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GitHub Action

ACR Container Purge

1.1 Latest version

ACR Container Purge


ACR Container Purge

Purge containers from your the Azure Container Registry


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: ACR Container Purge

uses: Plabick/ACR-Container-Purge-Action@1.1

Learn more about this action in Plabick/ACR-Container-Purge-Action

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ACR Container Purge Action


An action to purge containers from the Azure Container Registry using the ACR purge command. By default, the action purges containers from every repository in the ACR. You can run the purge on only one repo using the repo input, repos matching a regex using the repo-regex input, or all repos in your ACR by leaving both blank. The purge only applies to containers who's tag matches the tag-regex input and that are older then days-to-keep.


Parameter Description Required Default
registry The name of the Azure Container Registry to purge. Case insensitive i.e exampleazureregistry true N/A
username Azure Service Principal Username true N/A
tenant Azure Service Principal Tenant true N/A
password Azure Service Principal Tennant ID true N/A
repo The ACR repository to purge containers from. Leave blank to purge from all repositories false all
tag-regex Only purge containers with tags matching this regex. Leave blank to purge containers with any tag false .*
repo-regex Only purge containers from ACR repositories matching this regex. Only applicable if repo input is unset. Leave blank to purge containers from all repositories false .*
days-to-keep Do not purge any containers younger than this false 7
keep Save this many containers from being purged that otherwise meet all other purge rules false 10
dry-run Run a dry-run of the purge. Output is the same as during a real purge but nothing is deleted false false
delete-untagged Specifies that manifests that don't have associated tags (untagged manifests) are deleted. false false

Example Usage

name: ACR Purge
       - cron: '0 06,18 * * *'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        registry: 'ExampleDockerHub' # Case insensitive ACR registry name
        regex-master: '^\d.\d.\d\d*$' 
        regex-feature: ".*-*"
        days-to-keep-master: "10"
        days-to-keep-feature: "1"
        keep-master: "50" 
        keep-feature: "5" 
        service-principal-username: ${{ secrets.SP_USERNAME }}
        service-principal-tenant: ${{ secrets.SP_TENANT }}
    - name: Purge Feature Containers
      uses: Plabick/ACR-Container-Purge-Action@master
        registry: ${{ env.registry }}
        username: ${{ env.service-principal-username }}
        tenant: ${{ env.service-principal-tenant }}
        password: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TOKEN }}
        tag-regex: ${{ env.regex-feature }}
        days-to-keep: ${{ env.days-to-keep-feature }}
        keep: ${{ env.keep-feature }}
        delete-untagged: True
    - name: Purge Master Containers
      uses: Plabick/ACR-Container-Purge-Action@master
        registry: ${{ env.registry }}
        username: ${{ env.service-principal-username }}
        tenant: ${{ env.service-principal-tenant }}
        password: ${{ secrets.SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TOKEN }}
        tag-regex: ${{ env.regex-master }}
        days-to-keep: ${{ env.days-to-keep-master }}
        keep: ${{ env.keep-master }}


This action is a docker action.