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File metadata and controls

119 lines (77 loc) · 5.52 KB


The change log is available here.

The library repository is available on github.

This assembly is focused on functions needed to work with various kinds of media objects.

This assembly targets Net 7 and has nullability enabled.

Table of contents


The WebColors class contains various static methods supporting frequently-used transformations between "web-encoded" colors and colors as defined in the Microsoft/Windows environment (the difference relates to how RGB colors are stored within a 32 bit integer value). Using the Google Earth API within a Windows app is an example of where this difference comes into play.

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Rectangle2D is a class which allows you to create two dimensional rectangles and then compare how they relate to each other (i.e., is Rectangle1 inside or outside or coterminus with Rectangle2?).

There are two public constructors and a private one to support creating copies of a Rectangle2D object.

public Rectangle2D(
    float height,
    float width,
    float rotation = 0,
    Vector3? center = null,
    CoordinateSystem2D coordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem2D.Cartesian,
    float comparisonTolerance = DefaultComparisonTolerance )

Notice that you can define a rotation value to change the orientation of the rectangle in the two dimensional plane. The rotation is assumed to be in degrees. Positive values correspond to clockwise rotations.

You can also specify a center point for the rotation. If you don't, the midpoint of the rectangle is used.

The coordinateSystem parameter lets you define where the origin of the Cartesian plane is, and what increases in Y values mean geometrically:

  • CoordinateSystem2D.Cartesian puts the origin in the center of the rectangle. It also implies increases in Y values move you up.
  • CoordinateSystem2D.Display puts the origin in the upper left corner of the rectangle. It also implies increases in Y values move you down.

The comparisonTolerance parameter defines what it means for two floating point values to be considered equal. Because Rectangle2D is based on floating point math various calculations (e.g., a 360 degree rotation) can, through rounding errors, result in two points which should be the same being considered distinct. comparisonTolerance defines the difference between two floating point values which should still result in them being considered equal.

public Rectangle2D(
    Vector3[] points,
    CoordinateSystem2D coordinateSystem = CoordinateSystem2D.Cartesian,
    float comparisonTolerance = DefaultComparisonTolerance

This second constructor allows you to define a Rectangle2D object using its four corner points. No attempt is made to normalize the provided points, so it's possible the resulting Rectangle2D object won't be a geometric rectangle.

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Property Value Type Description
ComparisonTolerance float the maximum absolute value by which two floating point numbers can differ and still be considered the same
CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem2D an enum defining the origin of the rectangle and how Y values are interpreted (see the constructor discussion above)
LowerLeft Vector3 the lower left corner of the rectangle
UpperLeft Vector3 the upper left corner of the rectangle
UpperRight Vector3 the upper right corner of the rectangle
LowerRight Vector3 the lower right corner of the rectangle
Center Vector3 the center of the rectangle
Height float the height of the rectangle
Width float the width of the rectangle
BoundingBox Rectangle2D the rectangle that encloses the rectangle (which can be larger than the actual rectangle if it is rotated)

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RelativePosition2D Contains( Rectangle2D toCheck )

Indicates the containment relationship between the rectangle and another rectangle. See below for the possible values of RelativePosition2D.

RelativePosition2D Contains( Vector3 point )

Indicates the containment relationship between the rectangle and a point. See below for the possible values of RelativePosition2D.

Vector3 this[ int idx ]

Returns one of the rectangle's corners, which are numbered from the lower left corner, starting at 0 and then proceeding clockwise.

idx values less than 0 or greater than 3 will throw an IndexOutOfRangeException.

IEnumerable<Edge2D> GetEdges()

Iterates over the edges of the rectangle, starting from the lower left corner and proceeding clockwise.

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Commonly Used Entities


  • Inside: the rectangle being evaluated is inside the rectangle
  • Edge: the rectangle being evaluated is coterminus with the rectangle
  • Outside: the rectangle being evaluated is outside the rectangle

Edge2D is a record containing the two Vector3 points which define an edge. Point1 and Point2 are defined in a clockwise sense.

public record Edge2D( Vector3 Point1, Vector3 Point2 );

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