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anmolsinghbhatia committed Sep 16, 2024
2 parents 9927320 + 2e81665 commit 10c9d81
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Showing 7 changed files with 31 additions and 25 deletions.
22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions packages/ui/src/icons/discord-icon.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as React from "react";

import { ISvgIcons } from "./type";

export const DiscordIcon: React.FC<ISvgIcons> = ({ width = "24", height = "24", className, color }) => (
export const DiscordIcon: React.FC<ISvgIcons> = ({ width = "24", height = "24", className }) => (
Expand All @@ -11,15 +11,21 @@ export const DiscordIcon: React.FC<ISvgIcons> = ({ width = "24", height = "24",
<g clipPath="url(#clip0_282_229)">
fill={color ? color : "rgb(var(--color-text-200))"}
d="M16.9312 3.64157C15.6346 3.04643 14.2662 2.62206 12.8604 2.37907C12.8476 2.37657 12.8343 2.37821 12.8225 2.38375C12.8106 2.38929 12.8009 2.39845 12.7946 2.4099C12.6196 2.7224 12.4246 3.1299 12.2879 3.45157C10.7724 3.22139 9.23088 3.22139 7.7154 3.45157C7.5633 3.09515 7.39165 2.7474 7.20123 2.4099C7.19467 2.39871 7.18486 2.38977 7.1731 2.38426C7.16135 2.37876 7.1482 2.37695 7.1354 2.37907C5.72944 2.62155 4.36101 3.04595 3.06457 3.64157C3.05359 3.64617 3.04429 3.65402 3.0379 3.66407C0.444567 7.53823 -0.266266 11.3166 0.0829005 15.0474C0.0837487 15.0567 0.0864772 15.0656 0.0909192 15.0738C0.0953611 15.082 0.101423 15.0892 0.108734 15.0949C1.6184 16.2134 3.30716 17.0672 5.1029 17.6199C5.11556 17.6236 5.12903 17.6233 5.14153 17.6191C5.15403 17.615 5.16497 17.6071 5.1729 17.5966C5.55895 17.072 5.90069 16.5162 6.19457 15.9349C6.19866 15.9269 6.20103 15.9182 6.2015 15.9093C6.20198 15.9003 6.20056 15.8914 6.19733 15.8831C6.1941 15.8747 6.18914 15.8671 6.18278 15.8609C6.17641 15.8546 6.16878 15.8497 6.1604 15.8466C5.62159 15.6404 5.09995 15.3918 4.6004 15.1032C4.59124 15.0979 4.58354 15.0905 4.57797 15.0815C4.5724 15.0725 4.56914 15.0622 4.56848 15.0517C4.56782 15.0411 4.56978 15.0306 4.57418 15.021C4.57859 15.0113 4.58531 15.003 4.59373 14.9966C4.69893 14.9179 4.80229 14.8367 4.90373 14.7532C4.91261 14.746 4.92331 14.7414 4.93464 14.74C4.94597 14.7385 4.95748 14.7402 4.9679 14.7449C8.24123 16.2391 11.7846 16.2391 15.0196 14.7449C15.0301 14.74 15.0418 14.7382 15.0533 14.7397C15.0648 14.7412 15.0756 14.7459 15.0846 14.7532C15.1846 14.8349 15.2896 14.9182 15.3954 14.9966C15.4037 15.0029 15.4104 15.0111 15.4148 15.0205C15.4193 15.03 15.4213 15.0404 15.4208 15.0508C15.4203 15.0612 15.4173 15.0714 15.412 15.0804C15.4067 15.0894 15.3993 15.0969 15.3904 15.1024C14.892 15.3937 14.3699 15.6424 13.8296 15.8457C13.8212 15.849 13.8135 15.8539 13.8071 15.8603C13.8008 15.8666 13.7958 15.8743 13.7926 15.8827C13.7894 15.8911 13.788 15.9001 13.7884 15.9091C13.7889 15.9181 13.7913 15.9269 13.7954 15.9349C14.0954 16.5166 14.4387 17.0699 14.8162 17.5957C14.824 17.6064 14.8349 17.6145 14.8475 17.6186C14.86 17.6228 14.8736 17.623 14.8862 17.6191C16.685 17.0681 18.3765 16.2142 19.8879 15.0941C19.8953 15.0889 19.9014 15.0822 19.906 15.0744C19.9106 15.0667 19.9135 15.058 19.9146 15.0491C20.3312 10.7349 19.2162 6.9874 16.9571 3.66573C16.9518 3.65453 16.9426 3.64564 16.9312 3.64073V3.64157ZM6.68373 12.7749C5.6979 12.7749 4.88623 11.8707 4.88623 10.7591C4.88623 9.64823 5.6829 8.74323 6.68373 8.74323C7.69207 8.74323 8.49707 9.65657 8.48123 10.7599C8.48123 11.8707 7.68457 12.7749 6.68373 12.7749ZM13.3296 12.7749C12.3437 12.7749 11.5321 11.8707 11.5321 10.7591C11.5321 9.64823 12.3279 8.74323 13.3296 8.74323C14.3379 8.74323 15.1429 9.65657 15.1271 10.7599C15.1271 11.8707 14.3387 12.7749 13.3296 12.7749Z"
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d="M18.9312 5.63864C17.6346 5.0435 16.2662 4.61913 14.8604 4.37614C14.8476 4.37364 14.8343 4.37528 14.8225 4.38082C14.8106 4.38636 14.8009 4.39552 14.7946 4.40697C14.6196 4.71947 14.4246 5.12697 14.2879 5.44864C12.7724 5.21846 11.2309 5.21846 9.7154 5.44864C9.5633 5.09222 9.39165 4.74447 9.20123 4.40697C9.19467 4.39578 9.18486 4.38684 9.1731 4.38133C9.16135 4.37583 9.1482 4.37402 9.1354 4.37614C7.72944 4.61862 6.36101 5.04302 5.06457 5.63864C5.05359 5.64324 5.04429 5.65109 5.0379 5.66114C2.44457 9.5353 1.73373 13.3137 2.0829 17.0445C2.08375 17.0538 2.08648 17.0627 2.09092 17.0709C2.09536 17.0791 2.10142 17.0863 2.10873 17.092C3.6184 18.2105 5.30716 19.0643 7.1029 19.617C7.11556 19.6207 7.12903 19.6204 7.14153 19.6162C7.15403 19.6121 7.16497 19.6042 7.1729 19.5937C7.55895 19.0691 7.90069 18.5133 8.19457 17.932C8.19866 17.924 8.20103 17.9153 8.2015 17.9064C8.20198 17.8974 8.20056 17.8885 8.19733 17.8802C8.1941 17.8718 8.18914 17.8642 8.18278 17.858C8.17641 17.8517 8.16878 17.8468 8.1604 17.8437C7.62159 17.6375 7.09995 17.3889 6.6004 17.1003C6.59124 17.095 6.58354 17.0876 6.57797 17.0786C6.5724 17.0696 6.56914 17.0593 6.56848 17.0488C6.56782 17.0382 6.56978 17.0277 6.57418 17.0181C6.57859 17.0084 6.58531 17.0001 6.59373 16.9937C6.69893 16.915 6.80229 16.8338 6.90373 16.7503C6.91261 16.7431 6.92331 16.7385 6.93464 16.7371C6.94597 16.7356 6.95748 16.7373 6.9679 16.742C10.2412 18.2362 13.7846 18.2362 17.0196 16.742C17.0301 16.7371 17.0418 16.7353 17.0533 16.7368C17.0648 16.7383 17.0756 16.743 17.0846 16.7503C17.1846 16.832 17.2896 16.9153 17.3954 16.9937C17.4037 17 17.4104 17.0082 17.4148 17.0176C17.4193 17.0271 17.4213 17.0375 17.4208 17.0479C17.4203 17.0583 17.4173 17.0685 17.412 17.0775C17.4067 17.0865 17.3993 17.094 17.3904 17.0995C16.892 17.3908 16.3699 17.6395 15.8296 17.8428C15.8212 17.8461 15.8135 17.851 15.8071 17.8574C15.8008 17.8637 15.7958 17.8714 15.7926 17.8798C15.7894 17.8882 15.788 17.8972 15.7884 17.9062C15.7889 17.9152 15.7913 17.924 15.7954 17.932C16.0954 18.5137 16.4387 19.067 16.8162 19.5928C16.824 19.6035 16.8349 19.6116 16.8475 19.6157C16.86 19.6199 16.8736 19.6201 16.8862 19.6162C18.685 19.0652 20.3765 18.2113 21.8879 17.0912C21.8953 17.086 21.9014 17.0793 21.906 17.0715C21.9106 17.0638 21.9135 17.0551 21.9146 17.0462C22.3312 12.732 21.2162 8.98447 18.9571 5.6628C18.9518 5.6516 18.9426 5.64355 18.9312 5.63864ZM8.68373 14.772C7.6979 14.772 6.88623 13.8678 6.88623 12.7562C6.88623 11.6453 7.6829 10.7403 8.68373 10.7403C9.69207 10.7403 10.4971 11.6536 10.4812 12.757C10.4812 13.8678 9.68457 14.772 8.68373 14.772ZM15.3296 14.772C14.3437 14.772 13.5321 13.8678 13.5321 12.7562C13.5321 11.6453 14.3279 10.7403 15.3296 10.7403C16.3379 10.7403 17.1429 11.6536 17.1271 12.757C17.1271 13.8678 16.3387 14.772 15.3296 14.772Z"
<clipPath id="clip0_282_229">
<rect width={width} height={height} />
<clipPath id="clip0_4112_17440">
<rect width={width} height={height} fill="white" />
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions turbo.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,10 +23,7 @@
"tasks": {
"build": {
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions web/app/[workspaceSlug]/(projects)/settings/layout.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import { observer } from "mobx-react";
// components
import { NotAuthorizedView } from "@/components/auth-screens";
import { AppHeader } from "@/components/core";
// hooks
import { useUserPermissions } from "@/hooks/store";
// plane web constants
import { EUserPermissions, EUserPermissionsLevel } from "@/plane-web/constants/user-permissions";
// local components
import { WorkspaceSettingHeader } from "./header";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion web/ce/components/workspace/billing/root.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { Button } from "@plane/ui";
import { MARKETING_PRICING_PAGE_LINK } from "@/constants/common";

export const BillingRoot = () => (
<section className="w-full overflow-y-auto md:pr-9 pr-4">
<section className="w-full overflow-y-auto">
<div className="flex items-center border-b border-custom-border-100 pb-3.5">
<h3 className="text-xl font-medium">Billing and Plans</h3>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion web/ce/components/workspace/upgrade/one-plan-upgrade.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type OnePlanUpgradeProps = {
export const OnePlanUpgrade: FC<OnePlanUpgradeProps> = (props) => {
const { features, verticalFeatureList = false, extraFeatures } = props;
// env

return (
<div className="py-4 px-2 border border-custom-border-90 rounded-xl bg-custom-background-90">
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions web/ce/components/workspace/upgrade/pro-plan-upgrade.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
"use client";

import { FC, useState } from "react";
import { CheckCircle } from "lucide-react";
import { Tab } from "@headlessui/react";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,8 +45,8 @@ export const ProPlanUpgrade: FC<ProPlanUpgradeProps> = (props) => {
const yearlyPrice = PRO_PLAN_PRICES.find((price) => price.recurring === "year")?.price ?? 0;
const yearlyDiscount = calculateYearlyDiscount(monthlyPrice, yearlyPrice);
// env

return (
<div className="py-4 px-2 border border-custom-primary-200/30 rounded-xl bg-custom-primary-200/5">
Expand Down
17 changes: 8 additions & 9 deletions web/core/components/workspace/sidebar/help-section.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import Link from "next/link";
import { FileText, HelpCircle, MessagesSquare, MoveLeft, User } from "lucide-react";
// ui
import { CustomMenu, Tooltip } from "@plane/ui";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ export const SidebarHelpSection: React.FC<WorkspaceHelpSectionProps> = observer(
<ProductUpdatesModal isOpen={isChangeLogOpen} handleClose={() => setIsChangeLogOpen(false)} />
"flex w-full items-center justify-between px-2 gap-1 self-baseline border-t border-custom-border-200 bg-custom-sidebar-background-100 h-12 flex-shrink-0",
"flex w-full items-center justify-between px-2 self-baseline border-t border-custom-border-200 bg-custom-sidebar-background-100 h-12 flex-shrink-0",
"flex-col h-auto py-1.5": isCollapsed,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,14 +73,14 @@ export const SidebarHelpSection: React.FC<WorkspaceHelpSectionProps> = observer(
className="flex items-center justify- gap-x-2 rounded text-xs hover:bg-custom-background-80"
<FileText className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-200" size={14} />
<span className="text-xs">Documentation</span>
{config?.intercom_app_id && config?.is_intercom_enabled && (
Expand All @@ -96,14 +95,14 @@ export const SidebarHelpSection: React.FC<WorkspaceHelpSectionProps> = observer(
className="flex items-center justify- gap-x-2 rounded text-xs hover:bg-custom-background-80"
<User className="h-3.5 w-3.5 text-custom-text-200" size={14} />
<span className="text-xs">Contact sales</span>
<div className="my-1 border-t border-custom-border-200" />
Expand All @@ -117,13 +116,13 @@ export const SidebarHelpSection: React.FC<WorkspaceHelpSectionProps> = observer(
<ProductUpdates setIsChangeLogOpen={setIsChangeLogOpen} />
className="flex items-center justify- gap-x-2 rounded text-xs hover:bg-custom-background-80"
<span className="text-xs">Community</span>
<span className="text-xs">Discord</span>
<div className="px-1 pt-2 mt-1 text-xs text-custom-text-200 border-t border-custom-border-200">
<PlaneVersionNumber />
Expand Down

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