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Luca Sgroi edited this page Apr 30, 2017 · 12 revisions

Pask adopts Semantic Versioning (SemVer). The property $Version defines an object which breaks down different formats of the version number. There are essentially three functions which can define it:

  • Get-Version (default) gets the version based on last git committer date (or current date if not in a git repository) in UTC
  • Get-SemanticVersion gets the semantic version from the input parameter
  • Get-ProjectSemanticVersion exactly as Get-SemanticVersion, it gets the semantic version from the input parameter which is defined in a file version.txt within the given project

Example: the default version is based on the last git committer date which is 2016-08-05 07:44:15.

Major                : 2016
Minor                : 8
Patch                : 5074415
PreReleaseLabel      : 
Build                : 5
Revision             : 74415
SemVer               : 2016.8.5.74415
AssemblySemVer       : 2016.8.5.744
InformationalVersion : 2016.8.5.74415

Example: the default version is based on the last git committer date which is 2016-08-05 07:44:15 within a branch new-feature.

Major                : 2016
Minor                : 8
Patch                : 5074415
PreReleaseLabel      : new-feature
Build                : 5
Revision             : 74415
SemVer               : 2016.8.5.74415-new-feature
AssemblySemVer       : 2016.8.5.744
InformationalVersion : 2016.8.5.74415-new-feature

Example: explicitly set 1.4.2 semantic version.

Set-Property Version -Value (Get-SemanticVersion "1.4.2")
Major                : 1
Minor                : 4
Patch                : 2
PreReleaseLabel      : 
Build                : 2
Revision             : 0
SemVer               : 1.4.2
AssemblySemVer       :
InformationalVersion : 1.4.2

Example: explicitly set 1.4.2-beta01 pre-release semantic version.

Set-Property Version -Value (Get-SemanticVersion "1.4.2-beta01")
Major                : 1
Minor                : 4
Patch                : 2
PreReleaseLabel      : beta01
Build                : 2
Revision             : 0
SemVer               : 1.4.2-beta01
AssemblySemVer       :
InformationalVersion : 1.4.2-beta01

Example: explicitly set 1.4.2 semantic version in a branch new-feature with last git committer date 2016-11-12 11:35:20.

Set-Property Version -Value (Get-SemanticVersion "1.4.2")
Major                : 1
Minor                : 4
Patch                : 2
PreReleaseLabel      : pre20161112113520
Build                : 2
Revision             : 0
SemVer               : 1.4.2-pre20161112113520
AssemblySemVer       :
InformationalVersion : 1.4.2-pre20161112113520

Example: explicitly set a semantic version from a file version.txt in the default project.

Set-Property Version -Value (Get-ProjectSemanticVersion)

Example: explicitly set a semantic version from a file version.txt in the project WebApplication.

Set-Property Version -Value (Get-ProjectSemanticVersion -Name "WebApplication")