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This app gets exercises information from API and organize them in a very friendly way so it's really simple to start working out. Capstone final Udacity nanodegree project.

Getting Started

All you need is a Macbook with Xcode installed, pods setup and an internet connection to test it out.


- Xcode 8.3.3+
- Pods


After cloning the project, navigate to the root of and run pod install so the required pods are installed.


The usage of the app is really simple: it consists of only 3 tabs

1- Muscle group classification: in here you can select what muscle group would you like to see exercises for. For instance, you can start by clicking on Abs, then you'll be taken to another view and see all the workout availables for them; moreover you could tap for instance on Crunches and finally you'd be taken to the detailed information of this exercises: a image or even a gif animation (if available in the API), the muscles this exercise involve, possible required equipment and a description at the bottom further explaining how to perform it.

2- Routine: this view consists on a serie of preloaded workouts for specific body zones, after selecting any of them you'll be taken to a view exactly a level 2 in the first app but now with a mixing of exercises based on your selection.

3- Profile: in this view you can save your personal information such as a profile picture, your full name, gender and body measures. This information will be used for further calculation in future versions of the app.


The goal of this app a very simple one: make working out EASY, you don't need to have deep knowledge on human biology to execute a simple routine and sweat a little bit. This is dedicated to all those people who want to start a healthier life but the lack of help (or willing to look for it) is stoping them, go for it!


iOS developer Mauricio Chirino