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Martin Björklund edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 1 revision


The tree output plugin to pyang is useful to get a quick overview of the structure of YANG models.

The following example generates a tree representation of the ietf-netconf-monitoring module:

$ pyang -f tree ietf-netconf-monitoring.yang

module: ietf-netconf-monitoring
   +--ro netconf-state
      +--ro capabilities
      |  +--ro capability*   inet:uri
      +--ro datastores
      |  +--ro datastore [name]
      |     +--ro name     netconf-datastore-type
      |     +--ro locks?
      |        +--ro (lock-type)?
      |           +--:(global-lock)
      |           |  +--ro global-lock
      |           |     +--ro locked-by-session    uint32
      |           |     +--ro locked-time          yang:date-and-time
      |           +--:(partial-lock)
      |              +--ro partial-lock [lock-id]
      |                 +--ro lock-id              uint32
      |                 +--ro locked-by-session    uint32
      |                 +--ro locked-time          yang:date-and-time
      |                 +--ro select*              yang:xpath1.0
      |                 +--ro locked-node*         instance-identifier
      +--ro schemas
      |  +--ro schema [identifier version format]
      |     +--ro identifier    string
      |     +--ro version       string
      |     +--ro format        identityref
      |     +--ro namespace     inet:uri
      |     +--ro location*     union
      +--ro sessions
      |  +--ro session [session-id]
      |     +--ro session-id           uint32
      |     +--ro transport            identityref
      |     +--ro username             string
      |     +--ro source-host?         inet:host
      |     +--ro login-time           yang:date-and-time
      |     +--ro in-rpcs?             yang:zero-based-counter32
      |     +--ro in-bad-rpcs?         yang:zero-based-counter32
      |     +--ro out-rpc-errors?      yang:zero-based-counter32
      |     +--ro out-notifications?   yang:zero-based-counter32
      +--ro statistics
         +--ro netconf-start-time?   yang:date-and-time
         +--ro in-bad-hellos?        yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro in-sessions?          yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro dropped-sessions?     yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro in-rpcs?              yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro in-bad-rpcs?          yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro out-rpc-errors?       yang:zero-based-counter32
         +--ro out-notifications?    yang:zero-based-counter32
   +---x get-schema    
      +--ro input     
      |  +--ro identifier    string
      |  +--ro version?      string
      |  +--ro format?       identityref
      +--ro output    
         +--ro data
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