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Fireworks to JSON

JSON to Layers HERO

This command can export structure of the Fireworks PNG as a JSON file.

I have not test on Windows. Please send a report.

TL;DR: Fireworks to Sketch 3 — QuickCast.


Download the plugin zip and unzip, rename "Fw-to-JSON-master" to "Fw to JSON". And put the fonlder to the Fireworks "Commands" folder.


  1. Open the Firworks document.
  2. Commands › Fw to JSON › Fw to JSON.
  3. Select export folder.
  4. Export completion when displayed alert.


  • You have to revert the document. Because symbol is detach instance, you don't save absolutely the document.
  • If you have installed "Fireworks Console" and "DOM Inspector", Please disable.
  • This command looks for the original texture and pattern file.
  • Patterned fill is exported as Fireworks PNG file.
  • Bitmap export as it is.

JSON Format

Top Level Properties

	"fileVersion": "1.0.0",
	"documentSetting": {},
	"pages": [],
	"symbols": {},
	"resExportedDir": "fw2json-exported-document name"

"documentSetting" Properties

	"documentSetting": {
		"grid": {
			"gridSize": {
				"x": 36,
				"y": 36
			"gridOrigin": {
				"x": 0,
				"y": 0
		"pageCount": 1,
		"docName": "document name (without extension)"

"pages" Properties

	"pages": [
			"pageName": "page name",
			"backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
			"width": 500,
			"height": 500,
			"guides": {
				"x": [10, 20, 30],
				"y": [50, 60]
			"frames": []

"symbols" Properties

  • elements: same elems
	"key_name": {
		"symbolName": "Original Symbol Name",
		"width": 75,
		"height": 75,
		"top": 31,
		"left": 387
		"elements": [],

"frames" Properties

	"frame": [
			"toplayers": [{}]

"topLayers" Properties

	"topLayers": [
			"name": "layer name",
			"type": "layer",
			"locked": false,
			"visible": true,
			"parentLayerNum": -1,
			"hasChildren": true,
			"elems": []

"elems" Properties (common properties)

  • layer
  • rectangle
  • text
  • path
  • group
  • symbol
  • slice
  • layer
  • bitmap

"type = layer" Properties

parentLayerNum: Array index of parent layer. -1 is topLayer.

	"elems": [
			"type": "layer",
			"name": "layer name",
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"parentLayerNum": -1,
			"hasChildren": true

"type = rectangle" Properties (same common properties)

  • pathAttributes: [object]
  • effectList: [object|null]
  • mask: [object|null]
	"elems": [
			"type": "rectangle",
			"name": "elems name",
			"width": 100,
			"height": 100,
			"top": 300,
			"left": 300,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 300,
				"right": 400,
				"top": 300,
				"bottom": 400
			"transform": {
				"matrix": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
			"pathAttributes": {},
			"effectList": {},
			"mask": {}

"type = symbol" Properties

	"elems": [
			"type": "symbol",
			"name": "symbol instance name",
			"width": 100,
			"height": 100,
			"top": 0,
			"left": 0,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 0,
				"right": 100,
				"top": 0,
				"bottom": 100
			"symbolName": "symbol name",
			"symbolID": "symbolID",
			"elements": "key_name"

"type = bitmap" Properties

	"elems": [
			"type": "bitmap",
			"name": "bitmap layer name",
			"width": 100,
			"height": 100,
			"top": 0,
			"left": 0,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 0,
				"right": 100,
				"top": 0,
				"bottom": 100
			"uri": "file:///path/to/resource-1.png"

"type = text" Properties

	"elems": [
			"type": "text",
			"name": "text layer name",
			"width": 179,
			"height": 17,
			"top": 642,
			"left": 123,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 125,
				"right": 300,
				"top": 646,
				"bottom": 657
			"transform": {
				"matrix": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
			"pathAttributes": {},
			"effectList": {},
			"mask": {},
			"rawHeight": 13,
			"rawWidth": 175,
			"rawTop": 644,
			"rawLeft": 125,
			"autoExpand": true,
			"antiAliasMode": "smooth",
			"antiAliased": true,
			"autoKern": true,
			"orientation": "horizontal left to right",
			"textChars": "text value",
			"fontFace": "AvenirNext-Bold",
			"fontSize": "11",
			"alignment": "right",
			"underline": false,
			"fillColor": "#5a3f35",
			"baselineShift": 0,
			"paragraphIndent": 0,
			"paragraphSpacingBefore": 0,
			"paragraphSpacingAfter": 0,
			"leading": 31.9,
			"textRuns": [
					"characters": "text value",
					"size": "11",
					"face": "AvenirNext-Bold",
					"bold": false,
					"italic": false,
					"underline": false,
					"fillColor": "#5a3f35",
					"baselineShift": 0,
					"leading": 31.9

"type = group" Properties

  • elements: same elmes properties
	"elems": [
			"type": "group",
			"name": "group layer name",
			"width": 100,
			"height": 100,
			"top": 0,
			"left": 0,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 0,
				"right": 100,
				"top": 0,
				"bottom": 100
			"effectList": {},
			"mask": {},
			"elements": []

"type = slice" Properties

	"elems": [
			"type": "slice",
			"name": "slice layer name",
			"width": 100,
			"height": 100,
			"top": 0,
			"left": 0,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 0,
				"right": 100,
				"top": 0,
				"bottom": 100
			"baseName": "export name",
			"exportOptions": {
				"exportFormat": "PNG",
				"jpegQuality": 80

"type = path" Properties

	"elems": [
			"type": "path",
			"name": "path",
			"width": 1.9254150390625,
			"height": 3.3251953125,
			"top": 583.602783203125,
			"left": 342.29315185546875,
			"blendMode": "normal",
			"opacity": 100,
			"visible": true,
			"locked": false,
			"pixelRect": {
				"left": 342,
				"right": 345,
				"top": 583,
				"bottom": 587
			"pathAttributes": {},
			"effectList": {},
			"mask": {},
			"bezierPath": [
					"isClosed": true,
					"nodes": [
							"isCurvePoint": false,
							"x": 342.5592041015625,
							"y": 585.4647216796875,
							"succX": 342.5592041015625,
							"succY": 585.4647216796875,
							"predX": 342.5592041015625,
							"predY": 585.4647216796875
							"isCurvePoint": false,
							"x": 343.86846923828125,
							"y": 583.602783203125,
							"succX": 343.86846923828125,
							"succY": 583.602783203125,
							"predX": 343.86846923828125,
							"predY": 583.602783203125
							"isCurvePoint": false,
							"x": 344.21856689453125,
							"y": 583.7606811523438,
							"succX": 344.21856689453125,
							"succY": 583.7606811523438,
							"predX": 344.21856689453125,
							"predY": 583.7606811523438
							"isCurvePoint": false,
							"x": 342.29315185546875,
							"y": 586.927978515625,
							"succX": 342.29315185546875,
							"succY": 586.927978515625,
							"predX": 342.29315185546875,
							"predY": 586.927978515625

"pathAttributes" Properties

  • brush: [object|null]
  • brushColor: [#RRGGBB|#RRGGBBAA]
  • brushTexture: [object|null]
  • fill: [object|null]
  • fillColor: [#RRGGBB|#RRGGBBAA]
  • fillTexture: [object|null]
  • fillType: [flat|gradient|pattern|null]
	"pathAttributes": {
		"brush": {},
		"brushColor": "#3d6b3a",
		"brushPlacement": "center",
		"brushTexture": {},
		"fill": {},
		"fillColor": "#578199",
		"fillHandle1": {
			"x": 259.8141174316406,
			"y": 613.6799926757812
		"fillHandle2": {
			"x": 270.8706359863281,
			"y": 613.6762084960938
		"fillHandle3": {
			"x": 259.62554931640625,
			"y": 585.099609375
		"fillOnTop": false,
		"fillType": "pattern"
		"fillTexture": {},

"brush" Properties

	"brush": {
		"alphaRemap": "none",
		"angle": 0,
		"antiAliased": false,
		"aspect": 100,
		"blackness": 38,
		"category": "bc_Charcoal",
		"concentration": 100,
		"dashOffSize1": 4,
		"dashOffSize2": 4,
		"dashOffSize3": 4,
		"dashOnSize1": 40,
		"dashOnSize2": 2,
		"dashOnSize3": 2,
		"diameter": 3,
		"feedback": "brush",
		"flowRate": 0,
		"maxCount": 14,
		"minSize": 30,
		"name": "bn_Creamy",
		"numDashes": 0,
		"sense_hdir_angle": 0,
		"sense_hdir_blackness": 0,
		"sense_hdir_hue": 0,
		"sense_hdir_lightness": 0,
		"sense_hdir_opacity": 0,
		"sense_hdir_saturation": 0,
		"sense_hdir_scatter": 0,
		"sense_hdir_size": 0,
		"sense_pressure_angle": 0,
		"sense_pressure_blackness": 60.2,
		"sense_pressure_hue": 0,
		"sense_pressure_lightness": 0,
		"sense_pressure_opacity": 50,
		"sense_pressure_saturation": 0,
		"sense_pressure_scatter": 9.4,
		"sense_pressure_size": 89.8,
		"sense_random_angle": 0,
		"sense_random_blackness": 0,
		"sense_random_hue": 0,
		"sense_random_lightness": 0,
		"sense_random_opacity": 0,
		"sense_random_saturation": 0,
		"sense_random_scatter": 6.3,
		"sense_random_size": 0,
		"sense_speed_angle": 0,
		"sense_speed_blackness": 50,
		"sense_speed_hue": 0,
		"sense_speed_lightness": 0,
		"sense_speed_opacity": 0,
		"sense_speed_saturation": 0,
		"sense_speed_scatter": 0,
		"sense_speed_size": 79.7,
		"sense_vdir_angle": 0,
		"sense_vdir_blackness": 0,
		"sense_vdir_hue": 0,
		"sense_vdir_lightness": 0,
		"sense_vdir_opacity": 0,
		"sense_vdir_saturation": 0,
		"sense_vdir_scatter": 0,
		"sense_vdir_size": 0,
		"shape": "circle",
		"softenMode": "bell curve",
		"softness": 0,
		"spacing": 31,
		"textureBlend": 36,
		"textureEdge": 96,
		"tipColoringMode": "random",
		"tipCount": 4,
		"tipSpacing": 0,
		"tipSpacingMode": "random",
		"type": "natural"

"fill" Properties

  • gradient: [object|null]
  • pattern: [object|null]
	"fill": {
		"category": "fc_Pattern",
		"ditherColors": [
		"edgeType": "antialiased",
		"feather": 0,
		"gradient": {},
		"name": "pattern",
		"pattern": {},
		"shape": "pattern",
		"stampingMode": "blend opaque",
		"textureBlend": 0,
		"webDitherTransparent": false
"gradient" Properties
	"gradient": {
		"dither": false,
		"name": "cn_BlackWhite",
		"nodes": [
				"color": "#ff0000",
				"isOpacityNode": false,
				"position": 0
				"color": "#00ff00",
				"isOpacityNode": false,
				"position": 0.5
				"color": "#0000ff",
				"isOpacityNode": false,
				"position": 1
		"opacityNodes": [
				"color": "#00000023",
				"isOpacityNode": true,
				"position": 0.19697000086307526
				"color": "#000000",
				"isOpacityNode": true,
				"position": 0.5
				"color": "#00000089",
				"isOpacityNode": true,
				"position": 0.8030300140380859
		"gradientType": "linear"
"pattern" Properties
	"pattern": {
		"image": null,
		"name": "Impressionist-Blue",
		"patternURI": "file:///path/to/resource/resource-1.png",
		"filePath": false,
		"alias": "Impressionist_Blue"
"fillTexture" Properties
	"fillTexture": {
		"name": "Grid 4",
		"filePath": "file:///path/to/resource/Grid_4.png",
		"alias": "Grid_4"

"mask" Properties

	"mask": {
		"mode": "mask to image",
		"element": []

Bug reports

  1. Submit via Github issues with the version of your OS and Fireworks.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.


No description or website provided.








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