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Marine Debris Archive Logo

Marine Debris Archive (MARIDA) is a marine debris-oriented dataset on Sentinel-2 satellite images. It also includes various sea features that co-exist. MARIDA is primarily focused on the weakly supervised pixel-level semantic segmentation task. This repository hosts the basic tools for the extraction of spectral signatures as well as the code for the reproduction of the baseline models.

If you find this repository useful, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation:

Kikaki K, Kakogeorgiou I, Mikeli P, Raitsos DE, Karantzalos K (2022) MARIDA: A benchmark for Marine Debris detection from Sentinel-2 remote sensing data. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262247.

In order to download MARIDA go to

Alternatively, MARIDA can be downloaded from the Radiant MLHub. The tar.gz archive file downloaded from this source includes the STAC catalog associated with this dataset.



Installation Requirements

  • python == 3.7.10
  • pytorch == 1.7
  • cudatoolkit == 11.0 (For GPU usage, compute capability >= 3.5)
  • gdal == 2.3.3
  • rasterio == 1.0.21
  • scikit-learn == 0.24.2
  • numpy == 1.20.2
  • tensorboard == 1.15
  • torchvision == 0.8.0
  • scikit-image == 0.18.1
  • pandas == 1.2.4
  • pytables == 3.6.1
  • tqdm == 4.59.0

Installation Guide

The requirements are easily installed via Anaconda (recommended):

conda env create -f environment.yml

If the following error occurred: InvalidVersionSpecError: Invalid version spec: =2.7

Run: conda update conda

After the installation is completed, activate the environment:

conda activate marida

Getting Started

Dataset Structure

In order to train or test the models, download MARIDA and extract it in the data/ folder. The final structure should be:

├── ...
├── data                                     # Main Dataset folder
│   ├── patches                              # Folder with patches Structured by Unique Dates and S2 Tiles  
│   │    ├── S2_DATE_TILE                    # Unique Date
│   │    │    ├── S2_DATE_TILE_CROP.tif      # Unique 256 x 256 Patch 
│   │    │    ├── S2_DATE_TILE_CROP_cl.tif   # 256 x 256 Classification Mask for Semantic Segmentation Task
│   │    │    └── S2_DATE_TILE_CROP_conf.tif # 256 x 256 Annotator Confidence Level Mask
│   │    └──  ...                        
│   ├── splits                               # Train/Val/Test split Folder (train_X.txt, val_X.txt, test_X.txt) 
│   └── labels_mapping.txt                   # Mapping between Unique 256 x 256 Patch and labels for Multi-label Classification Task

The mapping in S2_DATA_TILE_CROP_cl between Digital Numbers and Classes is:

1: 'Marine Debris',
2: 'Dense Sargassum',
3: 'Sparse Sargassum',
4: 'Natural Organic Material',
5: 'Ship',
6: 'Clouds',
7: 'Marine Water',
8: 'Sediment-Laden Water',
9: 'Foam',
10: 'Turbid Water',
11: 'Shallow Water',
12: 'Waves',
13: 'Cloud Shadows',
14: 'Wakes',
15: 'Mixed Water'

For the confidence level mask or other usefull mappings go to utils/

Also, in order to easily visualize the RGB composite of the S2_DATE_TILE_CROP patches via QGIS, you can use the utils/qgis_color_patch_rgb.qml file.

Spectral Signatures Extraction

For the extraction of the spectal signature of each annotated pixel and its storage in a HDF5 Table file (DataFrame-like processing) run the following commands below. The output data/dataset.h5 can be used for the spectral analysis of the dataset. Also, this stage is required for the Random Forest training (press here). Note that this is not required for the Unet training. This procedure lasts approximately ~10 minutes.

python utils/

Alternatively, you can download the dataset.h5 file from here and put it in the data folder. Finally, in order to load the dataset.h5 with Pandas, run in a python cell the following:

import pandas as pd

hdf = pd.HDFStore('./data/dataset.h5', mode = 'r')

df_train ='train')
df_val ='val')
df_test ='test')


Weakly Supervised Pixel-Level Semantic Segmentation


Unet training

Spectral Signatures Extraction in not required for this procedure. For training in the "train" set and evaluation in "val" set with the proposed parameters, run:

cd semantic_segmentation/unet

While training, in order to see the loss status and various metrics via tensorboard, run in a different terminal the following command and then go to localhost:6006 with your browser:

tensorboard --logdir logs/tsboard_segm

The also supports the following argument flags:

    # Basic parameters
    --agg_to_water "Aggregate Mixed Water, Wakes, Cloud Shadows, Waves with Marine Water (True or False)"
    --mode "Select between 'train' or 'test'"
    --epochs "Number of epochs to run"
    --batch "Batch size"
    --resume_from_epoch "Load model from previous epoch (To continue the training)"
    # Unet
    --input_channels "The number of input bands"
    --output_channels "The number of output classes"
    --hidden_channels "The number of hidden features"

    # Optimization
    --weight_param "Weighting parameter for Loss Function"
    --lr "Learning rate for adam"
    --decay "Learning rate decay for adam"
    --reduce_lr_on_plateau "Reduce learning rate when val loss no decrease (0 or 1)"
    --lr_steps "Specify the steps that the lr will be reduced"

    # Evaluation/Checkpointing
    --checkpoint_path "The folder to save checkpoints into."
    --eval_every "How frequently to run evaluation (epochs)"

    # misc
    --num_workers "How many cpus for loading data (0 is the main process)"
    --pin_memory "Use pinned memory or not"
    --prefetch_factor "Number of sample loaded in advance by each worker"
    --persistent_workers "This allows to maintain the workers Dataset instances alive"
    --tensorboard "Name for tensorboard run"

Unet evaluation

Run the following commands in order to produce the Confusion Matrix in stdout and logs/evaluation_unet.log, as well as to produce the predicted masks from the test set in data/predicted_unet/ folder:

cd semantic_segmentation/unet

In order to easily visualize the predicted masks via QGIS, you can use the utils/qgis_color_mask_mapping.qml file.

To download the pretrained Unet model on MARIDA press here. Then, you should put these items in the semantic_segmentation/unet/trained_models/ folder.

Random Forest

In our baseline setup we trained a random forest classifier on Spectral Signatures, produced Spectral Indices (SI) and extracted Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture features. Thus, this process requires the Spectral Signatures Extraction i.e., the data/dataset.h5 file. Also, it requires the dataset_si.h5 and dataset_glcm.h5 for SI and GLCM features, respectively.

  1. For the extraction of stacked SI patches (in data/indices/) run:
cd semantic_segmentation/random_forest

Then, in order to produce the dataset_si.h5 run:

python utils/ --type indices
  1. For the stacked GLCM patches (in data/texture/) run (approximately ~ 110 mins):
python --type texture

Similarly, in order to produce the dataset_glcm.h5 run:

python utils/ --type texture

Alternatively, you can download the indices/ and texture/ folders as well as the dataset_si.h5 and dataset_glcm.h5 files from here. Then, you should put these items in the data folder.

Random Forest training and evaluation

For training in "train" set and final evaluation in "test" set, run the following commands. Note that the results will appear in stdout and logs/evaluation_rf.log, and the predicted masks in data/predicted_rf/ folder.

cd semantic_segmentation\random_forest

The supports the --agg_to_water argument for the aggregation of various classes to form the Water Super Class (The default setup):

python --agg_to_water ['"Mixed Water"','"Wakes"','"Cloud Shadows"','"Waves"']

Multi-label Classification

The weakly-supervised multi-label classification task is an incomplete multi-label assignment problem. Specifically, the assigned labels are definitely positive (assigned as 1), while the absent labels (assigned as 0) are not necessarily negative. The assigned labels per patch can be found in data/labels_mapping.txt


ResNet training

For training in "train" set and evaluation in "val" set, run:

cd multi-label/resnet

Similarly to U-Net training, you can use tensorboard thought localhost:6006 to visualize the training process:

tensorboard --logdir logs/tsboard_multilabel

ResNet evaluation

Run the following commands in order to produce the accuracy scores and the Confusion Matrix in stdout and logs/evaluation_resnet.log, as well as to produce the predictions for each patch from the test set in data/predicted_labels_mapping.txt:


To download the pretrained ResNet model on MARIDA press here. Then, you should put these items in the multi-label/resnet/trained_models/ folder.


Kikaki A, Kakogeorgiou I, Mikeli P, Raitsos DE, Karantzalos K. Detecting and Classifying Marine Plastic Debris from high-resolution multispectral satellite data.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.