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GitHub Action

GitHub slug


GitHub slug


GitHub slug

GitHub Action to expose slug values of branch/tag/version inside your GitHub workflow


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: GitHub slug

uses: gacts/github-slug@v1.1.0

Learn more about this action in gacts/github-slug

Choose a version


GitHub slug action

Release version Build Status License

GitHub Action to expose slug values of branch/tag/version inside your GitHub workflow.


Slug on a variable will:

  • Put the variable content in lower case
  • Replace special characters like $ or % with dollar and percent respectively
  • Replace any character by - except 0-9, a-z, and -
  • Remove leading, trailing, and duplicated - character


Add this in your workflow:

- uses: gacts/github-slug@v1
  id: slug
    # replace value in "to-slug" this on your choice
    to-slug: Hello ${{ }}! How are you?

And in subsequent steps you will be able to use the following variables:

Description How to use in your workflow Examples for branch/tag workflows
A slugged version of "to-slug" input ${{ steps.slug.outputs.slug }} hello-username-how-are-you
The workflow was triggered on a branch ${{ }} true/false
The workflow was triggered on a tag ${{ }} false/true
Current branch name ${{ steps.slug.outputs.branch-name }} fix/Foo_bar/<empty-value>
A slugged version of branch-name ${{ steps.slug.outputs.branch-name-slug }} fix-foo-bar/<empty-value>
Current tag name ${{ steps.slug.outputs.tag-name }} <empty-value>/v1.2-rc1_Lorem
A slugged version of tag-name ${{ steps.slug.outputs.tag-name-slug }} <empty-value>/v1-2-rc1-lorem
The commit SHA hash that triggered the workflow ${{ steps.slug.outputs.commit-hash }} ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53
Short (7 first characters) commit SHA hash ${{ steps.slug.outputs.commit-hash-short }} ffac537
Cleared and slugged version value (prefix v/ver/version[._-] will be rejected) ${{ steps.slug.outputs.version }} fix-foo-bar/1.2-rc1-lorem
Major version ${{ steps.slug.outputs.version-major }} 0/1
Minor version ${{ steps.slug.outputs.version-minor }} 0/2
Patch version ${{ steps.slug.outputs.version-patch }} 0/0
Semantic version value ${{ steps.slug.outputs.version-semantic }} 0.0.0-fix-foo-bar/1.2.0-rc1-lorem

Tip: Use Dependabot to maintain your gacts/github-slug version updated in your GitHub workflows.


On the branch:

on the tag

On the tag:

on the branch


New versions releasing scenario:

  • Make required changes in the changelog file
  • Build the action distribution (make build or yarn build)
  • Commit and push changes (including dist directory changes - this is important) into the master branch
  • Publish new release using repo releases page (git tag should follow vX.Y.Z format)

Major and minor git tags (v1 and v1.2 if you publish v1.2.Z release) will be updated automatically.


Issues Issues

If you will find any action errors - please, make an issue in the current repository.


This is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License.