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A full stack application to allow health professionals to assess patients by taking readings and making assessments


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Project Intro

The Cradle Platform Project is a web interface that works with the existing Cradle Android App to help monitor the health of pregnant women in developing countries.

This new web interface will simplify and streamline workers' process of taking patients' vitals, referring them to health centres, and following up with them, as well as managing patients.

The Cradle Platform web application will eliminate problems such as incomplete documentation, losing referral forms, and failure to deliver documents to their proper recipients, making medical workers' jobs easier and ensuring patients receive care in an efficient manner.

Cradle Platform will allow data to be synchronized between the web interface and the Android app so all users can work with up-to-date data, and allow workers to create reports based on their performance and metrics.

Project Specifics

This project uses a combination of Spring Boot, MySQL, and React. It will be able to communicate with the current Cradle Capture App in order to sync information between the mobile and web application.

Project's Directory Stucture

├── docs                        # Documentation files (alternatively `doc`)  
|    ├──curl-commands.txt       
|    └──         
├── frontend                    # All files related to client side (React) 
|    ├──marsapp                 # All React files
|    |     ├──public            # Auto generated icons and React logos (contains static files)
|    |     └──src               # Main front end files (contains all dynamic files)
|    |         ├──actions       # All action creators
|    |         ├──component     # All components
|    |         |     ├──forms           # Define how data is passed into the pages in "pages"
|    |         |     ├──messages        # Define how to render messages to client
|    |         |     ├──navigation      # Define top nagivation bar
|    |         |     ├──pages           # Define all pages for the app
|    |         |     └──routes          # Define different path for user (logged in) and guest 
|    |         ├──reducers      # Define how an application's state change in response to an action
|    |         ├──res           # Contains other resources (pictures,...)
|    |         └──utils         # Define what each user type can see
|    └──              
└── backend                     # Code containing backend server
     ├──gradle                  # Auto generated Gradle folder
     |     └──wrapper           # Gradle wrapper files (a executable jar and a properties file)
     └── src                    # All backend server code (in Java)
          |   ├──java                
          |   |   └──org.cradlePlatform
          |   |              ├──controller   # All controller classes
          |   |              └──model        # All model classes
          |   |              └──repository   # All repository classes
          |   |              └──service      # All service classes
          |   └──resources           # SQL/database files (schema,...)
          └──test                    # Contains all unit test files

Running with Docker

--- Database Server

  • First, cd into ${root}/backend of project directory
  1. Run:
    • docker build -t marsdb -f Dockerfile.marsdb .
    • This will build a docker image called marsdb that will run our database
  2. Run:
    • docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name marssql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass marsdb
    • This starts the mysql database server with the table schema already imported and dummy data if that is also included.
  3. To ssh into database, run:
    • docker exec -it marssql /bin/bash
  4. Now you can run:
    • mysql -u root -p and
    • type 'pass' when prompted to create a MySQL shell.

--- Backend Server (local development)

First, cd into ${root}/backend of project directory

  1. Run:
    • docker run -it --rm -v pwd:/app -w /app -p 8080:8080 --link marssql:db_host openjdk:12-jdk bash
    • This will run a openjdk container linked to the database with the current folder attached as a volume for our local development
      • NOTE: Any changes made to files inside the containers will be replicated on the host machine as well.
      • NOTE: This also binds the host machines' port 8080 to docker containers' port 8080
  2. Run:
    • ./gradlew build to build your app
  3. Run:
    • To run the spring boot application, run: java -jar build/libs/cradlePlatform-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • You should see the spring boot application launching
    • Visit http://localhost:8080 to view the app

--- Backend Server (local development with setup script)

  1. cd into ${root}/backend of project directory
  2. execute the backend and database start up script ./
    • If an error occurs docker: Error response from daemon: Cannot link to a non running container: /marssql AS /marsserver/db_host.
    • Run docker restart marssql
    • Then re-run the script and check to ensure both marssql and marsserver are running when you run docker ps
  3. update the database for marssql
    • docker exec -it marssql bin/bash
    • run mysql -u root -p in the new terminal and when prompted use the password pass
      • if a login error occurs ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
      • exit back to the terminal and try restarting the marssql using docker restart marssql then redo the above steps to login
    • after logging in execute use marsdb; in the mysql command line to use the marsdb database
    • can check the tables are loaded using show tables;
  4. to debug the server and get logs from the running application can use
    • docker logs -f marsserver to get real time server logs
    • docker logs -f marssql to get real time database logs
--- NOTE

If running outside of Docker have this line uncommented: spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}:3306/marsdb

and comment out spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://db_host:3306/marsdb.

If running within Docker have this line uncommented: spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://db_host:3306/marsdb

and comment out spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_HOST:localhost}:3306/marsdb.

API Tests using Postman Newman

Running Postman API Tests

Running newman against a specific environment (startup backend end server and database) then:

Install Newman:

npm install newman


newman run Cradle_API_Tests.json -e Local.postman_environment.json


newman run Cradle_API_Tests.json -e Production.postman_environment.json

Adding to Postman API Tests

A sample test example:

This gets the patient id to use in test:

pm.sendRequest(pm.environment.get("url")+'/api/patients/', function (err, res) {
    let responseJSON = res.json();
    // Saving a value in variable converts it to a string
    pm.environment.set('patientId', responseJSON[0].id);

After the request is made we check for a response code of 200 with the returned id to match the sent id:

let jsonData = pm.response.json();

pm.test("Response is valid", function () {;

// Check the returned response patient id matches the id of the stored variable
pm.test("Check patient id is equal to stored variable", function () {
    // Variables get saved as string so need to use parse int to get back value 
    // Else test will fail due to comparison between integer and string


A full stack application to allow health professionals to assess patients by taking readings and making assessments








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