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A Indico Software Plugin for Demonstration how to create a Theme Plugin.


Following are some screenshots about Awesome Theme:

Timetable view for Events

Timetable View for Events

Timetable View for Events

What Indico version is supported?

What does it do this plugin?

This repository holds the Indico Plugin Themes used for the Indico deployment

Installing Indico software

Following the Installation guides for Production environment.

Installing the Awesome theme plugin

Navigate to your Indico project and clone the theme repository:

mkdir ~/src/ ; cd $_
git clone

Open indico.conf and add the following key-value pair to 'General settings' PLUGINS = {'themes_awesome'}:

nano ~/etc/indico.conf

Enter the virtualenv and pip install the plugin:

pip install -e ~/src/indico-plugin-themes-awesome/

Test the plugin installation with the following command:

indico setup list-plugins

The previous command generate a list the available plugins to use into Indico:

+Available Plugins--+------------------------------------+
| Name              | Title                              |
| themes_awesome    | Awesome Themes                     |
| vc_zoom           | Zoom                               |

For execute the migrations command for the installed plugin with the following command:

indico db --plugin themes_awesome upgrade

You can check the Awesome Themes Plugin installation go to Administration > Plugins > Other, then if exists an Awesome Themes reference, is ok installed it.

Plugins Administration View

Plugins Administration View

Build Wheel Package

This Theme Plugin use SASS Styles then you need build the CSS/JS assets compiled and minified. You need to use a local development environment to build wheel package and then copy just the wheel package generated to production in order to install it there.

Create directory and download source codes, executing the following command:

mkdir -p ~/dev/indico/plugins
cd ~/dev/indico/
git clone -b master src
git clone -b master plugins/base
git clone -b main plugins/indico-plugin-themes-awesome

Create virtual environment and install Python packages, executing the following command:

pyenv install 3.9.16
pyenv local 3.9.16
python -m venv --upgrade-deps venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
(venv) cd ./src && pip install -e '.[dev]' && npm ci

Add Plugins configurations into indico.conf file, executing the following command:

(venv) echo -e "\n# List of plugins to be loaded on server start.\n#" >> ./src/indico/indico.conf
(venv) echo -e "PLUGINS = {'themes_awesome'}" >> ./src/indico/indico.conf

Build the Wheel Package for this theme, executing the following command:

(venv) ./src/bin/maintenance/ plugin $PWD/plugins/indico-plugin-themes-awesome/

Copying the Wheel Package generated to the Indico Production environment, executing the following command:

cp ../dist/indico_plugin_themes_awesome-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl /path/to/production/env/indico_plugin_themes_awesome-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
sudo chown indico:www-data /path/to/production/env/indico_plugin_themes_awesome-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
sudo chmod 750 /path/to/production/env/indico_plugin_themes_awesome-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

Inside the Indico Production environment, install the Wheel Package, executing the following command:

(indico) pip install /path/to/production/env/indico_plugin_themes_awesome-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl

Use it

To use the Awesome Theme for an Event, create an Event and save it, then go to the management area of this event > Customization > Layout > Timetable > Theme here you can select the Foo Theme option, and got to click on Save button at the Theme section botton.

Layout Manage for Events View

Layout Manage for Events View

About Indico Software

Indico is:

  • 🗓 a general-purpose event management tool;
  • 🌍 fully web-based;
  • 🧩 feature-rich but also extensible through the use of plugins;
  • ⚖️ Open-Source Software under the MIT License;
  • made at CERN, the place where the web was born!

A sneak peek of Indico