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AMQP agents for importing and exporting data from/to AD

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Running against AD

When using docker compose up -d to setup a local development environment, the integration is deployed in its default configuration with a local OpenLDAP server.

If you instead want to use the integration against an Active Directory server you can use the configuration in magenta-addev.env to connect to Magenta's Active Directory development instance, simply run:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.addev.yml up -d --remove-orphans

Or copy docker-compose.override.addev.yml to docker-compose.override.yml.

Running the tests

You use poetry and pytest to run the tests:

poetry run pytest -s

You can also run specific files

poetry run pytest tests/<test_folder>/<>

and even use filtering with -k

poetry run pytest -k "Manager"

You can use the flags -vx where v prints the test & x makes the test stop if any tests fails (Verbose, X-fail)

You can get the coverage report like this:

poetry run pytest -s --cov --cov-report term-missing -vvx

Deploying the app using salt

You can deploy using a salt-call from a server:

salt-call state.apply os2mo.ldap_import_export.init

Or from the salt master:

salt 'server_name' state.apply os2mo.ldap_import_export.init

See the labs handbook for more details.

Using the app

First make sure that OS2mo is up and running.

Then, create a docker-compose.override.yml file based on the docker-compose.override.template.yml file

You can then boot the app like this:

poetry lock
poetry install
docker-compose up

To interact with the app, you can go to the swagger documentation. You can also interact with the app using curl. For example:

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8000/LDAP/Employee?entries_to_return=20' | jq '.'

Importing from LDAP to OS2mo

Objects can be imported from LDAP to OS2mo in two ways:

Exporting from OS2mo to LDAP

Objects can be exported from OS2mo to LDAP by using POST:/Export. Note that only objects which are properly defined in the conversion file are exported.

Synchronization between OS2mo and LDAP

OS2mo and LDAP are kept ajour by two seperate processes:

  • An LDAP listener runs in the background and listens to any changes in LDAP. The listener will respond within 5 seconds by calling sync_tool.import_single_user(dn) on a changed ldap object, when any of its attributes are modified in LDAP. Note that this can also cause non-employee objects to be imported, if those are in the LDAP search base.
  • An AMQP listener runs in the background and listens to AMQP messages sent out by OS2mo. As soon as the listener receives an AMQP message, the matching OS2mo object is exported to LDAP.

Setting up the conversion file

The conversion dictionary is the heart of the application. New fields can be synchronized solely by adding entries to this dictionary, without the need to change code elsewhere.

Currently the following objects are supported for conversion:

  • Employees
  • Employee addresses
  • Employee IT users
  • Employee engagements
  • Organization unit addresses

Employee conversion

The conversion file specifies in json how to map attributes from OS2mo to LDAP and from LDAP to OS2mo, and takes the form:

    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "",
      [other attributes]
    [other classes]
    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      [other attributes]
    [other classes]

Note that the Employee key must always be present in the conversion file.

Here the Employee class is specified to take the class when creating or updating an OS2mo object, and to take the class user when creating or updating an LDAP object. If the LDAP schema uses a different class for the employee object, specify that class here.

Each entry in the conversion file must specify:

  • An "objectClass" attribute.
    • OS2mo: Any OS2mo class from ramodels should be acceptable.
    • LDAP: Available LDAP classes and their attributes can be retrieved by calling GET:LDAP_overview.
  • Attributes for all required fields in the OS2mo or LDAP class to be written
  • For OS2mo classes: A link to the employee or organization unit's uuid must be present.

Note that all attributes MUST be accepted by the destination class in OS2mo or LDAP. Exceptions for this are the LDAP extensionAttribute attributes. These attributes can be present on LDAP classes, without being explicitly specified in the schema.

Also note that the application needs to be able to link OS2mo and LDAP objects to each other. See the chapter on Linking LDAP and OS2mo objects

Values in the json structure may be normal strings, or a string containing one or more jinja2 templates, to be used for extracting values. For example:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}"

Here, employeeID in the resulting LDAP object will be set to the cpr_no value from the OS2mo object. The mo_employee object will be added to the template context by adding to the mo_object_dict in mo_import_export.main.listen_to_changes_in_employees.

More advanced template strings may be constructed, such as:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "givenname": "{{ldap.givenName or|splitlast|first}}",
      "uuid": "{{ employee_uuid or NONE }}"

Here, the OS2mo object's givenname attribute will be set to the givenName attribute from LDAP, if it exists, or if it does not, to the name attribute modified to be split by the last space and using the first part of the result. Note also the uuid field, which must be present to map the employee to the proper object in OS2mo. In this case, the uuid attribute links to a global variable called employee_uuid.

Note that you can also choose not to export this information to LDAP, by setting _export_to_ldap_ equal to false. Similarly, you can choose not to import any information into OS2mo by setting _import_to_mo_ equal to false

Address conversion

OS2mo can contain multiple addresses of the same type for a single user. It is therefore recommended that the LDAP field corresponding to OS2mo's address value can contain multiple values. If this is not the case, the address in LDAP will be overwritten every time a new address of an existing type is added in OS2mo. Information about whether an LDAP field can contain multiple values, can be found by calling GET:LDAP_overview. and inspecting the single_value attribute.

An example of an address conversion dict is as follows:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "EmailEmployee": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "mail": "{{mo_address.value}}",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}"

Note that the Email key must be a valid OS2mo address type name. OS2mo address types can be retrieved by calling GET:MO/Address_types_employee. In this example, it is recommended that LDAP's mail attribute is a multi-value field.

Converting the other way around can be done as follows:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "EmailEmployee": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "value": "{{ldap.mail or None}}",
      "type": "address",
      "validity": "{{ dict(from_date = ldap.mail_validity_from or now()|mo_datestring) }}",
      "address_type": "{{ dict(uuid=get_employee_address_type_uuid('EmailEmployee')) }}",
      "person": "{{ dict(uuid=employee_uuid or NONE) }}"

Note the address_type field. This attribute must contain a dict, as specified by Furthermore the uuid must be a valid address type uuid. Valid address type uuids can be obtained by calling GET:MO/Address_types_employee or by using the get_employee_address_type_uuid global function in the template.

Furthermore, the object must contain a person entry, which refers to the employee uuid for this which address is to be imported. In this example, we use the employee_uuid global variable.

Post Address conversion

For post addresses, it is required to use an address type in OS2mo with scope != DAR. The reason for this is that we cannot expect an LDAP server to have the same address format as DAR. The scope of address types in OS2mo can be retrieved using GET:MO/Address_types_employee and GET:MO/Address_types_org_unit.

Organization unit address conversion

An address in an OS2mo organizational unit maps to every LDAP employee object who is engaged at the organizational unit. This can be set up as follows:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "LocationUnit": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "postalAddress": "{{mo_org_unit_address.value}}",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}",
      "division": "{{get_org_unit_path_string(mo_org_unit_address.org_unit.uuid)}}"

And the other way around:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "LocationUnit": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "value": "{{ ldap.postalAddress or NONE }}",
      "type": "address",
      "validity": "{{ dict(from_date=now()|mo_datestring) }}",
      "address_type": "{{ dict(uuid=get_org_unit_address_type_uuid('LocationUnit')) }}",
      "org_unit": "{{ dict(uuid=get_or_create_org_unit_uuid(ldap.division)) }}"

Note that an organizational unit address needs to have an org_unit attribute. In contrast to an employee object, which needs a person attribute. For details regarding get_org_unit_path_string and get_or_create_org_unit_uuid, see the chapter on engagement conversion.

Mapping org unit addresses to LDAP objects other than employee objects (i.e. the object which contains the address also contains employee information like name, cpr-no, etc.) is currently not supported.

IT user conversion

It user conversion follows the same logic as address conversion. An example of an IT user conversion dict is as follows:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Active Directory": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "msSFU30Name" : "{{mo_it_user.user_key}}",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}"

And the other way around:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Active Directory": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "user_key": "{{ ldap.msSFU30Name or None }}",
      "itsystem": "{{ dict(uuid=get_it_system_uuid('Active Directory')) }}",
      "validity": "{{ dict(from_date=now()|mo_datestring) }}",
      "person": "{{ dict(uuid=employee_uuid or NONE) }}"

Note that we have specified the json key equal to Active Directory. This key needs to be an IT system user key in OS2mo. IT system user keys can be retrieved using GET:MO/IT_systems.

Engagement conversion

Engagement conversion follows the same logic as address conversion. An example of an engagement conversion dict is as follows:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Engagement" : {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}",
      "department": "{{NONE}}",
      "company": "{{NONE}}",
      "departmentNumber": "{{mo_engagement.user_key}}",
      "division": "{{get_org_unit_path_string(mo_engagement.org_unit.uuid)}}",
      "primaryGroupID": "{{NONE}}",
      "employeeType": "{{get_engagement_type_name(mo_engagement.engagement_type.uuid)}}",
      "memberOf": "{{NONE}}",
      "personalTitle": "{{NONE}}",
      "title": "{{get_job_function_name(mo_engagement.job_function.uuid)}}"

Note the get_org_unit_path_string function which we use for ldap.division. This will write full organizational paths to ldap, rather than just the name of an organizational unit. The organizational unit path is separated by the character specified in the ORG_UNIT_PATH_STRING_SEPARATOR environment variable.

Converting the other way around can be done like this:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Engagement": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "org_unit": "{{ dict(uuid=get_or_create_org_unit_uuid(ldap.division)) }}",
      "job_function": "{{ dict(uuid=get_job_function_uuid(ldap.title)) }}",
      "engagement_type": "{{ dict(uuid=get_engagement_type_uuid(ldap.employeeType)) }}",
      "user_key": "{{ ldap.departmentNumber or uuid4() }}",
      "validity": "{{ dict(from_date=now()|mo_datestring) }}",
      "person": "{{ dict(uuid=employee_uuid or NONE) }}",
      "primary": "{{ dict(uuid=get_primary_type_uuid('primary')) }}"

Note that get_or_create_org_unit_uuid supports full organization paths as input. This means, that if the ldap.division field contains a string which reads Magenta Aps->Magenta Aarhus, it will try to get the uuid of the organizational unit called Magenta Aarhus. In case there are multiple organizational units with this name, it will find the right one. If this unit does not exist, it will create it, with Magenta Aps as its parent. It is important that ldap.division contains full paths to its organizational unit. This is important because organizational units can have duplicate names. For example: Every sub-organizational unit in most companies has an IT Support department.

Created organizational units have a default organizational unit type and level specified in the environment variables with DEFAULT_ORG_UNIT_TYPE and DEFAULT_ORG_UNIT_LEVEL.

Note the primary attribute. If you want, you can set this to a dictionary with an uuid that refers to OS2mo's primary class. primary is not just a True/False value, but can contain entries like for example primary, not-primary, explicitly-primary. To inspect all possible values, which the primary class can take, use GET:MO/Primary_types.

The DN attribute

OS2mo's Organizational units can be mapped to LDAP's dn attribute. When mapping an organizational unit to the dn attribute, the application will move an LDAP user around, based on its organizational path. For example:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Engagement" : {
      "dn": "{{make_dn_from_org_unit_path(dn, nonejoin_orgs('OS2MO', 'demo', get_org_unit_path_string(mo_employee_engagement.org_unit.uuid)))}}",

Will call get_org_unit_path_string to construct an org-unit path string from the org-unit's uuid. Then it calls nonejoin_orgs to append OS2MO/demo to this path. Finally the path is converted to an LDAP dn. This means that if an employee is registered to an org-unit called org1/org2 in OS2mo, it will be placed in OU=org2,OU=org1,OU=demo,OU=OS2mo in LDAP. Note that the dn variable is globally defined in global.

Converting the other way around can be done as follows:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Engagement": {
      "org_unit": "{{ dict(uuid=get_or_create_org_unit_uuid(org_unit_path_string_from_dn(ldap.dn, 2))) }}",

Where the second argument to org_unit_path_string_from_dn strips the first two organizations in the path, before returning a path string. This means that if an object is in OU=org2,OU=org1,OU=demo,OU=OS2mo in LDAP, OU=OS2mo and OU=demo will be stripped and the user will be placed in org1/org2 in OS2mo.

Link LDAP and OS2mo objects

For us to be able to synchronize objects between OS2mo and LDAP, we need to know which LDAP user corresponds to which OS2mo user, and the other way around. This can be done in two ways and is attempted in the following order:

  • Using a properly configured IT-user
  • Using cpr-number lookup

Both methods are described in this chapter.

Using a properly configured IT-user

If an OS2mo employee has an IT-user which contains the LDAP distinguishedName attribute value, this is used to determine which LDAP object an OS2mo object corresponds to. This method will succeed if:

  • An IT-system is configured in the mapping file to contain LDAP's distinguishedName attribute as its user_key.
  • The OS2mo user has exactly one IT-user of this type.

This can be configured in the file mapping as follows:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Active Directory": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "distinguishedName" : "{{mo_employee_it_user.user_key}}",

And the other way around:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Active Directory": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "user_key": "{{ ldap.distinguishedName }}",
      "itsystem": "{{ dict(uuid=get_it_system_uuid('Active Directory')) }}",
      "validity": "{{ dict(from_date=now()|mo_datestring) }}",
      "person": "{{ dict(uuid=employee_uuid or NONE) }}"

If an OS2mo employee does not have an IT-user (and also no cpr-number), a username is generated for the employee, and uploaded as an it-system.

If an OS2mo employee has multiple IT-users with valid distinguishedName values, an exception is raised.

Using cpr-number lookup

A cpr-number is unique to a person, and can therefore be used to look up the LDAP object corresponding to an OS2mo employee. If the cpr-number is configured in the mapping file, this is automatically attempted if the IT-user lookup fails or is not configured (properly).

This required an employee to be configured as follows in the mapping file:

  "mo_to_ldap": {
    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "user",
      "_export_to_ldap_": "true",
      "employeeID": "{{mo_employee.cpr_no}}",

And the other way around:

  "ldap_to_mo": {
    "Employee": {
      "objectClass": "",
      "_import_to_mo_": "true",
      "cpr_no": "{{ldap.employeeID|strip_non_digits}}",
      "uuid": "{{ employee_uuid or NONE }}"

Note that the OS2mo employee.cpr_no attribute is mapped both in the ldap_to_mo and the mo_to_ldap mapping. This will cause the application to understand that it can attempt a cpr-number lookup to find a matching object in LDAP/MO when required.

If LDAP contains multiple users with the same cpr-number, an exception is raised.

If LDAP does not contain any objects with the cpr-number of the OS2mo employee, a username is generated and the LDAP object is created.

Filters and globals

In addition to the Jinja2's builtin filters, the following filters are available:

  • splitfirst: Splits a string at the first space, returning two elements This is convenient for splitting a name into a givenName and a surname and works for names with no spaces (surname will then be empty). Takes a single separator argument which defaults to a whitespace. For example, you can write: "streetAddress": "{{mo_org_unit_address.value|splitlast(',')|first|trim}}"
  • splitlast: Splits a string at the last space, returning two elements This is convenient for splitting a name into a givenName and a surname and works for names with no spaces (givenname will then be empty). Takes a single separator argument which defaults to a whitespace.
  • mo_datestring: Accepts a datetime object and formats it as a string.
  • strip_non_digits: Removes all but digits from a string.
  • parse_datetime: Converts a date string to a datetime object. The year needs to be first. For example 2021-01-01.

In addition to filters, a few methods have been made available for the templates. These are called using the normal function call syntax. For example:

  "key": "{{ nonejoin(ldap.postalCode, ldap.streetAddress) }}"
  • now: Returns current datetime
  • nonejoin: Joins two or more strings together with comma, omitting any Falsy values (None, "", 0, False, {} or [])
  • nonejoin_orgs: Joins two or more strings together with the org-unit path separator, omitting any Falsy values (None, "", 0, False, {} or []). The org-unit path separator can be set with the org_unit_path_string_separator environment variable.
  • get_employee_address_type_uuid: Returns the address type uuid for an employee address type user_key
  • get_org_unit_address_type_uuid: Returns the address type uuid for an org-unit address type user_key
  • get_it_system_uuid: Returns the it system uuid for an it system string
  • get_or_create_org_unit_uuid: Returns the organization unit uuid for an organization unit path string. Note that the input string needs to be the full path to the organization unit, separated by ->. If this organization unit does not exist, it is created.
  • get_job_function_uuid: Returns the job function uuid for a job function string
  • get_engagement_type_uuid: Returns the engagement type uuid for an engagement type string
  • uuid4: Returns an uuid4
  • get_org_unit_path_string: Returns the full path string to an organization unit, given its uuid
  • get_engagement_type_name: Returns the name of an engagement type, given its uuid
  • get_job_function_name: Returns the name of a job function, given its uuid
  • get_org_unit_name: Returns the name of an org-unit, given its uuid
  • org_unit_path_string_from_dn: Takes all OU attributes of an LDAP Distinguished Name and formats them as an org-unit path string.
  • make_dn_from_org_unit_path: Replaces all OU attributes in an LDAP Distringuished Name with org-unit names as specified in an org-unit path string.

Finally, the following global variables can be used:

  • employee_uuid: uuid of the employee matching the converted object's cpr number. Can only be used in ldap_to_mo mapping.
  • dn: The DN (Distinguished Name) of an object. Can only be used in mo_to_ldap mapping.

Username generation

If a user is created in OS2mo, the tool will try to find the matching user in LDAP using a CPR-number lookup. If the user does not exist in LDAP a username is generated and the user is created in LDAP. Username generation follows patterns set in the json file. For example:

  "username_generator": {
    "objectClass" : "UserNameGenerator",
    "combinations_to_try": ["F123L",
    "char_replacement": {"ø": "oe",
                         "æ": "ae",
                         "å": "aa",
                         "Ø": "oe",
                         "Æ": "ae",
                         "Å": "aa"
    "forbidden_usernames": ["hater",

The examples which follow use this json file.

objectClass points to an object class in which should be used for username generation. Currently only UserNameGenerator is accepted. If desired, new classes can be added to and specified in the json file. The only requirement of a username generator class is that it has a function called generate_dn, which returns a string.

combinations_to_try provides patterns to use for generating usernames. Patterns are tried starting with the first one, going down. If the first pattern is not a possible pattern for some reason, the next one is attempted. The following characters are accepted:

  • F: First name
  • 1: First middle name
  • 2: Second middle name
  • 3: Third middle name
  • L: Last name
  • X: A number to add to the username

When using a json file such as the one printed above, a person named Jens Hansen will get jhans as a username. The username flow is as follows:

  • F123L does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F12LL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F1LLL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • FLLLL matches. The username becomes jhans

if jhans already exists, the username will be jhans2:

  • F123L does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F12LL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F1LLL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • FLLLL does not match. The username jhans already exists
  • FLLLLX matches. The username becomes jhans2

Similarly, a person named Jens Hans Hansen will get jhhan as a username:

  • F123L does not match because the person has no second/third middle name
  • F12LL does not match because the person has no second middle name
  • F1LLL matches. The username becomes jhhan

char_replacement must be a dictionary with characters to replace when creating a username. For example: A person named Jens Åberg will get username jaabe, instead of jåber:

  • Jens Åberg becomes Jens aaberg after character replacement
  • F123L does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F12LL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • F1LLL does not match because the person has no middle names
  • FLLLL matches. The username becomes jaabe

forbidden_usernames is a list of usernames which are not allowed. For example: A person named Hans Åberg Terp will get username hterp:

  • Hans Åberg Terp becomes Hans aaberg Terp after character replacement
  • F123L does not match because the person has no second/third middle name
  • F12LL does not match because the person has no second middle name
  • F1LLL matches, but returns username hater, which is forbidden.
  • FLLLL also matches. The username becomes hterp

If none of the patterns match, a runtime error is returned. Note also, that a pattern such as FLLLL will fail, if a person has a last name which has less than four characters. To avoid errors, it is therefore recommended to:

  • Have at least a couple of patterns which contain an X
  • Have some short patterns in the list as well. Even though it might be required to have (for example) a 5-character username, there should still be some 2 or 3-character patterns in the list for people who have particularly short first or last names.

If these patterns are highly undesirable, put them in the bottom of the list, and they will only be used if everything else fails.

Auto-generating code

You can update the auto-generated code using

poetry run ariadne-codegen


AMQP agents for importing and exporting data from/to AD







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