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Steven Kryskalla edited this page Aug 17, 2013 · 5 revisions

Documentation of fields:



  • ride length: 2263 seconds = 37.72 minutes
  • histogram of # of occurences of fields over that 37.72 minutes:
>>> xs = [x.strip().replace(" ", "").split(',') for x in open("bb_c-max_day_1_part_1.csv").readlines()]
>>> import collections
>>> h = collections.Counter([x[1] for x in xs])
>>> print "\n".join(map(repr, sorted(h.items(), key=lambda t: -t[1])))
('tire_pressure', 26828)
('odometer', 22435)
('accelerator_pedal_position', 22417)
('fuel_consumed_since_restart', 22416)
('steering_wheel_angle', 14947)
('oil_life', 11209)
('vehicle_speed', 11208)
('engine_speed', 11207)
('torque_at_transmission', 5605)
('tire_pressure_front_left', 3763)
('tire_pressure_front_right', 3762)
('tire_pressure_rear_right', 3762)
('tire_pressure_rear_left', 3762)
('tire_pressure_rear_right_status', 3740)
('tire_pressure_rear_left_status', 3739)
('window_position_passenger', 3206)
('window_position_rear_passenger', 3205)
('tire_pressure_front_left_status', 2992)
('tire_pressure_front_right_status', 2991)
('latitude', 2243)
('longitude', 2243)
('heading', 2243)
('battery_level', 1495)
('window_position_rear_driver', 711)
('window_position_driver', 711)
('hazard_light_status', 376)
('turn_signal_status', 376)
('fuel_level', 187)
('brake_pedal_status', 152)
('gear_lever_position', 28)
('windshield_wiper_status', 7)
('door_status', 6)
('ignition_status', 2)
>>> float(xs[-1][0]) - float(xs[0][0])
>>> (float(xs[-1][0]) - float(xs[0][0])) / 60.


  • 20-30 mins in = dirt road driving, hard stops, 30 mph
  • 50 mins in = highway driving, 60-70 mph
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