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Welcome Mediumroast for GitHub

Products organizations must build robust product plans from competitive and customer interactions everyone can see, use, and reference. Therefore, Mediumroast for GitHub intends to help Products oranizations construct an active interactions repository close to the action of development and issue management in GitHub.


  • A new version of the CLI is available and the major focus of this version is to add in Competitive Similarity Analysis, Interaction summarization and Interaction Proto-requirements discovery.
  • You can review the GitHub Page Version rather than the repository version of this documentation, but the screencasts of several of the CLI tutorials will not display.

Installation and configuration

Mediumroast for GitHub includes a GitHub Application, a Command Line Interface, and a Software Development Kit. The following steps show you how to install the App and the CLI with SDK.

Preinstallation requirements

  1. A GitHub organization
  2. Permissions in your GitHub organization to install a GitHub application.
  3. Access to a command line terminal on Linux or MacOS.
  4. Node.js installed, ideally globally for all users.
  5. NPM installed, ideally globally for all users.

Step 1 - Install the GitHub App

Browse to the Mediumroast for GitHub GitHub Application and:

  1. Click install,
  2. Choose the location for the installation, usually your organization,
  3. Confirm the requested permissions, and
  4. Browse to your organization's Settings > Third-Party Access > GitHub Apps and confirm that Mediumroast for GitHub is installed.

Step 2 - Install mediumroast_js

This package mediumroast_js can be installed and removed via npm, several ways to install follow.

For Linux and MacOS

Assuming the preinstallation requirements, installation of node.js and npm, are met please one one of the following.

  1. Global installation for all users: sudo npm i -g mediumroast_js
  2. Local installation for a developer or single user: npm i mediumroast_js

For WinOS

Coming soon.

Step 3.1 - Upgrade the CLI

After installation there are times when you may want to upgrade the CLI to the latest version, run the following.

  1. Global upgrade for all users: sudo npm i -g mediumroast_js
  2. Local upgrade for a developer or single user: npm i mediumroast_js

Step 3.2 - Upgrade Actions

After upgrading the CLI it may be necessary to upgrade the actions in the repository. To do this run mrcli actions --update and the actions will be updated to the latest version.

Step 4.1 - Setup the CLI

Before you can use the Mediumroast for GitHub CLI the environment must be setup. With the CLI installed please run mrcli setup to start the setup process, note there's a video of the setup process in CLI README.

Running mrcli setup creates a repository in your oganization called <organization_name>_discovery to contain all interactions and companies, creates two intitial companies, and installs two GitHub Actions to control the number of branches and provide some basic out of the box reporting -- see example screenshot below.

Step 4.2 - Setup the CLI after initial setup

Running mrcli setup a second time on an existing repository will not create a new one, instead it will detect the existing repository and prompt to update your authentication method and report theme. This is used typically when another user in your organization needs to access the repository.

Step 5.1 - Verify your installation via the CLI

After the setup process is complete you can verify the installation by running mrcli company to see the companies in the repository.

Exzmple screenshot of companies table


Step 5.2 - Verify your installation via GitHub actions

Additionally, two GitHub Actions are installed in the repository, one to clean up branches and the other to generate reports. To verify the actions are installed browse to the repository and click on the Actions tab to see the actions running. These actions are set to run on a schedule, but can be run manually. When a run you'll find an automatically generated file in the repository and links to company reports in the, an example screenshot of the repository companies report is below.

Example screenshot of in repository companies report



Since Mediumroast for GitHub creates a regular repository you can interact with it as normal, but doing so is not recommended. If you interact with the repository, in regular ways, this could result in Mediumroast for GitHub becoming inoperable. There are cases where it may become necessary to directly work with the repository, but that should be rare.


If you're interested in contributing to the Mediumroast for GitHub project, please review the file in the .github directory of the repository. The file contains information on how to get started, how to clone the repository, and how to install the SDK for development.


If you detect a problem or want to suggest an improvement open an issue and we will work with you to resolve or respond.