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co: code owners command-line tool

build build

A CLI for GitHub's CODEOWNERS file.

This repository is forked from This is the most correct implementation of Github's rules engine I've found. Other solutions (e.g., Gitlab) may have differences which may not be featured here.


Local Usage

You can download a binary from the releases page and put the co binary somewhere in your path.


co help

  co [command]

Available Commands:
  diff        Print a unified diff of file ownership
  fmt         Normalize CODEOWNERS format
  help        Help about any command
  lint        Validate codeowners file
  version     Print code version
  who         List code owners for file(s)
  why         Show rule used for a file

  -f, --file string   CODEOWNERS file path
  -h, --help          help for co

Use "co [command] --help" for more information about a command.