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Configuration usage guide

myksl edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

1. Reader configuration

  1. Reader Server configuration (reader.conf)
parameter name parameter description necessary default value format & example
ptubes.server.tasks List of tasks on the service Yes
ptubes.server.conf.protocol "Configuration storage medium for services and tasks, optional values: [file, http, zookeeper]file: local file http: http server zookeeper: zk node" No file Configuration storage node address for services and tasks No
ptubes.server.conf.path Service configuration storage path for services and tasks No Program running root directory
ptubes.server.dataport Service data port (http1.1 protocol) No 28332
ptubes.server.monitorport Service monitoring port (http1.1 protocol) No 23333
  1. Reader Task configuration (${readerTask}.properties)
parameter name parameter description necessary default value format & example The address of the mysql database instance where the service subscribes to binlog Yes
ptubes.reader.mysql.port The port number of the mysql database instance where the service subscribes to binlog No 3306
ptubes.reader.mysql.user The mysql database instance user that the service subscribes to binlog, before the service runs, please confirm Yes
ptubes.reader.mysql.passwd The mysql database instance password for service subscription binlog Yes
ptubes.reader.mysql.subs The service only gets the change binlog events of the specified table No Default subscribes to the binlog events of all tables of the database instance The cache mode of binlog data after service cache parsing, optional value: [MEM, MIX] No MEM
  1. Reader Task MetaData ({ReaderTask}/metaFile/maxBinlogInfo)
parameter name parameter description necessary default value
binlogTime Specifies the starting timestamp of the binlog obtained from the database No Current system time
binlogId Specifies the file number of the binlog obtained from the database No The latest binlog location
binlogOffset Specifies the offset in the file to get the binlog from the database No The current latest binlog position
Note: When is MIX mode, after changing the above parameters, you need to delete the historical data in the {ReaderTask}/storage directory at the same time.

2.SDK configuration

  1. SDK configuration (sdk.conf)
parameter name parameter description necessary default value example
ptubes.sdk.task.set List of tasks to be run by the client is
  1. SDK Task configuration (${sdkTask}.properties)
parameter name parameter description necessary default value example Name of the reader task to which this sdk task needs to be subscribed Yes sdk task name yes
ptubes.sdk.zookeeper.address The zookeeper address used by the sdk task Yes
ptubes.sdk.subs Database table subscribed by sdk tasks Yes