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Trackmania United Forever Dedicated Server

This repository provides the tools and Docker image needed to set up a customizable Trackmania United Forever server bundled with XAseco in a Docker container. The provided Docker image simplifies server deployment and management, while allowing extensive configuration and customization options for both the Trackmania server and the XAseco plugin manager.

How to use this image

docker run

docker run --env-file <path/to/env-file> -p 2350/2350:udp -p 3450/3450:udp [-v {volumes}] mcarigs/tmserver


Check the default docker-compose.yml and adjust it to your needs and according to the documentation below, then run:

docker-compose up -d

Configuration - Trackmania

Add a new file named .env with the following variables:

Environment Variable Description Default Value Required
MASTERADMIN_LOGIN Login name of the player to assume MasterAdmin role for XAseco
SERVER_LOGIN Server account login from the Trackmania player page
SERVER_LOGIN_PASSWORD Server account password from the Trackmania player page
MYSQL_HOST Hostname of the MySQL database db
MYSQL_LOGIN Username of the MySQL user trackmania
MYSQL_PASSWORD Password of the MySQL user
MYSQL_DATABASE Name of the MySQL database trackmania
SERVER_PASSWORD Password required for players to join the server. Omit this value to allow anyone to join
SERVER_SA_PASSWORD Password for SuperAdmin credential randomly generated
SERVER_ADM_PASSWORD Password for Admin credential randomly generated
SERVER_PORT Port for server communications 2350
SERVER_P2P_PORT Port for peer2peer communication 3450
SERVER_NAME Server name in ingame browser "Trackmania Server"
SERVER_COMMENT Server description "This is a Trackmania Server"
SERVER_PASSWORD If you want to secure your server against unwanted logins, set a server password
HIDE_SERVER Whether you want your server public or not 0 (public)
MAX_PLAYERS Max player count 32
PACKMASK Leave empty to change server mode to United stadium (Nations)
GAMEMODE 0 (Rounds), 1 (TimeAttack), 2 (Team), 3 (Laps), 4 (Stunts) 1
CHATTIME Chat time value in milliseconds 10000
FINISHTIMEOUT Finish timeout value in milliseconds (0 = classic, 1 = adaptive) 1
DISABLERESPAWN 0 (respawns enabled), 1 (respawns disabled) 0
ROUNDS_POINTSLIMIT Points limit for rounds mode 30
TIMEATTACK_LIMIT Time limit in milliseconds for time attack mode 80000
TEAM_POINTSLIMIT Points limit for team mode 50
TEAM_MAXPOINTS Number of maximum points per round for team mode 6
LAPS_NBLAPS Number of laps for laps mode 5
LAPS_TIMELIMIT Time limit in milliseconds for laps mode 0
CUP_POINTSLIMIT Points limit for cup mode 10
CUP_ROUNDSPERCHALLENGE Rounds per challenge 5
CUP_NBWINNERS Number of Winners 3
CUP_WARMUPDURATION Warmup duration 2
CUSTOM_MUSIC_ENABLED Whether or not you want to enable custom music in your server
MUSIC_SERVER Web server URI or file path relative to '/var/lib/tmserver/GameData' containing your custom music
AUTO_NEXT_SONG Whether or not to automatically load the next song when the next track is loaded
AUTO_SHUFFLE Whether or not to automatically shuffle songs on server start-up & reload
ALLOW_JUKEBOX Whether or not to allow players to add songs to the queue


Apart from the configuration possibilities, I've included some scripts to add a custom tracklist, configuration files, plugins and a blacklist to disable unwanted default plugins.

Custom Tracks

While the Nadeo tracks are available in this repository and accessible under GameData/Tracks/Challenges/Nadeo/, adding custom tracks from e.g. Trackmania Exchange is as simple as placing the files in the tracks/ folder and mounting it to /var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks/Custom/.

    image: mcarigs/tmserver
     - ./tracks:/var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks/Custom

Custom Track Playlist

Creating your own playlist is as easy as adding tracks to the tracks folder and running the included script which will add each track on a separate line in the playlist.txt file using its relative path to the /var/lib/tmserver/GameData/Tracks folder.


├── docker-compose.yml
├── playlist.txt
├── tmserver
├── tracks
│  ├── mini01.Challenge.Gbx
│  ├── SpeedxZxZ.Challenge.Gbx
└── xaseco

Contents of playlist.txt after running ./


Custom Music

To add custom music to your server, place song files in .ogg format in the music/ directory. Make sure to avoid spaces and special characters in the filename. For the songs to load properly, you'll also need to modify xaseco/musicserver.xml and xaseco/musictagscache.xml (the latter is optional but recommended so that the song name & artist are displayed properly in-game). I've included a Python script,, to automate this process for you. To ensure this script works properly, the song files should follow this naming convention: Artist_Name-Song_Name.ogg. Note that underscores are used in place of spaces and a dash is used to separate the artist and song name.

I'm aware that storing audio files in git isn't a great idea, especially if you have a lot of songs, so I recommend using Git LFS to track these files if you decide to store them this way.

git lfs install
git lfs track "*.ogg"
git add .gitattributes
git add file.ogg
git commit -m "Add song file"
git push origin

Custom configuration files

Most plugins need you to provide valid configuration files to function in the first place. Place these in the config/ folder and mount it to /var/lib/xaseco/config/. All files will be linked to XAseco's root folder. Careful, as this will overwrite exisiting default files and localdatabase.xml as well.

Custom plugins

I've included a few of my favorite custom plugs if you wish to use them. You can download more custom plugins from After downloading a plugin, place the <plugin_name>.xml file in the xaseco/ folder, then place the plugin.<plugin_name>.php file in the plugins/ folder and mount it to /var/lib/xaseco/plugins/custom/.

Plugin blacklist

Use the included blacklist file and list plugins by filename that you want ignored on XAseco's boot. Mount this file at /var/lib/xaseco/blacklist.



By default, the custom plugins I've included are in the blacklist. Remove any of them from the file to have XAseco load it at startup