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A fluent data builder for json and xml

DataBuilder Output Libraries

FluentDataBuilder has some NuGet-Libraries to generate output:

Package Target NuGet
FluentDataBuilder.Json System.Text.Json NuGet
FluentDataBuilder.NewtonsoftJson Newtonsoft.Json NuGet
FluentDataBuilder.Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration NuGet
FluentDataBuilder.Xml System.Xml NuGet
FluentDataBuilder.Yaml YamlDotNet NuGet


FluentDataBuilder.Json (System.Text.Json)

install the nuget FluentDataBuilder.Json and follow the general DataBuilder steps. the following code is a sample for the initialization with System.Text.Json.

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();
JsonDocument jsonResult = builder.Build();

FluentDataBuilder.NewtonsoftJson (Newtonsoft.Json)

install the nuget FluentDataBuilder.NewtonsoftJson and follow the general DataBuilder steps. the following code is a sample for the initialization with Newtonsoft.Json.

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();
JObject jsonResult = builder.Build();

FluentDataBuilder.Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration)

With this package you can store the DataBuilder instance directly as an IConfiguration instance.

install the nuget FluentDataBuilder.Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration and follow the general DataBuilder steps. the following code is a sample for the initialization with Newtonsoft.Json.

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();
IConfiguration configuration = builder.ToConfiguration();

FluentDataBuilder.Xml (System.Xml)

install the nuget FluentDataBuilder.Xml and follow the general DataBuilder steps. the following code is a sample for the initialization with System.Xml.

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();
XmlDocument xmlDocument = builder.Build();

FluentDataBuilder.Yaml (YamlDotNet)

install the nuget FluentDataBuilder.Yaml and follow the general DataBuilder steps..

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();
string yamlContent = builder.Build();

How to create Data Objects

First you need to create an instance:

IDataBuilder builder = new DataBuilder();

Use the Add-Method to add data:

add simple properties

builder.Add("StringProperty", "a value");
builder.Add("NumericProperty", 12345);
builder.Add("BooleanProperty", true);

result (in json):

    "StringProperty": "a value",
    "NumericProperty": 12345,
    "BooleanProperty": true

add arrays

builder.Add("ListProperty", new List<string> { "this", "is", "a", "test" });
builder.Add("ArrayProperty", new string[] { "this", "is", "a", "test" });
builder.Add("MixedListProperty", new List<object> { "value", 123, true, 456.78 });

result (in json):


add new object

builder.Add("ObjectProperty", new DataBuilder()
    .Add("StringProperty", "another value")
    .Add("NumericProperty", 67890)
    .Add("BooleanProperty", false));

result (in json):

        "StringProperty": "another value",
        "NumericProperty": 67890,
        "BooleanProperty": false