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CANIOT Rust Controller

This personal project aims to build a controller for automation devices I developed for my house, utilizing a CAN bus network. This controller currently manages the following devices:

  • Heaters controller
  • Alarm controller
  • Garage door controller

Source code of these devices in available in the caniot-device repository.

The controller is composed of a backend written in Rust serving a frontend application written in TypeScript, React and Ant Design. Both communicate through a GRPC API.

This new controller targets Linux platforms (particularly the Raspberry Pi 2) and is the successor of my previous stm32/zephyr controller.

I use Yocto to build a custom Linux distribution for my Raspberry Pi 2.


res/pics/home.png pics/garage.png pics/alarm.png pics/heaters.png

Build for Raspberry Pi 2


  • Rust version 1.71.0
    • Rustup target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf (install with rustup target add armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf)
  • Yocto Poky SDK for Raspberry Pi 2 (Hypirl personnal distribution)
  • sudo dnf install protobuf-compiler protobuf-devel
  • sudo dnf install grpcurl (optional: for testing purpose)

Configure ~/.cargo/config with

linker = "/opt/poky/hypirl-rpi-1.0/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc"
rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-mthumb",
"-C", "link-arg=-mfpu=neon-vfpv4",
"-C", "link-arg=-mfloat-abi=hard",
"-C", "link-arg=-mcpu=cortex-a7",
"-C", "link-arg=-fstack-protector-strong",
"-C", "link-arg=-O2",
"-C", "link-arg=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2",
"-C", "link-arg=-Wformat",
"-C", "link-arg=-Wformat-security",
"-C", "link-arg=--sysroot=/opt/poky/hypirl-rpi-1.0/sysroots/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi",

Build with

cargo build --target=armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --release --verbose`


Configuration file is caniot-controller.toml in the current directory.

interface = "can0"

port = 8080
listen = ""

listen = "[::]:50051"

Run with


TODO (controller)

  • Search for todo or dead_code or unimplemented in the code.
  • Allow to set custom configuration file path: ./caniot-controller -c /etc/caniot/caniot-controller.toml
  • Timestamp received CAN frames (wait for this feature of socketcan crate socketcan-rs/socketcan-rs#22)
  • Improve logging: make this shorter [2023-09-24T09:46:24.759Z INFO caniot_rctrl::can] RX Telemetry Response (9: 1,1): ep-2 / 12 00 11 00 14 00 22 00 -> [2023-09-24T09:46:24.759Z INFO can] RX Telemetry Response (9: 1,1): ep-2 / 12 00 11 00 14 00 22 00
  • Logger
  • Offline in a dedicated thread the reception of can frame in order to precisely timestamp them.
  • Events/alarms and logger
  • Notification by email
  • Firmware infos/update, CPU usage, memory usage, system time, uptime, etc...
  • Multiple controllers per device
  • CANIOT features support
  • Prometheus metrics (exporter), form:
  • Device update
  • Device diagnostics
  • Heaters: auto disable heaters on certain conditions (job days, morning, evening, temperature)
  • Add support for bluetooth devices
  • Add support for rooms associated sensors
  • wrap all services (spawn) in a single Application structure
  • Allow to send comment to non-existing (yet) devices
  • Remove unwrap
    • At least change them to expect with a meaningful message
  • Add stats for GRPC API and other services
  • transform BlcClassTelemetry to trait in order to have:
    • problems: how to know which class to use? as it is not in the ResponseData -> add get_class() method to the controller
          fn handle_frame(
              &mut self,
              frame: &caniot::ResponseData,
              _ctx: &mut ProcessContext,
          ) -> Result<crate::controller::Verdict, DeviceError> {
              let telemetry: class0::Telemetry =<class0::Telemetry>()?;
  • Handle events
  • Implement device reset action
  • Implement inhibit mode for devices
  • Settings: Add cache for Settings to avoid reading the database at each request and avoid writing the database if the value is the same
  • Settings: handle settings default values
  • How to compare to make sure the result is expected for the action ?
  • Test how the controller behaves with delayed responses or timouts
  • Try to get rid of the handle_action_result() method, find a way to merge it with handle_action()
  • Allow to use a remote controller as a can interface (Hardware in the loop), using the GRPC API
  • Compute stats based on measures (today min, max, last and a curve showing the trend)
  • treat the case where the process() function of a device controller sends a frame for which the response trigger a new process() call, leading to a infinite loop
  • improve call of process() in emulated devices
  • event/log system
  • send broadcast frame on startup
  • handle broadcast pending queries
  • controller cron jobs
  • start http server if datbase is not available
  • Check if usage of naive_utc() is ok ?
  • Try to merge device actions and jobs. Can an action be a scheduled job ?
  • Retrieve time from function argument instead of calling Utc::now() or Local::now() everywhere
  • Allow to log to file
  • Use nginx instead of rocket to server static files (UI)
  • outdoor alarm: Double detection
  • reorder heaters buttons in ui
  • implement BLE devices (add transport layer abstraction)


  • Implement compactAlgorithm theme with dark mode
    • built 2MB un peu gros,
  • Solve the resolution problem of: import { Timestamp } from "google-protobuf/google/protobuf/timestamp_pb";
  • Split built ui in chunks for faster loading
    • rollupOptions
  • Call front-end router
  • Correctly select the route (in the menu) when the URL is directly accessed
  • Make the UI layout compatible with mobile devices
  • Introduce a 'Settings' class to abstract the settings management
  • Add modal for reboot and reset settings of a device (to confirm the action)
  • Refresh devices table dynamically after a reset/reset settings
  • Add alert when an action has been sent to a device
  • TODO: select the menu item depending on the current route: const url = window.location.href; ?
  • notification: Fix "showProgress" and "pause on hover and progress"
  • Push notifications on devices without developping a mobile app
  • AWS amazon
  • Mettre un bouton pour se reconnecter en cas de perte de connexion

Evaluate react-media for responsive design

const queries = {
  "screen-mobile": {
    maxWidth: 575,
  "screen-large": {
    minWidth: 576,

<Media queries={queries}>
  {(matches) => (
      style={{ background: colorBgContainer }}
      <AppMenu settings={settings} />


Antd demo site:

Last run

Build date
07/07/2024, 11:53:57
Build commit
32e51baa3b0b40117d9a7662244604bc396c2ebd (dirty)
Derrière mise à jour
Dernier lancement
07/07/2024, 12:05:35
Heure système
18/07/2024, 20:47:00

Version de distribution
Date de build

Statistiques du contrôleur
CAN Interface RX
CAN Interface TX
CAN Interface Errors
CAN Interface Malformed
Pending queries pushed
Pending queries answered
Pending queries timeout
Duplicate pending queries dropped
Internal API calls