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Create fully typed declarative API clients quickly and easily.


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Quick Api Client

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A library for creating fully typed declarative API clients quickly and easily.

A quick example

An API definition for a simple service could look like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass
import quickapi

# An example type that will be part of the API response
class Fact:
    fact: str
    length: int

# What the API response should look like
class ResponseBody:
    current_page: int
    data: list[Fact]

# Now we can define our API
class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    response_body = ResponseBody

And you would use it like this:

api_client = MyApi()
response = api_client.execute()

# That's it! Now `response` is fully typed and conforms to our `ResponseBody` definition
assert isinstance(response.body, ResponseBody)
assert isinstance([0], Fact)

There's also support for attrs or pydantic for more complex modeling, validation or serialization support.

Scroll down here for examples using those.


It's still early development but so far we have support for:

  • Write fully typed declarative API clients quickly and easily
    • Fully typed request params / body
    • Fully typed response body
    • Serialization/deserialization support
    • Basic error and serialization handling
    • Nested/inner class definitions
    • Fully typed HTTP status error codes handling
    • Sessions support and/or allow building several related APIs through a single interface
    • Generate API boilerplate from OpenAPI specs
    • Full async support
  • HTTP client libraries
    • httpx
    • requests
    • aiohttp
  • Authentication mechanisms
    • Basic Auth
    • Token / JWT
    • Digest
    • NetRC
    • Any auth supported by httpx or httpx_auth or requests, including custom schemes
  • Serialization/deserialization
    • attrs
    • dataclasses
    • pydantic
    • msgspec
  • API support
    • REST
    • GraphQL
    • Others?
  • Response types supported
    • JSON
    • XML
    • Others?


You can easily install this using pip:

pip install quickapiclient
# Or if you want to use `attrs` over `dataclasses`:
pip install quickapiclient[attrs]
# Or if you want to use `pydantic` over `dataclasses`:
pip install quickapiclient[pydantic]
# Or if you want to use `msgspec` over `pydantic`:
pip install quickapiclient[msgspec]
# Or if you want to use `requests` over `httpx`:
pip install quickapiclient[requests]

Or if using poetry:

poetry add quickapiclient
# Or if you want to use `attrs` over `dataclasses`:
poetry add quickapiclient[attrs]
# Or if you want to use `pydantic` over `dataclasses`:
poetry add quickapiclient[pydantic]
# Or if you want to use `msgspec` over `pydantic`:
poetry add quickapiclient[msgspec]
# Or if you want to use `requests` over `httpx`:
poetry add quickapiclient[requests]

More examples

A GET request with query params

An example of a GET request with query parameters with overridable default values.

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from dataclasses import dataclass
import quickapi

class RequestParams:
    max_length: int = 100
    limit: int = 10

class Fact:
    fact: str
    length: int

class ResponseBody:
    current_page: int
    data: list[Fact]

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    request_params = RequestParams
    response_body = ResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
# Using default request param values
response = client.execute()

# Using custom request param values
request_params = RequestParams(max_length=5, limit=10)
response = client.execute(request_params=request_params)

A POST request

An example of a POST request with some optional and required data.

Click to expand
from dataclasses import dataclass
import quickapi

class RequestBody:
    required_input: str
    optional_input: str | None = None

class Fact:
    fact: str
    length: int

class ResponseBody:
    current_page: int
    data: list[Fact]

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    request_body = RequestBody
    response_body = ResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(required_input="dummy")
response = client.execute(request_body=request_body)

A POST request with authentication

An example of a POST request with HTTP header API key.

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from dataclasses import dataclass
import httpx_auth
import quickapi

class RequestBody:
    required_input: str
    optional_input: str | None = None

class Fact:
    fact: str
    length: int

class AuthResponseBody:
    authenticated: bool
    user: str

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[AuthResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    # You could specify it here if you wanted
    # auth = httpx_auth.HeaderApiKey(header_name="X-Api-Key", api_key="secret_api_key")
    response_body = AuthResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(required_input="dummy")
auth = httpx_auth.HeaderApiKey(header_name="X-Api-Key", api_key="secret_api_key")
response = client.execute(request_body=request_body, auth=auth)

A POST request with error handling

An example of a POST request with HTTP header API key that handles HTTP error codes too.

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from dataclasses import dataclass
import httpx_auth
import quickapi

class RequestBody:
    required_input: str
    optional_input: str | None = None

class Fact:
    fact: str
    length: int

class AuthResponseBody:
    authenticated: bool
    user: str

class ResponseError401:
    status: str
    message: str

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[AuthResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    response_body = AuthResponseBody
    # Add more types for each HTTP status code you wish to handle
    response_errors = {401: ResponseError401}

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(required_input="dummy")
auth = httpx_auth.HeaderApiKey(header_name="X-Api-Key", api_key="incorrect_api_key")

    response = client.execute(request_body=request_body, auth=auth)
except quickapi.HTTPError as e:
    match e.value.status_code:
        case 401:
            assert isinstance(e.value.body, ResponseError401)
            print(f"Received {e.value.body.status} with {e.value.body.message}")
        case _:
            print("Unhandled error occured.")

A POST request with validation and conversion (Using attrs)

An example of a POST request with custom validators and converters (using attrs instead).

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import attrs
import quickapi
import enum

class State(enum.Enum):
    ON = "on"
    OFF = "off"

class RequestBody:
    state: State = attrs.field(validator=attrs.validators.in_(State))
    email: str = attrs.field(

class ResponseBody:
    success: bool = attrs.field(converter=attrs.converters.to_bool)

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    request_body = RequestBody
    response_body = ResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(email="invalid_email", state="on") # Will raise an error
response = client.execute(request_body=request_body)

Check out attrs for full configuration.

A POST request with validation and conversion (Using pydantic)

An example of a POST request with custom validators and converters (using pydantic instead).

Click to expand
import enum
import pydantic
import quickapi

class State(enum.Enum):
    ON = "on"
    OFF = "off"

class RequestBody(pydantic.BaseModel):
    state: State
    email: pydantic.EmailStr

class ResponseBody(pydantic.BaseModel):
    success: bool

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    request_body = RequestBody
    response_body = ResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(email="invalid_email", state="on") # Will raise an error
response = client.execute(request_body=request_body)

Check out pydantic for full configuration.

A POST request with validation and conversion (Using msgspec)

An example of a POST request with custom validators and converters (using msgspec instead).

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import enum
from typing import Annotated

import msgspec
import quickapi

class State(enum.Enum):
    ON = "on"
    OFF = "off"

class RequestBody(msgspec.Struct):
    state: State
    email: str = Annotated[str, msgspec.Meta(pattern=r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$')]

class ResponseBody(msgspec.Struct):
    success: bool

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST
    request_body = RequestBody
    response_body = ResponseBody

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
request_body = RequestBody(email="invalid_email", state="on") # Will raise an error
response = client.execute(request_body=request_body)

Using requests library

An example of a GET request using the requests HTTP library instead of HTTPx.

Click to expand
from dataclasses import dataclass
import quickapi

class ResponseBody:
    current_page: int
    data: list[Fact]

class MyApi(quickapi.BaseApi[ResponseBody]):
    url = ""
    response_body = ResponseBody
    http_client = quickapi.RequestsClient()

And to use it:

client = MyApi()
response = client.execute()

Multiple API endpoints sharing state

You can easily create a client to manage related endpoints, and even share things like auth. This is done through pure Python at this stage, though we aim to make this a lot easier and streamlined in the future.

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... [Assuming GetApi and SubmitApi have been already defined]

class ExampleClient:
    fetch = GetApi
    submit = SubmitApi

And to use it:

client = ExampleClient()
auth = httpx_auth.HeaderApiKey(header_name="X-Api-Key", api_key="secret_api_key")
http_client = httpx.Client()
# Calling the GetApi endpoint
response = client.fetch(auth=auth, http_client=http_client).execute()
# Calling the SubmitApi endpoint
response = client.submit(auth=auth, http_client=http_client).execute()


Eventually, I would like for the API definition to end up looking more like this (though the current approach will still be supported):

Click to expand
import quickapi

class SubmitApi:
    url = "/submit"
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.POST

    class RequestBody:
        required_input: str
        optional_input: str | None = None

    class ResponseBody:
        current_page: int
        data: list[Fact]

And if you had multiple related endpoints that could share HTTP session or auth:

class FetchApi:
    url = "/fetch"
    method = quickapi.BaseHttpMethod.GET

    class ResponseBody:
        current_page: int
        data: list[Fact]

class MyClient:
    base_url = ""
    fetch = FetchApi
    submit = SubmitApi

client = MyClient(auth=...)
response = client.fetch()
response = client.submit(RequestBody(...))


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