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Python-based CLI tool to index raster files to DGGS in parallel, writing out to Parquet.

Currently only supports H3 DGGS, and probably has other limitations since it has been developed for a specific internal use case, though it is intended as a general-purpose abstraction. Contributions, suggestions, bug reports and strongly worded letters are all welcome.

Example use case for raster2dggs, showing how an input raster can be indexed at different H3 resolutions, while retaining information in separate, named bands


pip install raster2dggs


raster2dggs h3 --help


  Ingest a raster image and index it to the H3 DGGS.

  RASTER_INPUT is the path to input raster data; prepend with protocol like
  s3:// or hdfs:// for remote data. OUTPUT_DIRECTORY should be a directory,
  not a file, as it will be the write location for an Apache Parquet data
  store, with partitions equivalent to parent cells of target cells at a fixed
  offset. However, this can also be remote (use the appropriate prefix, e.g.

  -v, --verbosity LVL             Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or
                                  DEBUG  [default: INFO]
  -r, --resolution [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15]
                                  H3 resolution to index  [required]
  -pr, --parent_res [0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15]
                                  H3 Parent resolution to index and aggregate
                                  to. Defaults to resolution - 6
  -u, --upscale INTEGER           Upscaling factor, used to upsample input
                                  data on the fly; useful when the raster
                                  resolution is lower than the target DGGS
                                  resolution. Default (1) applies no
                                  upscaling. The resampling method controls
                                  interpolation.  [default: 1]
  -c, --compression [snappy|gzip|zstd]
                                  Name of the compression to use when writing
                                  to Parquet.  [default: snappy]
  -t, --threads INTEGER           Number of threads to use when running in
                                  parallel. The default is determined based
                                  dynamically as the total number of available
                                  cores, minus one.  [default: 7]
  -a, --aggfunc [count|mean|sum|prod|std|var|min|max|median]
                                  Numpy aggregate function to apply when
                                  aggregating cell values after DGGS indexing,
                                  in case of multiple pixels mapping to the
                                  same DGGS cell.  [default: mean]
  -d, --decimals INTEGER          Number of decimal places to round values
                                  when aggregating. Use 0 for integer output.
                                  [default: 1]
  -o, --overwrite
  --warp_mem_limit INTEGER        Input raster may be warped to EPSG:4326 if
                                  it is not already in this CRS. This setting
                                  specifies the warp operation's memory limit
                                  in MB.  [default: 12000]
  --resampling [nearest|bilinear|cubic|cubic_spline|lanczos|average|mode|gauss|max|min|med|q1|q3|sum|rms]
                                  Input raster may be warped to EPSG:4326 if
                                  it is not already in this CRS. Or, if the
                                  upscale parameter is greater than 1, there
                                  is a need to resample. This setting
                                  specifies this resampling algorithm.
                                  [default: average]
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Visualising output

Output is in the Apache Parquet format, a directory with one file per partition. Partitions are based on parent cell IDs, with the parent resolution determined as an offset from the target DGGS resolution.

For a quick view of your output, you can read Apache Parquet with pandas, and then use h3-pandas and geopandas to convert this into a GeoPackage for visualisation in a desktop GIS, such as QGIS. The Apache Parquet output is indexed by the DGGS column, so it should be ready for association with other data prepared in the same DGGS.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import h3pandas
>>> o = pd.read_parquet('./tests/data/output/9/Sen2_Test')
>>> o
band             B02  B03  B04  B05  B06  B07  B08  B8A  B11  B12
89bb0981003ffff    9   27   16   62  175  197  228  247  102   36
89bb0981007ffff   10   30   17   66  185  212  238  261  113   40
89bb098100bffff   10   26   15   60  169  190  228  241  103   37
89bb098100fffff   11   29   17   66  181  203  243  257  109   39
89bb0981013ffff    8   26   16   58  172  199  220  244   98   34
...              ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...
89bb0d6eea7ffff   10   18   15   41  106  120  140  146  102   47
89bb0d6eeabffff   12   19   15   39   95  107  125  131   84   39
89bb0d6eeafffff   12   21   17   43  101  115  134  141  111   51
89bb0d6eeb7ffff   10   20   14   45  120  137  160  165  111   48
89bb0d6eebbffff   15   28   20   56  146  166  198  202  108   47

[5656 rows x 10 columns]
>>> o.h3.h3_to_geo_boundary().to_file('~/Downloads/Sen2_Test_h3-9.gpkg', driver='GPKG')


For development

In brief, to get started:

  • Install Poetry
  • Install GDAL
    • If you're on Windows, pip install gdal may be necessary before running the subsequent commands.
    • On Linux, install GDAL 3.6+ according to your platform-specific instructions, including development headers, i.e. libgdal-dev.
  • Create the virtual environment with poetry init. This will install necessary dependencies.
  • Subsequently, the virtual environment can be re-activated with poetry shell.

If you run poetry install, the CLI tool will be aliased so you can simply use raster2dggs rather than poetry run raster2dggs, which is the alternative if you do not poetry install.

Code formatting

Code style: black

Please run black . before committing.


Two sample files have been uploaded to an S3 bucket with s3:GetObject public permission.

  • s3://raster2dggs-test-data/Sen2_Test.tif (sample Sentinel 2 imagery, 10 bands, rectangular, Int16, LZW compression, ~10x10m pixels, 68.6 MB)
  • s3://raster2dggs-test-data/TestDEM.tif (sample LiDAR-derived DEM, 1 band, irregular shape with null data, Float32, uncompressed, 10x10m pixels, 183.5 MB)

You may use these for testing. However you can also test with local files too, which will be faster.

Example commands

raster2dggs h3 --resolution 11 -d 0 s3://raster2dggs-test-data/Sen2_Test.tif ./tests/data/output/11/Sen2_Test
raster2dggs h3 --resolution 13 --compression zstd --resampling nearest -a median -d 1 -u 2 s3://raster2dggs-test-data/TestDEM.tif ./tests/data/output/13/TestDEM


  author={Ardo, James and Law, Richard},


Ardo, J., & Law, R. (2023). raster2dggs (0.2.7) [Computer software].
