically:
      • module contains an agent class that includes reset(), step() methods, for agent that supports distributed training, we have Actor and Learner classes for the specific agent.
      • module use simple MLP network to solve classic problems like CartPole, MountainCar, and LunarLander.
      • module use Conv2d neural network to solve Atari games.
      • module evaluate trained agents by loading model state from checkpoint file with a greedy actor, you can run testing on both classic problems like CartPole, MountainCar, LunarLander, and Atari games.
    • module contains functions run single thread and distributed training loops, it also contains the run_env_loop function where the agent interaction with the environment.
    • networks directory contains both policy networks and q networks used by the agents.
      • module contains neural networks for value-based RL agents like DQN, and it's variants.
      • module contains neural networks for policy-based RL agents like Actor-Critic, PPO, and it's variants.
      • module contains neural networks for curiosity driven explorations like RND modules used by PPO, NGU, and Agent57.
    • module is used to accumulating statistics during training and testing/evaluation, it also writes log to Tensorboard if desired.
    • module contains functions and classes relating to experience replay.
    • module contains functions to calculate losses for value-based RL agents like DQN, and it's variants.
    • module contains functions to calculate losses policy-based RL agents like Actor-Critic, PPO, and it's variants.
    • module contains components for standard Atari environment preprocessing.
    • module contains all the greedy actors for testing/evaluation. for example EpsilonGreedyActor for DQN agents, PolicyGreedyActor for general policy gradient agents.
  • unit_tests directory contains the scripts for unit and end-to-end testing.
  • runs directory contains Tensorboard logs for some of the runs.
  • screenshots directory contains images of Tensorboard statistics for some of the runs.

Author's Notes

  • This project is for education and research purpose only. Where we focus on studying the individual algorithms rather than creating a standard library. If you're looking for a ready to use library for your productive application, this is probably the wrong place.
  • Most agents only support episodic environment with discrete action space (except PPO which also supports continuous action space).
  • Some code might not be optimal, especially the parts involving Python multiprocessing, as speed of code execution is not our main focus.
  • Try our best to replicate the implementation for the original paper, but may change some hyper-parameters to support low budget setup. Also, the hyper-parameters and network architectures are not fine-tuned.
  • For Atari games, we only use Pong or Breakout to test the agents, and we stop training once the agent have made some progress.
  • We can't guarantee it's bug free. So bug report and pull request are welcome.

Quick Start

Please check the instructions in the file on how to setup the project.

Train Agents

Classic Control Tasks

  • We maintain a list of environment names at module, by default it contains ['CartPole-v1', 'LunarLander-v2', 'MountainCar-v0', 'Acrobot-v1'].
  • For some agents (like advanced DQN agents, most of the policy gradient agents except agents using curiosity-driven exploration), it's impossible to solve MountainCar due to the nature of the problem (sparse reward).

To run a agent on classic control problem, use the following command, replace the <agent_name> with the sub-directory name.

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.<agent_name>.run_classic

# example of running DQN agents
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.dqn.run_classic --environment_name=MountainCar-v0

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.dqn.run_classic --environment_name=LunarLander-v2

Atari games

  • By default, we uses gym NoFrameskip-v4 for Atari game, and we omit the need to include 'NoFrameskip' and version in the environment_name args, as it will be handled by create_atari_environment in the module.
  • We don't scale the images before store into experience replay, as that will require 2-3x more RAM, we only scale them inside the model.forward() method.

To run a agent on Atari game, use the following command, replace the <agent_name> with the sub-directory name.

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.<agent_name>.run_atari

# example of running DQN on Atari Pong and Breakout
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.dqn.run_atari --environment_name=Pong

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.dqn.run_atari --environment_name=Breakout

Distributed training with multiple actors and a single learner (on the same machine)

For agents that support distributed training, we can adjust the parameter num_actors to specify how many actors to run.

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.ppo.run_classic --num_actors=8

The following is a high level overview of the distributed training architect. Where each actor has it's own copy of the neural network. And we use the multiprocessing.Queue to transfer the transitions between the actors and the leaner. We also use a shared dictionary to store the latest copy of the neural network's parameters, so the actors can get update it's local copy of the neural network later on.

parallel training architecture

By default, if you have multiple GPUs and you set the option actors_on_gpu to true, the script will evenly distribute the actors on all available GPUs. When running multiple actors on GPU, watching out for possible CUDA OUT OF MEMORY error.

# This will evenly distribute the actors on all GPUs
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.ppo.run_atari --num_actors=16 --actors_on_gpu

# This will run all actors on CPU even if you have multiple GPUs
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.ppo.run_atari --num_actors=16 --noactors_on_gpu

Evaluate Agents

Before you run the eval_agent module, make sure you have a valid checkpoint file for the specific agent and environment. By default, it will record a video of agent self-play at the recordings directory.

To run a agent on Atari game, use the following command, replace the <agent_name> with the sub-directory name.

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.<agent_name>.eval_agent

# Example of load pre-trained PPO model on Breakout
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.ppo.eval_agent --environment_name=Breakout --load_checkpoint_file=./checkpoints/PPO_Breakout_0.ckpt

Monitoring with Tensorboard

By default, both training, evaluation will log to Tensorboard at the runs directory. To disable this, use the option --nouse_tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir=./runs

The classes for write logs to Tensorboard is implemented in module.

  • to improve performance, we only write logs at end of episode
  • we separate training and evaluation logs
  • if algorithm support parallel training, we separate actor, learner logs
  • for agents that support parallel training, only log maximum of 8 actors, this is controlled by run_parallel_training_iterations in module

Measurements available on Tensorboard


  • the statistics are measured over env steps (or frames for Atari), if use frame_skip, it's counted after frame skip
  • episode_return the non-discounted sum of raw rewards of current episode
  • episode_steps the current episode length or steps
  • num_episodes how many episodes have been conducted
  • step_rate(second) step per seconds, per actors


  • the statistics are measured over env steps (or frames for Atari), if use frame_skip, it's counted after frame skip
  • it'll log whatever is exposed in the agent's statistics property such as training loss, learning rate, discount, updates etc.
  • for algorithm support distributed training (multiple actors), this is only the statistics for the actors.


  • only available if the agent supports distributed training (multiple actors one learner)
  • it'll log whatever is exposed in the learner's statistics property such as training loss, learning rate, discount, updates etc.
  • to improve performance, it only logs every 100 learner steps

DQN on Pong

Add tags to Tensorboard

This could be handy if we want to compare different hyper parameter's performances or different runs with various seeds

python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.impala.run_classic --use_lstm --learning_rate=0.00045 --tag=LSTM-LR0.00045

Debug with environment screenshots

This could be handy if we want to see what's happening during the training, we can set the debug_screenshots_interval (measured over number of episode) to some value, and it'll add screenshots of the terminal state to Tensorboard.

# Example of creating terminal state screenshot every 100 episodes
python3 -m deep_rl_zoo.ppo_rnd.run_atari --environment_name=MontezumaRevenge --debug_screenshots_interval=100

PPO-RND on MontezumaRevenge


This project is based on the work of DeepMind, specifically the following projects:

In addition, other reference projects from the community have been very helpful to us, including:


This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") see the LICENSE file for details

Citing our work

If you reference or use our project in your research, please cite:

  title = {{Deep RL Zoo}: A collections of Deep RL algorithms implemented with PyTorch},
  author = {Michael Hu},
  url = {},
  version = {1.0.0},
  year = {2022},


A collection of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms implemented with PyTorch to solve Atari games and classic control tasks like CartPole, LunarLander, and MountainCar.






