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Geode Cluster scripts

Apache Geode is an amazing memory oriented clusters. It can handle:

  • Caching use cases (JSR 107)
  • Key/Value data store use cases
  • Shared Nothing In-Memory compute
  • Event driven data exchange using subscriptions between clients and the cluster

This repo contains scripts to run Geode locally (all members on the local machine) and remotely, all members in their own machines.

How It Works

The Geode binaries and all dependancies are copied to each machine. Geode supports a CLI called gfsh that can be used start, stop and manage Geode processes.

Once the Locators have been started, a gfsh connection can be made from any location that can in turn issue commands to the rest of the Cluster.

The geode-ubuntu-package folder contains all the required binaries to run Geode locally and remotely. This folder is copied up to remote machines.

Set Up


To run locally, execute the '' script. This will start up one Locator and two Servers locally. This script will fail if JAVA_HOME is not set. This can be dealt with, in the Mac terminal by running a command like this:

➜  local_scripts git:(master) ✗ export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home

Upon successful start up of the cluster, the output will show something like this.


(2) Executing - list members

Member Count : 3
Coordinator  : locator (MacBook-Pro-7(locator:54660:locator)<v0>:12714)

 Name   | Id
------- | ----------------------------------------------
serverA | MacBook-Pro-7(serverA:54763)<v1>:8229
locator | MacBook-Pro-7(locator:54660:locator)<v0>:12714
serverB | MacBook-Pro-7(serverB:54801)<v2>:54795

Local Cluster started

To connect to the Cluster, run the '' script.

➜  local_scripts git:(master) ✗ ./ 
Gemfire Shell (gfsh) is command-line interface to launch, manage and monitor Gemfire processes
Type connect to connect to the grid if its running
    _________________________     __
   / _____/ ______/ ______/ /____/ /
  / /  __/ /___  /_____  / _____  / 
 / /__/ / ____/  _____/ / /    / /  
/______/_/      /______/_/    /_/    v8.2.1

Monitor and Manage GemFire
Connecting to Locator at [host=localhost, port=10334] ..
Connecting to Manager at [host=, port=1099] ..
Successfully connected to: [host=, port=1099]



Memory optimized EC2 instances with a 10GB network is recommended. For example, r4.large.

Ensure the security protocols for the instances are as follows:

Protocol: TCP  Range: 1024-65535
Protocol: TCP  Port: 22

Also the /etc/host file for each member of the cluster should be updated to contain entries for all other members. The format should look like this.

<Private IP> <Public DNS> <Host Name>

For example, this clusters has four members. Each would have the following in their /etc/host ec2-54-111-111-111 ec2-54-111-111-112 ec2-54-111-111-113 ec2-54-111-111-114



All scripts and setting have been made assuming a Mac or Linux OS.


These remote scripts set up 2 Locators and 4 Servers. These scripts have been written assuming a Ubuntu Linux OS on the remote machines.

The scripts in their current form assume EC2 machines.

Setting Up Remote machines on AWS

  1. Geode requires dedicated and high performance networking between them. A 10gb network is recommended
  2. To call commands remotely its assume an AWS gemfire.pem will be created and stored in the root directory


This is not tested for Production. Do not use these scripts without completely testing them. As Geode is a distributed system, to test them it must be done in the environment you expect to run them, using a Cluster size similar to production. Ensure to run your tests under load and over and extended duration of time.

Next Steps

  • Extended remote scripts to work with Azure or GCP (or create separate scripts for those)


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