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Taxi Example

Taxi Example is the simplest service to order a taxi. The service allows the customer to get to the right place quickly, and the drivers provide a constant flow of orders.

The customer orders a taxi through CustomerBot, specifying:

  • pick up location,
  • destination point.

The driver provides through the DriverBot:

  • phone number/name on the first visit (registration),
  • location,
  • radius in which the taxi service is provided.

TaxiService service based on these data finds the best driver on the customer's order.

The service includes three roles:

The customer, CustomerBot:

  • creates the order,
  • searches for a driver,
  • manages the state of the trip.

The driver, DriverBot:

  • starts working (informs the system that he works and determines the geography of orders),
  • stops working (tells the system that he has finished working),
  • accepts the order,
  • rejects the order,
  • informs about the waiting for the customer,
  • informs about the beginning of the trip,
  • informs about the end of the trip,
  • reports readiness for new trips.

The system, TaxiService:

  • registers the customer,
  • registers the driver,
  • calculates the trip distance and cost,
  • connects customer and driver,
  • registers the start/end of the driver's work,
  • registers and monitors the state of the trip,
  • cancels the trip,
  • looking for suitable drivers,
  • sends offers to drivers for the trip,
  • registers the agreement/disagreement to make a trip by the driver.

The customer's role is implemented as a chat-bot for two channels Viber and Telegram. The driver's role is implemented as a separate chat-bot in Telegram. The system's role is implemented as a separate REST API application.

The general scheme of the service is shown below:

Maxbot TaxiService common schema


Before you start, you should make sure that the system has:

  • Python 3.9 - 3.11,
  • Git,
  • Poetry,
  • Pagekite. We recommend to just download and use it as a separate scenario.
    curl -O

It's also required:

  • To register and receive a token for the Routing Service,
  • To create two bots in Telegram: driver’s chat and customer's chat: see BotFather and instruction,
  • To create a Viber bot for customer: see instruction.

Note You'll need a smartphone with Telegram and Viber apps to work properly. Desktop versions of Telegram and Viber do not fit, as they don't allow you to send the location.


Clone this repository and change current directory

git clone
cd taxi_bot

Install the package with dependencies

poetry shell
poetry install


The service implements the entire business logic of the project:

  • registers the driver and customers,
  • calculates the trip distance and cost,
  • builds the route,
  • connects customer and driver,
  • monitors the state of the trip.

Interaction with external services

Below is a scheme of the service with some details that will be used to customize the example.

Maxbot TaxiService detailed schema

  • To handle incoming requests from DriverBot and CustomerBot TaxiService provides HTTP REST API (it is a server). The bind_port parameter sets the port which TaxiService REST API will use. The address and port must be set in the startup parameters of DriverBot and CustomerBot. The file in which bind_port is set and the commands to start the bots are described below.

  • REST API is also used to transfer data to DriverBot and to CustomerBot. In this case TaxiService is the client. The driver_bot_url and customer_bot_url parameters in taxi_bot.conf file are responsible for this. These URLs can be either local (localhost) or external when using tunnels.

  • The external service is used to generate a map and calculate travel distances. The service supports access via HTTP REST API. TaxiService is a client. To work with the service you need to register for free and get the access key. See instructions. The openrouteservice_token parameter defines a key for using the route building API. This setting is set in the file taxi_bot.conf.


To configure the service, save the file taxi_bot.conf.template with the name taxi_bot.conf.

cp taxi_bot.conf.template taxi_bot.conf

Next, open the taxi_bot.conf file in your favorite editor and set the actual values for all parameters:

  • bind_port — port on which TaxiService will wait to incoming HTTP requests. For example, 6010. Requests from CustomerBot and DriverBot will be received on this port.
  • openrouteservice_token — token to access the service. Free registration is required to obtain the key. See instructions.
  • driver_bot_url — address for interaction with DriverBot. For example, http://localhost:6011.
  • customer_bot_url — address for interaction with CustomerBot. For example, http://localhost:6012.
  • image_storage_url — external address where TaxiService should be available. The external address is required in order to send pictures to Telegram and Viber. You can use pagekite or ngrok to get the external address and forward it to the local port of TaxiService. See examples of launches below.
  • upload_file_path — full path to the directory where the maps of the built trips will be saved. For example, /tmp.


  • We will use pagekite to get an external address and create a tunnel to the TaxiService. You can use any other similar utility, such as ngrok or setup communication through reverse-proxy.

  • If you use pagekite, you need to register and specify the subdomain to be used to create the tunnel. For example,

  • Run pagekite. Set bind_port, for example 6010 and specify the desired external address (it shouldn't be occupied by another person, if there is an error, then come up with a different name). For example,

    python3 6010

    Then follow the instructions at the pagekite command line. As a result, pagekite should create a tunnel. You should see the following line in console:

    <> Flying localhost:6010 as
  • Create a directory to store routing files. For example, /home/user_name/tmp/ or use /tmp if access rights allow. And don't forget to write the full path in the taxi_bot.conf file, upload_file_path parameter.

  • Make sure that you are in the taxi_bot directory.

  • Run the service with the command

    taxi_bot --config taxi_bot.conf


The bot implements the interaction between the driver and TaxiService. It provides the following features:

  • driver registration,
  • confirmation and cancellation of the trip,
  • trip execution.

Interaction with external services

  • The bot supports the Telegram channel. Interaction with the Telegram service is realized through the WebHooks mechanism. You should have an external address to register WebHook. See the Launch section.
  • DriverBot transfers data to TaxiService via REST API. The DriverBot is a client. The address to access is set in the bot settings. See the Setup section, TAXI_BOT_API parameter.
  • DriverBot receives data from TaxiService via REST API too. The DriverBot is the server. See the port parameter in the DriverBot start command below.


To configure the bot, save the file env.template with the name .env in the taxi_bot directory. Оpen file .env in your favorite editor and set the actual values for all parameters:

  • TELEGRAM_DRIVER_API_KEY — the token of Telegram bot, that will become DriverBot.
  • TELEGRAM_CUSTOMER_API_KEY — the token of Telegram bot, that will become CustomerBot in Telegram.
  • VIBER_CUSTOMER_API_KEY — the token of Viber bot, that will become CustomerBot in Viber.
  • TAXI_BOT_API — address of the TaxiService service. Specify, if you used this value when configuring TaxiService.

All fields are required in the current version of the bot.


  • In the pagekite control panel, add the kite to create another tunnel. For example, To do this, click the add kite button.
  • Make sure you are in the taxi_bot directory.
  • Select the port for DriverBot, for example, 6011.
  • Run the bot with the command
    maxbot run --bot --updater=webhooks --host=localhost --port=<BIND_PORT> --public-url=<DRIVER_BOT_PUBLIC_URL>
    In our particular example:
    maxbot run --bot --updater=webhooks --host=localhost --port=6011 --public-url=
  • Run pagekite. Set the port and the external address. For example,
    python3 6011
  • Make sure that pagekite has started successfully and created a tunnel.


The bot implements the interaction between the customer and TaxiService. It provides the following features:

  • customer registration,
  • ordering a taxi,
  • change the status of the trip.

Interaction with external services

  • The bot supports the Telegram and the Viber channels. Interaction with these services is realized through the WebHooks mechanism. You should have an external address to register WebHook. See the Launch section.
  • CustomerBot transfers data to TaxiService via REST API as well as the DriverBot. See the appropriate section.
  • CustomerBot receives data from TaxiService via REST API as well as the DriverBot. See the appropriate section.


See the appropriate section for the DriverBot.


  • In the pagekite control panel, add the kite to create another tunnel. For example, To do this, click the `add kite' button.
  • Select the port for CustomerBot, for example, 6012.
  • For CustomerBot it is important to create the tunnel first, and then run the bot (due to the features of Viber and pagekite). Run pagekite. Set the port and the external address, for example,
    python3 6012
  • Make sure that pagekite has started successfully and created a tunnel on bind_port.
  • Make sure you are in the taxi_bot directory.
  • Run the bot with the command
    maxbot run --bot --updater=webhooks --host=localhost --port=<BIND_PORT>\ --public-url=<CUSTOMER_BOT_PUBLIC_URL>
    In our particular example:
    maxbot run --bot --updater=webhooks --host=localhost --port=6012 --public-url=


After successfully launching TaxiService, DriverBot and CustomerBot you can test the example. Text DriverBot and CustomerBot via Telegram and follow the hint.

Implementation details

This example shows the details of the implementation:

  • using an external HTTP service,
  • interacting with an external HTTP service through the REST command,
  • database schema,
  • customer settings in the channel, dialog variable,
  • adding new commands to channels using mixin,
  • using of RPC requests to notify bots from external HTTP service,
  • working with several channels (Telegram and Viber) in CustomerBot,
  • running tests,
  • adding dependencies.

Using an external HTTP service

  • An external HTTP service in python is used to implement business logic: TaxiService.
  • The taxi_bot/api_service folder and the file are used for starting taxi_bot/
  • It is accessed from bots using the REST external HTTP calls function (see below).
  • There is also a feature for external services to notify bots via HTTP queries: RPC (see below).

Interacting with an external HTTP service

The REST command is used to interact with an external service; it performs HTTP requests. It is necessary to add the external service setting to the bot's scenario.


         - name: taxi_service
           timeout: 10

Or you can specify the address via the environment settings:

           base_url: !ENV ${TAXI_BOT_API}

The TAXI_BOT_API variable must be specified in the file taxi_bot/.env You can specify more than one external service; each service must have a unique value of name.

Example of using an external service with the REST command:

       response: |-
          {% POST "taxi_service://{}/{}".format(dialog.channel_name, dialog.user_id) body {
          } %}

This command sends a HTTP request (POST){channel_name}/{user_id} with the JSON body. See the dialog variable below.

Database schema

Maxbot TaxiService detailed schema

Customer settings in the channel, dialog variable

You can get the information about the customer from the bot scenario using dialog variable. The following parameters are available:

  • customer channel name: dialog.channel_name it is Telegram or Viber in this example
  • customer ID in the channel: dialog.user_id is a unique string value within the channel


  • The pair (dialog.user_id, dialog.channel_name) is unique for each customer, it is used to store data about customers in this example
  • Only one channel (Telegram) was created for drivers, so it is enough to use dialog.user_id to work with them

Using RPC requests

Sometimes you need the bot to respond to events, taking place in an external HTTP service, not as a reaction to messages from customers. The RPC feature is made to receive and process such events. This is the ability of the bot scenario to receive and process HTTP requests. Each request must be described in the RPC block.

Example of configuration:

  - method: arrival
      - name: order
        required: true

Example of processing:

      - condition: rpc.driver_arrived and slots.order_id == params.order_id
        response: |-
          <jump_to node="waiting_start_ride" transition="response" />

It is used to notify that a driver has arrived at the customer in CustomerBot. The event that happened in DriverBot via an external HTTP service and the RPC feature comes to CustomerBot.

New commands for messengers (mixin)

  • mixin is used to add features to communicate with Telegram and Viber messengers
  • the channels folder contains the implementation of additional features of channels: work with buttons, locations and contacts

ContactMixin to get contact (phone number and name) from drivers and customers

Example of usage in scenario:

      - condition:
        response: |-

Note The Viber does not have the first_name and the last_name parameters, but has the name parameter. It comes in the variable, while is always empty, equal to none.

Note The last_name parameter can also be empty in Telegram.

KeyboardButtonContactMixin to send contacts by pressing button in messenger

  • Telegram documentation
  • The request_contact parameter is used in implementation for Telegram
  • Viber documentation
  • The ActionType=share-phone parameter is used in implementation for Viber

Example of using in bot scenario:

    response: |-
      <keyboard_button_contact title="Send your phone" text="Please, send me your contact." />

LocationMixin to receive and send messages with a location

  • Telegram documentation
  • Viber documentation
  • The horizontal_accuracy parameter determines the map scale when displaying the map in messenger, its value is chosen empirically.

Example of using in bot scenario:

     - condition: message.location
       response: |-
         <location latitude="{{ message.location.latitude }}"
                   longitude="{{ message.location.longitude }}"

KeyboardButtonLocationMixin to send the current location by pressing button in messenger

  • Telegram documentation
  • The request_location parameter is used in implementation for Telegram
  • Viber documentation
  • The ActionType=location-picker parameter is used in implementation for Viber

Example of using in bot scenario:

    response: |-
      <keyboard_button_location text="Submit your location." title="My location" />

KeyboardButtonListMixin to send a list of buttons with any text

Used to select an option from the list or to prevent the customer from writing text.

Example of using in bot scenario:

    response: |-
      <keyboard_button_list text="Click start or change route:" >
         <buttons>start route</buttons>
         <buttons>change route</buttons>

KeyboardButtonRemoveMixin to remove buttons

  • Telegram documentation
  • The InputFieldState=hidden parameter is used in implementation for Telegram
  • Viber documentation
  • The ActionType=none parameters is used in implementation for Viber

Note If you want to remove the chat buttons, you need to use the KeyboardButtonRemoveMixin, otherwise buttons will not disappear after sending a new message.

Note The message with the button removal command should contain text: it will be sent as a text message.

Example of using in bot scenario:

    response: |-
      <keyboard_button_remove text="Ride started" />

Working with multiple channels

CustomerBot uses two channels: Viber and Telegram. The example demonstrates the ability to work with multiple messengers in the same scenario.

Running tests

poetry shell
poetry install (if not previously installed)
poetry run pytest tests/

Adding dependencies

The external python service contains a number of dependencies that need to be installed. To do this, add these dependencies to the pyproject.toml file:

python = ">=3.9, <3.12"
maxbot = "^0.2.0b2"
click-config-file = {version = "^0.6.0"}
Flask-SQLAlchemy = {version = "^3.0.2"}

The maxbot dependency should be in all examples. The section lists dependencies to run unit tests , in this example it is:

pytest = "^7.2.0"  (for pytest based unit tests)
httpretty = "^1.1.4" (mock library for `HTTP` modules)