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A multi-site-docker configuration featuring nginx, php and mysql

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Engage - Multi-site docker

In some cases you or your team don't want to use many docker containers while development.

Getting started

Checkout this repository:

$ git clone

Copy .env.example and and name it .env file in the same directory as docker-compose.yml:

$ cp .env.example .env

Test config before start:

$ docker-compose config

Create and start all containers:

$ docker-compose up -d engage

Stop it:

$ docker-compose stop

Start it:

$ docker-compose start

Stop and remove it:

$ docker-compose down

Convinient Helpers

Instead of commands above you could also user command helpers for docker-compose.

Prepared for MacOS, Linux and Windows

Just call docker-composer with

$ ./bin/engage <command>

Following commands aliasing


start containers and execute

$ docker-compose up -d engage


stop containers and execute

$ docker-compose down


Calls stop and start


resume containers and execute

$ docker-compose start


remove all containers and execute on Linux / Mac OS

$ docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)

On Windows

$ FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%a IN (`docker images -q`) DO echo %%a


reload containers and executes

$ docker-compose restart


suspend containers and executes

$ docker-compose stop


Connect to php container

$ docker-compose exec php bash

and select your project

$ cd /var/www/my/project

and run any composer command

$ composer install


  • Nginx
  • PHP (FPM) 5.6, 7.0, 7.1
  • MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0
  • Memcached
  • Redis

Designed for multi-site development.

Project data

Change location of your projects

Change SITES_FOLDER to your projects in .env.



Add a new site

Go to sites/ and add a new folder mkdir -P sites/my-awesome-project/public. public/ is the place for your index.php and all other accessible files. The sites folder my-awesome-project is mapped to domain. You need to add my-awesome-project to your hosts and your project will be available via http://my-awesome-project.


Change PHP version

Change PHP_VERSION in .env in to one of the following:

  • 5.6
  • 7.0
  • 7.1

For detailed information about used PHP-Images please refer to php-fpm-xdebug images.

Customize PHP-Version

We provide more customization feautures since version 1.0.3.

Following options are configured in a separate *.env file configured with PHP_ENV_FILE in .env

Extend php.ini

The php configuration is dynamic. Just add environment variable with prefix PHP__.


Following config overwrites display_errors and date.timezone and adds xdebug settings.

PHP__xdebug.remote_enable = 1

Enable additional PHP modules

The PHP Extensions are load on start. Just add environment variable PHP_php5enmod with list of your extensions.


Following config adds mysql and pdo_mysql which is required by wordpress, laravel and many other tools.

PHP_php5enmod=mysql pdo_mysql xdebug


Change MySQL Version

Change MYSQL_VERSION in .env in to one of the following:

  • 5.5
  • 5.5.54
  • 5.6
  • 5.6.35
  • 5.7
  • 5.7.17 (aliases 5 and latest)
  • 8.0 (aliases 8.0.0 and 8)

Please keep in mind, changing the version could corrupt the databases or MySQL is not able to use databases.

Change additional MySQL data

You could also change defaults for your MySQL instance. Just configure MYSQL_ENV_FILE in .env and add variables prefixed with MYSQL_* like the default database MYSQL_DATABASE.

A detailed list of opetions can be found on MySQL-Docker under Environment Variables.

Extend my.cnf

You may want to modify some mysql settings. Just create a new *.cnf under machine/mysql/cnf and setup your custom settings.


Add an additional nginx conf

Go to machine/nginx/sites-enabled, copy site.conf.example and set up your custom config

How to

Connect to MySQL

From host

If you use tools like SQuirreL, DataGrip, etc. you may want to connect to from host. The host is by default. Username, password an port are the same as configured in docker-compose.yml.

From container

Inside of your container the hostanme to MySQL is database, similar to the service name. Just execute following code and you are connected.


$db = new PDO(

var_dump($db->query('SHOW TABLES')->fetchAll());

Extend docker-compose.yml

In some cases you need to adjust default configurations, like ports or something else. Instead of change values in docker-compose.yml, add docker-compose.overwrite.yml which is overwriting values in default config.

Connect to services


$ docker-compose exec nginx bash


$ docker-compose exec php bash


$ docker-compose exec database bash


$ docker-compose exec dataphp bash

Execute composer and other CLI tools


For composer we recomment this awesome docker container which is executing composer in your desired PHP version.

$ docker run --rm -it --volume ${PWD}:/app prooph/composer:7.0 dumpautoload

Artisan and friends

This is very easy. Execute your commands from following pattern:

$ docker-compose exec php php [param1] [param2] [paramN]

For example migrate database with artisan:

$ docker-compose exec php php my-awesome-project/artisan migrate

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Issues and more help

Use the issue tracker and we will help you!



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.