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GitHub Action

xUnit Slack Reporter

v1.4.0 Latest version

xUnit Slack Reporter


xUnit Slack Reporter

Reports results of tests in xUnit to Slack channel


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: xUnit Slack Reporter

uses: ivanklee86/xunit-slack-reporter@v1.4.0

Learn more about this action in ivanklee86/xunit-slack-reporter

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xUnit Slack Reporter

GitHub MarketplaceCIcodecov

Github Action to send xUnit results to Slack.

What it does!

This action will:

  • Parse a xUnit-style XML report.
  • Send summary to Slack workspace & channel of your choice.
  • Supports paths and globs (i.e. **/*.xml)!
  • (Optional) Only send notifications if errors or failures are found.
  • (Optional) Fail the build if errors or failures are found.

What you need!

Setting up the action

The following environment variables are supported:

Environment Variable Example Description Required?
XUNIT_PATH ./results.xml Path (relative to workspce directory) to xUnit report Y*
XUNIT_GLOB **/*.xml Glob (relative to workspace directory) to xUnit reports Y*
SLACK_TOKEN (See Slack documentation) Slack bot user token Y
SLACK_CHANNEL CKQ7C7KJN Unique ID of slack channel to notify Y
EXIT_CODE_FROM_REPORT True/False If present, will fail workflow if errors or failures are in the report N
ONLY_NOTIFY_ON_ISSUES True/False If present, will only send notifications if errors or failures are found N

* = Either XUNIT_PATH or XUNIT_GLOB must be provided.

Sample Workflow section:

    - name: notify-tests
      uses: ivanklee86/xunit-slack-reporter@v1.4.0
        SLACK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}
        XUNIT_PATH: ./results.xml
    - name: notify-tests
      uses: ivanklee86/xunit-slack-reporter@v1.4.0
        SLACK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}
        XUNIT_PATH: **/*.xml