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1201 lines (791 loc) · 51.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1201 lines (791 loc) · 51.2 KB


All notable changes will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.1.6 - 2021-12-03


  • Fixed generated typescript types for NPM publication.
  • Fixed release script version and changelog update.
  • Lightbox : Focus parent element only when his lightbox was previously opened.

2.1.5 - 2021-11-30


  • Thumbnail: Added linkProps prop to allow the user to turn a thumbnail into an accessible link.
  • Thumbnail: Added linkAs prop into this new prop, to customize the link component.
  • Avatar: Added a linkProps and linkAs props which will be passed to the Thumbnail child.
  • UserBlock: Added a linkProps and linkAs props which will be passed to the Thumbnail child and used to wrap the username.


  • Limit lighten dark color to components: Button, IconButton, Chip, Flags, Tabs, Icon.

2.1.4 - 2021-11-25


  • Slideshow : fixed keyboard navigation, now the right arrow goes to the next slides and the left to the previous one.
  • Dialog : Focus parent element everytime the dialog closes, not only on escape and clickaway.


  • Soften medium and low dark buttons color.

2.1.3 - 2021-11-19


  • ListItem: Added isDisabled prop to disable a clickable list item.
  • ListItem: improve a11y keyboard activation on button list item.

2.1.2 - 2021-11-10


  • Fixed IconButton typing by making both icon and image props conditional. This fixes an issue that would occur when extending the interface and forwarding parent props to a children IconButton.


  • Button: Added fullWidth prop to match the parent width when possible.
  • TextField: Added afterElement prop to add a custom element at the end of the text field.

2.1.1 - 2021-10-28


  • New image prop for IconButton, allowing to use an image url instead of an svg path. Will render a <img> tag an can only be set if icon prop is undefined (and vice-versa);

2.1.0 - 2021-10-26


  • @lumx/core: Reworked style dictionary
    • Warning: Deprecating CSS and SCSS variables listed in css/_retro-compat-v2.css and _retro-compat-v2.scss. They will be removed in the next major version!
    • Expanded list of customizable CSS variables
    • Centralized material only design tokens

2.0.5 - 2021-10-20


  • Popover: fix prevent overflow when provided a boundary ref.

2.0.4 - 2021-10-15


  • New color prop for SkeletonRectangle, SkeletonCircle and SkeletonTypography.

2.0.3 - 2021-10-04


  • New wide 16/9 aspect ratio for Thumbnail, Uploader and SkeletonRectangle.

2.0.2 - 2021-09-22


  • Dropdown: fix elevation style
  • Dialog: Fix scroll inside on iOS

2.0.1 - 2021-09-15


  • Dialog/Lightbox: Fix unexpected scroll to top when closing a dialog or lightbox.
  • useInfiniteScroll: Add an error margin of 5px for triggering the infinite scroll so edge cases browser sizes also work.

2.0.0 - 2021-09-01


  • New @lumx/core CSS variable customization.
    • New lumapps theme applied by default
    • Old Material theme applicable using variables in css/material.css

1.0.24 - 2021-09-01


  • Message: add icon prop to customize the message icon.

1.0.23 - 2021-08-27


  • Switch: add attribute aria-checked for screen readers correct behavior.
  • Dialog: add onVisibilityChange prop to trigger an action when the dialog is actually visible / invisible.

1.0.22 - 2021-08-25


  • Switch: add role switch for screen readers correct behavior.


  • IconButton: Fix missing tooltip when activating hasBackground
  • IconButton: Fix border radius when activating hasBackground

1.0.21 - 2021-08-05


  • ProgressTracker: Fix progress tracker step style regression introduced in v1.0.20

1.0.20 - 2021-08-05


  • Icon: Add missing class to style svg correctly
  • Dialog/Lightbox: Fix unexpected scroll to top when opening a dialog or lightbox.

1.0.19 - 2021-07-15


  • AutoComplete: Added isRequired prop to the component to indicated if field is required
  • AutoCompleteMultiple: Added isRequired prop to the component to indicated if field is required


  • TextField: Add space after asterisk if component has isRequired props

1.0.18 - 2021-06-28


  • AlertDialog: props forwarding on the confirm and cancel buttons.


  • Fix Select/Dropdown inside Dialog not closing when clicking outside.
  • Fix Select focus state not updating correctly.

1.0.17 - 2021-05-27


  • Fixed slideshow swipe on touch devices
    • Fix vertical scroll (previously blocked)
    • Fix mouse/touch click in a slide (previously blocked)
    • Do not loopback to the end or start when trying to swipe on the last or first slide
    • Improved performance

1.0.16 - 2021-05-20


  • Keep slideshow swipe only on touch device.


  • Updated lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 to fix potential security risks.

1.0.15 - 2021-05-03


  • Added hideTooltip prop to IconButton component to control whether the tooltip should be hidden or not. Default at false.


  • Changed IconButton jsdoc.

1.0.14 - 2021-04-23


  • Increase specificity of link color CSS classes to avoid incorrect color overrides.

1.0.13 - 2021-04-13


  • Limit thumbnail resize update using requestAnimationFrame to avoid the ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded error.

1.0.12 - 2021-03-11


  • Fixed tabs and progress tracker active index synchronization.

1.0.11 - 2021-02-26


  • Added boundaryRef prop to Popover component to override default boundary settings.


  • Fixed overflow on avatar badge.

1.0.10 - 2021-02-25


  • Make TableRow component's tabIndex controllable.
  • Allow typography to be overriden.
  • Thumbnail aspect ratio for Avatar is now fixed to square. This is not a breaking change since the style has been modified to result in the same render as before. This modification prevents rectangular avatars to have a broken ratio.


  • Cleanup Flag makup and styles
  • Use uid instead of uniqueid for Checkbox default id.
  • Use uid instead of uniqueid for RadioButton default id.

1.0.9 - 2021-02-22


  • Fixed TabProvider & ProgressTrackerProvider not calling onChange when the index is not provided via the props.
  • Fixed Link default style when in button mode (padding + text align).


  • New component in React: Flag

1.0.8 - 2021-02-08


  • Added light theme by default on Skeleton components.
  • Added badge prop on Thumbnail component.

1.0.7 - 2021-02-03


  • Fixed AlertDialog export.
  • Fixed Thumbnail image overflowing instead of scaling to the parent height.

1.0.6 - 2021-02-02


  • Fixed initial internal state for TabProvider (fixes lazy feature that would still render children once).

1.0.5 - 2021-02-02


  • Added dialogProps prop to Dialog component to app props the dialog element itself.
  • Added AlertDialog component that is a Dialog contextualized to show short messages and that follows the WAI-ARIA alertdialog a11y patterns.
  • Added alert role to Notification component for a11y purposes.


  • Fixed focus on parentElement of the Dialog component.
  • Fixed closing of tooltip when the anchor element gets hidden by another element.

1.0.4 - 2021-01-25


  • Restored JS mdi icon google-pages that was removed with mdi v4.

1.0.3 - 2021-01-21


  • Added usePortal prop to Popover component (default value is true) to be able to not use a portal in some cases.


  • Fixed Switch content placement for right position.
  • Fixed Lightbox close on escape witch slideshow inside.
  • Fixed Thumbnail focus point when clickable.
  • Fixed Thumbnail focus state style.
  • Fixed Thumbnail fallback placement.
  • Fixed Thumbnail fill height style.
  • Fixed TabProvider and ProgressTrackerProvider state on unmout/remount.

1.0.2 - 2021-01-18


  • Fixed angular z-index system (revert to previous system)
  • Fixed Lightbox close on escape.

1.0.1 - 2021-01-13


  • Fixed @lumx/react package.json metadata
  • Fixed component TS type

1.0.0 - 2021-01-07


  • Added avatarProps to CommentBlock to allow setting custom props to the avatar.
  • Added linkProps to LinkPreview to allow setting custom props to the link.
  • Added avatarProps to UserBlock to allow setting custom props to the avatar.
  • Added thumbnailProps to PostBlock to allow setting custom props to the thumbnail.
  • Added props forwarding to Lightbox component.
  • Added name and value props to Switch, CheckBox and RadioButton components.
  • Added name prop to Autocomplete, DatePicker, TextField, Button, IconButton and Slider components.
  • Expose component default props in React Component.defaultProps
  • A Link component without an href would result in a button looking like a link instead of an anchor.
  • Added typography prop to Link component.
  • Added TabProvider component wrapping the new TabList and TabPanel and handling state (controlled or uncontrolled).
  • Added TabPanel component that wraps the content of a tab (previously wrapped in the Tab component). Implements the WAI-ARIA tabpanel role.
  • Added TabList component that wraps Tab components. Implements the WAI-ARIA tablist role.
  • Added ProgressTrackerProvider component wrapping the new ProgressTracker and ProgressTrackerStepPanel and handling state (controlled or uncontrolled).
  • Added ProgressTrackerStepPanel component that wraps the content of a step. Implements the WAI-ARIA tabpanel role.
  • Added isDisabled prop to ProgressTrackerStep component.
  • Added rightIcon and leftIcon props for Link component. Sizes of icons are based on typography prop.
  • [BREAKING] Added required label prop for IconButton. The label is used as aria-label for the button and to add a tooltip. This prop is required for a11y purpose. If you really don't want a tooltip, you can give an empty label (this is not recommended).
  • [BREAKING] Added nextButtonProps and previousButtonProps props to DatePickerControlled, DatePicker and DatePickerField components to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to change month. These fields are required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • [BREAKING] Added nextButtonProps and previousButtonProps props to SlideshowControls component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to change image. These fields are required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • Added slideshowControlsProps to the Slideshow component to allow setting custom props to the slideshow controls. Controls are not displayed if this prop is not set.
  • [BREAKING] Added toggleButtonProps prop to ExpansionPanel component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to toggle the panel. This field is required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • [BREAKING] Added toggleButtonProps prop to SideNavigationItem component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to toggle the menu. This field is required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • Added clearButtonProps prop to Select component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to clear the select. This prop is not required since the icon button is not automatically displayed. However, when used to display the button, the label prop inside the clearButtonProps prop will be required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • Added clearButtonProps prop to TextField component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to clear the field. This prop is not required since the icon button is not automatically displayed. However, when used to display the button, the label prop inside the clearButtonProps prop will be required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • Added closeButtonProps prop to Lightbox component to allow setting custom props to the IconButtons used to close the lightbox. This prop is not required since the icon button is not automatically displayed. However, when used to display the button, the label prop inside the closeButtonProps prop will be required because translation are not handled inside the Design System and the IconButton now requires a label for a11y purposes.
  • Added tooltipProps to IconButton to allow setting custom props to the tooltip.
  • [BREAKING] Added htmlFor prop required for InputLabel since it is required for <label> for a11y purposes.
  • Added forwarded props to the Select component.
  • Added variant prop for CommentBlock component (either indented by default or linear).


  • [BREAKING] Renamed url prop to link for LinkPreview component.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed onToggle prop to onChange for Switch component.
  • [BREAKING] avatar prop from UserBlock component is now a string and corresponds to the avatar url. Any other avatar props should be passed to avatarProps prop.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed handleClick prop to onClick and actionCallback prop to onActionClick for Notification component.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed closeCallback, openCallback and toggleCallback props respectively to onClose, onOpen and onToggleOpen for ExpansionPanel component.
  • [BREAKING] Checkbox now uses checked (edit: and its alias isChecked, see below) prop instead of value prop to know whether it is toggled on or not. This is more consistant with HTML native naming convention and this is also how it is used for RadioButton and Switch. As said above, value has been added as prop and acts like the HTML native prop value.
  • [BREAKING] Changed onChange method signature for RadioButton component. This is breaking since now the value argument of onChange method is required.
  • Changed onChange method signature for Switch, CheckBox, Autocomplete, TextField, DatePicker and Slider components.
  • isDisabled prop is now the official name for the disabled state of all components (although disabled will also work for compatibility with the HTML disabled attribute)
  • isChecked prop is now the official name for the checked state of all checkable components (although checked will also work for compatibility with the HTML checked attribute).
  • [BREAKING] The prop value of TextField component can not be a number anymore. The user would have to cast the value on its side.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed hideMinMaxlabel prop to hideMinMaxLabel for Slider component.
  • Default color of Badge is now primary.
  • [BREAKING] Tab component doesn't wrap the tab content anymore (use TabPanel for that). Implements the WAI-ARIA tab role.
  • [BREAKING] onClick prop for Mosaic.thumbnail prop is no longer automatically passing the index.
  • ProgressTracker component now implements the WAI-ARIA tablist role.
  • [BREAKING] activeStep prop for ProgressTracker component has been removed and is now handled by ProgressTrackerProvider component.
  • ProgressTrackerStep components are button instead of anchor for better a11y. Aria attributes have been added according to WAI ARIA tab role since stepper are similar to tabs in term of a11y.
  • [BREAKING] onClick prop for ProgressTrackerStep component is not used anymore. ProgressTrackerProvider component has an onChange prop instead. Therefore, a step is now clickable if it is not disabled.
  • [BREAKING] DatePicker and DatePickerField value prop can no longer be a Moment object. This will allow us to remove moment dep in the future without generating breaking change later. The value prop can no longer be a string to avoid handling incompatible values. value can only be a Date (or undefined for non selectable values).
  • [BREAKING] Thumbnail loading prop now take eager or lazy string (instead of enum).
  • [BREAKING] @lumx/react is now exported as an ESM module targeting the browserlist defaults query. The package is not compatible with IE anymore. You can keep the compatibility by configuring your own polyfills and/or transpilation in your build setup.
  • [BREAKING] lodash is now defined as a peerDependencies. You must install them separately from the @lumx/react package.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced buttonRef by ref in Button and IconButton components.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced buttonGroupRef by ref in ButtonGroup component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced chipRef by ref in Chip component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced iconRef by ref in Icon component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced linkRef by ref in Link component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced listElementRef by ref in List component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced popoverRef by ref in Popover component.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced userBlockRef by ref in UserBlock component.
  • [BREAKING] The alternative text is now required (alt prop in Thumbnail, thumbnails[].alt in Mosaic, alt in ImageBlock, thumbnailProps.alt in PostBlock, thumbnailProps.alt in LinkPreview, alt in Avatar, avatarProps.alt in CommentBlock and avatarProps.alt in userBlock).
  • [BREAKING] The title is now required in ImageBlock.
  • [BREAKING] Reworked Thumbnail CORS default. crossOrigin now default to undefined instead of 'anonymous'. isCrossOriginEnabled prop was removed (use crossOrigin={undefined} instead).
  • [BREAKING] Upgrade to mdi v5.8.55 and handle backward compatibility (see details).
  • Avatar component now uses Thumbnail component.
  • [BREAKING] Since alt in now required for Avatar, avatar and avatarProps props have been merged into avatarProps for both CommentBlock and UserBlock.
  • [BREAKING] Removed ListItemSize (use Size instead), TabListPosition (use Alignment instead), SwitchPosition (use Alignment instead), ThScope (was not used).
  • [BREAKING] Renamed Kind.valid into Kind.success and removed MessageKind and NotificationType (use Kind instead).
  • Loosened enum type so you can use the string value instead (ex: you can use 's' instead of Size.s).


  • [BREAKING] Removed HTMLElement as type in PostBlock component props.
  • [BREAKING] Removed onOpen prop from Dialog component. User should use isOpen from its side.
  • [BREAKING] Removed thumbnailAspectRatio prop from PostBlock component. User should pass it using thumbnailProps instead.
  • [BREAKING] Removed onOpen, role and noWrapper props from Lightbox component.
  • [BREAKING] aspectRatio, crossOrigin, focusPoint, isCrossOriginEnabled and onClick props have been removed from ImageBlock component. These props will now be passed using the ImageBlock.thumbnailProps prop.
  • [BREAKING] Removed Tabs component replaced by the TabProvider and TabList components.
  • [BREAKING] Removed thumbnails.url prop on the Mosaic (use image instead).
  • [BREAKING] isClosingButtonVisible prop of Lightbox component has been removed. Passing the label prop using closeButtonProps prop is enough to determine the visibility of the icon button.
  • [BREAKING] isClearable prop of TextField, Autocomplete and AutocompleteMultiple components has been removed. Passing the label prop using clearButtonProps prop is enough to determine the visibility of the icon button.
  • [BREAKING] hasControls prop of Slideshow component has been removed. Using slideshowControlsProps prop is enough to determine the visibility of the slideshow controls.
  • [BREAKING] hasChildren and hasIndentedChildren props for CommentBlock component have been removed.
  • [BREAKING] Removed isFollowingWindowSize and resizeDebounceTime on Thumbnail.
  • [BREAKING] Removed useCustomColors props (component colors will be customizable using CSS variable overrides).
  • [BREAKING] Removed lumapps & material theme in @lumx/color (we now provide a single theme overridable with CSS variables)


  • Fixed DatePicker component to prevent switching month when selecting a date.
  • Fixed Tooltip placement on Icon and IconButton.
  • Fixed Switch component. Its content should not take the full width of its parent.
  • Fixed image cache in Thumbnail.
  • Fixed focus point performance in Thumbnail (full rewrite using react hooks).

0.28.2 - 2020-12-11


  • Added headerActions prop to CommentBlock component to add actions to the header.
  • Added SkeletonRectangle, SkeletonCircle and SkeletonTypography components.


  • Fixed text prop of the CommentBlock component to accept ReactNode type.

0.28.1 - 2020-12-03


  • Fixed ClickAwayProvider initialization error using deferred initialization.
  • Fixed Popover placement on children update.
  • Fixed Popover and Dropdown scrollbar behavior.
  • Fixed Popover arrow placement on placement variant start and end.


  • Forward synthetic event in List onListItemSelected prop and ListItem onItemSelected prop.

0.28.0 - 2020-11-17


  • [BREAKING] angular and jquery are now exclusively defined as peerDependencies. You must install them separately from @lumx/angularjs.
  • [BREAKING] updated @lumx/angularjs to jquery v3.5.1.

0.27.0 - 2020-11-05


  • [BREAKING] react, react-dom, moment and moment-range are now exclusively defined as peerDependencies. You must install them separately from @lumx packages.

0.26.2 - 2020-10-28


  • Added component SlideshowControls to control a slideshow from the outside
  • Add linkAs prop on Button and IconButton to customize the link component (can be used to inject the Link component from react-router).


  • Link prop type is now more permissive to accommodate for alternative components injected in linkAs.
  • Expose component default props in React's Component.defaultProps
  • Make it possible to override tabIndex and role props of ListItem.linkProps.


  • Fixed page freeze when trying to use keyboard navigation on List component that has custom children.

0.26.1 - 2020-10-14


  • [BREAKING] Downgrade mdi back to v4.2.95.

0.26.0 - 2020-10-13


  • Add gap property to FlexBox component.
  • Add has divider helper.
  • Add optional closeOnClick property to Select component.
  • Add linkAs prop on SideNavigationItem, ListItem and Link to customize the link component (can be used to inject the Link component from react-router).


  • [BREAKING] Upgrade to mdi v5.6.55 and handle backward compatibility.
  • [BREAKING] lumx-has-divider mixin now accepts a position constant as second parameter (lumx-base-const('position', 'TOP|RIGHT|BOTTOM|LEFT')).

0.25.16 - 2020-09-16


  • Add thumbnailProps to ImageBlock to allow setting custom props to the thumbnail.

0.25.15 - 2020-09-08


  • Fix Thumbnail css issues when displayed with lumx-thumbnail--fill-height classname.

0.25.14 - 2020-09-03


  • Add onActionClick on SideNavigationItem to have a dedicated action on the chevron icon and let the onClick on the link.


  • Fix Thumbnail component loading issues for firefox

0.25.13 - 2020-09-01


  • Fix CORS issues on Thumbnail component
  • Fix Thumbnail component loading and error state handling
  • Remove anchor wrapper style from Tooltip component.


  • Add isCrossOriginEnabled and crossOrigin missing props on ImageBlock component to forward them to Thumbnail component

0.25.12 - 2020-08-31


  • Pass type props to input on TextField component.

0.25.11 - 2020-08-27


  • SideNavigationItem is now able to handle 2 actions. On the label link and on the chevron icon button.
  • SideNavigation is now indented on its children menus.

0.25.10 - 2020-08-26


  • Use locale prop on DatePickerField component.

0.25.9 - 2020-08-25


  • Make Thumbnail appear correctly on Safari into Mosaic component.


  • Added ThumbnailProps props to the MosaicElement interface to be able to forward those props to the Thumbnail component inside the Mosaiccomponent.
  • Added fitWithinViewportHeight prop on the Dropdown to disable the height shrinking.


  • Tooltip are now displayed on focus in addition with mouse events.

0.25.8 - 2020-08-05


  • Fix frozen Tooltip when changing disabled state of a button wrapped in a tooltip.

0.25.7 - 2020-08-04


  • Fixed and improved Dropdown shrinking system.
  • Fixed unwanted scroll to the top on the screen when opening a Dropdown.
  • Fix Tooltip display on disabled anchor.


  • Improved useInfiniteScroll to prevent conditional hooks.


  • Added focusElement prop to the Popover component to be able to focus on open.

0.25.6 - 2020-07-31


  • Dropdown placement is not limited to bottom, bottom-start and bottom-end anymore.
  • Tooltip anchor is wrapped only if it is not a Button, IconButton, Icon or React HTML Element. Removed inline-block display style.
  • Fixed Popover maxHeight when value is NaN.
  • Fixed InputLabel and InputHelper bad display (flex instead of block)

0.25.5 - 2020-07-23


  • [BREAKING] Tooltip placement is now bottom by default.

0.25.4 - 2020-07-22


  • ListItem now properly keep the given isHighligthed prop value when controlled from a parent component. Fixes Autocomplete & AutocompleteMultiple keyboard arrow navigation in the completed suggestions.
  • [BREAKING] Tooltip placement is now top by default.


  • [BREAKING] Dropdown placement is limited to bottom, bottom-start and bottom-end.

0.25.3 - 2020-07-01


  • Popover (and Dropdown) now fits to anchor width using min width.
  • Dropdown now has BOTTOM placement by default.
  • Fix Popover click away wrapper reference.

0.25.2 - 2020-06-30


  • Tooltip can have a multiline label by putting \n character inside the string.


  • Tooltip does not appear if the label is empty, null or undefined.

0.25.0 - 2020-06-29


  • ListItem component is now able to use a link as HTML element to wrap content.
  • Click away and escape are handled inside the Popover using closeOnClickAway and closeOnEscape props.
  • The Popover can now have an anchor.
  • Popover now can show an arrow pointing on the anchor using the hasArrow prop.
  • label prop has been added to Tooltip component.
  • fitWithinViewportHeight props has been added to Popover component (false by default, set to true for Dropdown). It shrink the popover if there is not enough space even after flipping.


  • List no longer requires to have the isClickable prop set to have the correct styling on clickable list item.
  • List keyboard navigation now correctly skips non clickable list items.
  • ListItem component is now able to use a link as HTML element to wrap content
  • [BREAKING] Popover.useComputePosition hook has been removed.
  • [BREAKING] Offset type does not have vertical and horizontal keys anymore but has along and away props.
  • [BREAKING] Popover computes position internally and add popover ref internally. Click away and escape are handled inside the popover. The popover can now have an anchor. popoverRect, isVisible and popoverRef props have been removed. anchorRef, placement, offset, fitToAnchorWidth, isOpen, closeOnClickAway, closeOnEscape, onClose and hasArrow props have been added.
  • [BREAKING] Tooltip takes anchor as children and label as prop. anchorRef prop has been removed. label prop has been added.
  • [BREAKING] For the Dropdown component, the prop closeOnClick now controls whether to close the dropdown when clicking inside it whereas the closeOnClickAway prop controls whether to close the dropdown when clicking outside. The prop showDropdown has been renamed isOpen. Also, see Offset typing change.
  • [BREAKING] For the Autocomplete component, the prop closeOnClick has been renamed closeOnClickAway. Also, see Offset typing change.


  • Remove required prop on lx-text-field and lx-select input label
  • Fix calendar display for the DatePicker.
  • Fix on Tooltip that would persist even after the mouse has been moved out of the anchor.
  • AutocompleteSimple and Select now automatically close when a value is selected.

0.24.3 - 2020-06-24


  • [BREAKING] Changed thumbnailProps prop type from LinkPreview to avoid typescript throwing an error if thumbnailProps.image was not specified even though it is already set by the image prop.
  • Allow event propagation on before/after element on Chip component when no handler is provided.
  • Fix error in storybook using useComputePosition-based components.

0.24.2 - 2020-06-18


  • Mosaic component is now correctly displayed on IE11.
  • Fix missing grey color (in material theme) in the generated SCSS color palette

0.24.0 - 2020-06-11


  • TextField component is now computing the number of rows (if multiple is set) at the first rendering.
  • Fix centering issue on fallback icon in Thumbnail component when using fillHeightprop.
  • Fix nested click away for Dialog, Dropdown, Select and Autocomplete (this fixes the dialog automatically closing when clicking on a nested select or dropdown.)
  • Fix position of the dropdown arrow icon when the select has no value (Material theme).


  • The DatePicker and DatePickerFields components now accept a javascript Date object or string as value.
  • [BREAKING] Removed SCSS variables $lumx-theme-{primary,blue,...}
  • [BREAKING] Renamed SCSS variables $lumx-theme-{primary,blue,...}-{N,L1,...} into $lumx-color-{primary,blue,...}-{N,L1,...}
  • [BREAKING] Renamed SCSS variable $lumx-theme-border-radius into $lumx-border-radius
  • [BREAKING] Renamed SCSS mixin lumx-theme-color-variant() into $lumx-color-variant()
  • [BREAKING] Renamed SCSS mixin lumx-theme-best-color() into $lumx-best-color()
  • [BREAKING] Renamed CSS classes .lumx-theme-color-* into .lumx-color-font-*
  • [BREAKING] Renamed CSS classes .lumx-theme-background-* into .lumx-color-background-*
  • Handle default size on fallback icon in Thumbnail component (Size.m).

0.23.0 - 2020-05-29


  • Added optional defaultMonth prop to components DatePickerField and DatePicker.
  • Added optional imgProps prop to component Thumbnail.
  • Added optional fallback prop (svg string or react node) to component Thumbnail.
  • Added thumbnailProps prop to LinkPreview.
  • Added useImage hook to preload an image and get states from it (isLoaded and hasError).


  • [BREAKING] Replaced today and monthOffset props by selectedMonth for DatePickerControlled component.


  • Trigger the infinite scroll callback on display if enough space with the useInfiniteScroll hook.
  • Fixed chips taking place before icons in TextField component.
  • Fixed Mosaic thumbnails showing as clickable even though onClick wasn't defined.
  • [BREAKING] Fixed prop Interfaces of Autocomplete and Dropdown by changing onInfinite to onInfiniteScroll.
  • Added type="button" to TextField "clear" button when isClearable is true to avoid clearing field when user tries to submit a form.
  • Moved useFocusedImage to hooks folder.

0.22.0 - 2020-04-21


  • [BREAKING] The component WebBookmark has been renamed LinkPreview.
  • [BREAKING] split Select component into Select (with single value selected) and SelectMultiple for multiple value selected
  • Remove wrapper sentinel to only use css for scrollable Dialog


  • Fix for LinkPreview: elements linked to optional props are no longer rendered when the related prop is not defined.

0.21.19 - 2020-04-16

  • Added hasIndentedChildren prop to CommentBlock component

0.21.18 - 2020-04-16

  • Fix SideNavigationItem link color

0.21.17 - 2020-04-15


  • Added linkProps prop to SideNavigationItem component
  • Declared @lumx/react, @lumx/icons and @lumx/core as side-effect free

0.21.16 - 2020-04-10


  • Fix padding on Chip component if has after or has before

0.21.15 - 2020-04-01


  • Added contentRef prop to Dialog component
  • Added linkRef on Link component


  • Fixed blurry Tooltip

0.21.14 - 2020-03-27


  • Added isCrossOriginEnabled prop to Tumbnail component
  • Added crossOrigin prop to Tumbnail component
  • Added isFollowingWindowSize prop to Tumbnail component
  • Added resizeDebounceTime prop to Tumbnail component

0.21.13 - 2020-03-23


  • Allow number type on TextField component value

0.21.12 - 2020-03-16


  • Fix thumbnail image loading on IE
  • Fix thumbnail focus point update when changing size or aspect ratio

0.21.11 - 2020-03-12


  • Publish source code on NPM for @lumx/react

0.21.10 - 2020-03-12


  • New component in React: FlexBox
  • New component in React: Mosaic
  • Added size prop to WebBookmark component
  • Added badge prop to Avatar component
  • Change avatar prop of UserBlock component from string to AvatarProp | string to pass badge properties


  • Added ReactNode as an allowed type for the label of the SideNavigationItem for typescript support
  • [BREAKING] Rename IBaseBadgeProps as BadgeProps
  • [BREAKING] Rename IInputHelperProps as InputHelperProps
  • [BREAKING] Rename IInputLabelProps as InputLabelProps
  • [BREAKING] Rename IFocusPoint as FocusPoint
  • Added ReactNode as an allowed type for the label of the Tab component for typescript support


  • Fixed Link component Typescript types

0.21.9 - 2020-02-20


  • New component in React: Link
  • Added onBlur prop to Select component
  • New component in React: WebBookmark

0.21.8 - 2020-02-19


  • Added focusPoint prop to ImageBlock component

0.21.7 - 2020-02-14


  • Added focusPoint prop to Thumbnail component

0.21.6 - 2020-02-13


  • Added isRequired prop to InputLabel, TextField and Select components
  • Added lx-is-required prop to lx-input-label, lx-text-field and lx-select components


  • Close popover on DatePickerField date pick
  • Pass appropriated DatePickerField props to TextField component


  • Correctly init value by ignoring time on DatePicker component
  • Move textFieldRef to TextField component wrapper
  • Prevent Notification to be visible when isOpen is false

0.21.5 - 2020-02-10


  • @lumx/core is now in full TypeScript (exposed on NPM)
  • @lumx/icons now exposes TypeScript types on NPM
  • @lumx/react now exposes TypeScript types on NPM

0.21.4 - 2020-02-04


  • Added isDisabled prop to TableRow component
  • Added lx-is-disabled prop to lx-table-row component


  • Interpolate variables when using lx-input-label and lx-input-helper components

0.21.3 - 2020-02-03


  • Added isClickable and isSelected props to Table component

0.21.2 - 2020-02-01


  • Reset input label cursor on ProgressTracker
  • Apply TextField input min width only if has chips

0.21.1 - 2020-01-31


  • Do not display TextField and Select header if no label

0.21.0 - 2020-01-30


  • Remove useless List auto-focus on mount if is clickable


  • [BREAKING] Externalized moment and moment-range dependencies from @lumx/react bundle

0.20.1 - 2020-01-29


  • Fixed Dropdown focus trigger on open and close (fix on useFocus hook).

0.20.0 - 2020-01-28


  • [BREAKING] Changed type prop to multiline flag prop in the TextField component
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-checkbox-help transclude slot to lx-checkbox-helper from lx-checkbox component
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-radio-button-help transclude slot to lx-radio-button-helper from lx-radio-button component
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-switch-help transclude slot to lx-switch-helper from lx-switch component
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-error prop to lx-has-error from lx-text-field and lx-select components
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-valid prop to lx-is-valid from lx-text-field and lx-select components
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-helper prop to lx-has-choices-helper from lx-select component
  • [BREAKING] Changed lx-helper-message prop to lx-choices-helper from lx-select component
  • Use the useFocusOnOpen hook to focus on the List child of a Dropdown
  • Refactored DatePicker component to use Popover instead of Dropdown


  • Fix: dialog focus trap interacting with other components (select, text field, etc.).
  • Fix: dialog click away at the bottom of the dialog
  • Fixed Popover pixelated rendering
  • Remove Popover closing when the anchor is out of the screen
  • Fixed Dropdown position re-calculation when children changes


  • Added helper prop to TextField component
  • Added error prop to Autocomplete, Select and TextField component
  • Added lx-helper and lx-error props to lx-text-field and lx-select components
  • Added Message component
  • Added useFocus hook
  • Added focusElement prop on dialog to select the element to focus when opening the dialog
  • Added forceHeaderDivider and forceFooterDivider props on dialog force the display of header and footer dividers
  • Added use of <header> and <footer> element in the dialog component
  • Added size prop to ImageBlock component
  • Added lx-size prop to lx-image-block component
  • Added keyboard interaction to DatePicker component
  • Added useFocusTrap on DatePickerField
  • Added clearable prop on DatePickerField

0.19.0 - 2020-01-02


  • [BREAKING] Removed variant prop from expansionPanel component
  • [BREAKING] Removed isClickable prop from ListItem component (use it on the List instead)


  • Added hasBackground prop to expansionPanel component
  • Added hasShape prop to icon component
  • Added theme prop to icon component
  • Added itemPadding prop to list component
  • Added badge component

0.18.9 - 2019-12-13

  • When we are using the AutocompleteMultiple, you can now just display the suggestions with the same size as the input.
  • For the Autocomplete simple, we add the possibility to prevent refocus on close.

0.18.7 - 2019-12-06

  • Added maxLength prop to textField component
  • [BREAKING] Removed helper prop from textField component

0.18.5 - 2019-12-04


  • Add zIndex props on every appearing component

0.17.0 - 2019-11-28


  • Whole new project architecture (with new build script and code cleanup)

0.15.3 - 2019-11-25


  • Fix an infinite re-rendering case on SlideshowControls #233

0.15.2 - 2019-11-15


  • Use Popover in the Tooltip component

0.15.1 - 2019-11-07


  • Fix scrollbar re-appearing when Dialog re-renders

0.15.0 - 2019-11-06


  • Uploader component #208


  • Deprecated ThumbnailAspectRatio (use AspectRatio instead) #208

0.14.0 - 2019-11-05


  • Multiple Autocomplete component #209
  • isHighlighted prop for Chip component #209
  • Added isClearable and chips props for Autocomplete #209


  • Popover bug that made the content be displayed on the top left corner.
  • Make autocomplete multiple demo remove a value upon clicking on the entire chip.


  • Remove cursor: pointer for after-Chip icon.

0.13.0 - 2019-11-04


  • Deprecated ListItemSize (use Size instead).
  • [BREAKING] Remove Switch internal state. It's value is now set by the checked prop and can be controlled with the onToggle prop

0.12.0 - 2019-10-30


  • Text field enhancements (chips, onFocus, onBlur, textfieldRef, inputRef props) #199
  • Autocomplete component #191
  • TypeScript types now available in the NPM @lumx/react package!


  • Fix stroke-width property on react progress bar.
  • Fixes to Text Area related to Input resizing and valid and error states in Material

0.11.0 - 2019-10-23


  • TypeScript and JSDoc cleanup for SideNavigation component.
  • [BREAKING] The label and helper of the RadioButton component are now props and not children.
  • [BREAKING] The onChange callback of the RadioButton component now provides the value directly without wrapping object.
  • [BREAKING] The tags prop of the ImageBlock must now be JSX and not an array.
  • Minor SCSS style changes on the Tooltip component.
  • Image Lazy Loading for Thumbnail Component [#190]


  • The tsx demo of the SideNavigation and RadioButton component.

0.10.0 - 2019-10-03


  • Added EditableMedia component.


  • [BREAKING] The label and helper of the Checkbox component are now props and not children.
  • [BREAKING] The checked props of the Checkbox component has been renamed value.
  • [BREAKING] The onChange callback of the Checkbox component now has a boolean value argument instead of the { checked: boolean } object
  • TypeScript and JSDoc cleanup for List component
  • Adding dark and light theme variant for text and meta blocks for PostBlock component.


  • The tsx demo of the Checkbox and List component has been removed