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Model Assisted Deep Learning for Ultrasonic guided wave based damage identification

This code is a part of the work presented in the paper:

Paper: Ultrasonic guided wave based structural damage detection and localization using model assisted convolutional and recurrent neural networks

Please cite the paper if you are using the code, datasets or paper for your research paper.

Basic Details:

- The code is made on Python programming language on Jupyter notebook using Tensorflow 2.0.0

- Each line of code is provided with the heading and neccessary descriptions.

- To access the code on google colab, you need to put the dataset in the google drive.

- For more information, you can write to me at my email id given in the paper.

- To get the datasets mentioned in the codes, send an email to me.

Main Details:

- There are 4 folders in the main directory.

- One folder is for classification based 1DCNN and 2DCNN models

- One folder is for regression based 1DCNN, 2DCNN and LSTM models

- One folder is for machine learning models like SVM, Random Forest, ANN

- Folder with 'SDEbase' contains matlab files for Reduced order Spectral Damage Element.

- This code is very basic and may not fetch accurate results but will provide the basic understanding of SFEM.


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