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This project aims to investigate the capability of machine learning models to predict the progression of long term diseases.

We look specifically at Alzheimer's disease.

Project Setup

All of the scripts etc are in the top level.

It's super important you make a directory called data, and place TADPOLE_D1_D2.csv in here, once you download the data from the ADIS website.

A.k.a. follow the directory structure below.

├── ...
├── data
│   ├── TADPOLE_D1_D2.csv
└── ...    

Generating the benchmark datasets

Run Make sure that csv_path is set correctly.

csv_path = './data/TADPOLE_D1_D2.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path)

Two datasets are created: ./data/dataset_standard.csv and ./data/dataset_benchmark.csv which correspond to the datset with standard preprocessing and benchmark preprocessing applied respectively.

Standard preprocessing:

  • Maps diagnosis
  • Adds age at exam
  • Converts csf features to numeric
  • Imputes missing diagnosis values where the diagnosis before and after is the same
  • Adds the target features

Benchmark preprocessing:

  • Drops NaNs in diagnosis and target_diagnosis (needed for next step)
  • Encodes diagnosis and target_diagnosis
  • Drops entries where APOE is equal to 2

The resulting datasets contain all features orginally in TADPOLE_D1_D2.csv.

Importing the datasets

The datasets can be imported by either reading in the csv or using the util.

The util will handle:

  • Loading the dataset
  • Selecting a featureset (specified in a configuratuion file)
  • Dropping NaNs
  • Splitting into an x and y, train and test sets

See the method documentation etc.

def load_benchmark_dataset(dataset_csv, features_yaml, dropna=False, y_column='target_diagnosis_encoded', test_size=0.1):

The train:test split is default 90:10 (pretty standard) and has been shuffled before being split.

Use the loading util as below (see data_exploration_02.ipynb for an example).

from utils import utils
import pandas as pd

dataset = './data/dataset_benchmark.csv'
featureset = './features_benchmark.yaml'

df, x, y, x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = utils.load_benchmark_dataset(dataset, featureset, dropna=True)


Features sets are specified in some_set_of_features.yaml files located in ./features/

For example:

dataset: [RID]
prediction: [diagnosis_encoded, ADAS13, Ventricles]
cognitive_tests: [CDRSB, ADAS11, MMSE, RAVLT_immediate]
mri: [Hippocampus, WholeBrain, Entorhinal, MidTemp]
# pet: [FDG, AV45]
# csf: [ABETA_UPENNBIOMK9_04_19_17, TAU_UPENNBIOMK9_04_19_17, PTAU_UPENNBIOMK9_04_19_17]
risk_factors: [APOE4, AGE_AT_EXAM]

Commented lines are ignored.

The load_features util handles essentially converting a dictionary of lists into a sinlge list of features.

The example above will be converted to:

[RID, diagnosis_encoded, ADAS13, Ventricles, CDRSB, ADAS11, MMSE, RAVLT_immediate, Hippocampus, WholeBrain, Entorhinal, MidTemp, APOE4, AGE_AT_EXAM]


Bear in mind that datasets effectively treat each patient visit as an independent sample from some disease progression.

Some Useful Links


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