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coverage: 98% Unit tests

A file finding utility patterned after Linux find.


npm i find-plus


import { find } from 'find-plus' // ESM
// const { find } = require('find-plus')  // CJS

const isaTXTFile = (f) =>'.txt')
const files = await find({ onlyFiles: true, root: process.env.HOME, tests: [isaTXTFile] }

console.log(`You have ${files.length} text files under your home directory.`)


find() takes the following options (only the root option is required):

Key options

  • root: (required, string) the path from which to begin the search.
  • noTraverseFailed: (boolean, default: false) by default, find will traverse directories even if the directories themselves are not included in the results (e.g., when onlyFiles is set to true). When noTraverseFailed is true, then directories which fail the requirements are not traversed. noTraverseFailed cannot be combined with noDirs or any of the only-options except onlyDirs because then the search would be trivially empty.
  • sort: (string, default: 'breadth') specifies the sort to apply to the results. Possible options are 'breadth', 'depth', 'alpha', and 'none'. The 'none' option returns the order in which the files were discovered on disk and is primarily useful to speed things slightly when you don't care about the order.
  • tests: (array of functions, default: []) an array of functions which take (dirEnt, depth); each test function must return true for a file to be considered in the results. Or-ed tests must be implemented in a single function. dirEnt is a fs.DirEnt-like* object (may be a DirEnt or modified fs.Stats with name and path properties added) and depth is the depth of the file relative to the root (which is depth 0). The tests are executed after all the built in tests (like atDepth, paths, onlyFiles, etc.) have been passed. This limits the range of inputs the custom tests need to deal with.

*: In Node 19.x, DirEnts lack the path field, but we normalize all DirEnts to include this field in all versions.

Path matching

Path matching uses glob style pattern matching provided by minimatch. The "path" matched against is the full path, which differs from the dirEnt.path which lacks the file basename ( In addition, directories are suffixed with the file system seperator. E.g., /users/jane/, which would match the path **/jane/** (which would fail without the trailing '/').

Globbing basics:

  • *: matches any string or nothing except '/' (file separator)
  • **: matches any string or nothing
  • ?: matches one character or nothing
  • [abc]: matches one of the characters
  • [a-z]: matches a character range
  • [[:alpha:]]: matches a POSIX character class
  • {a,b}: matches one of the patterns, separated by commas, equivalent to '@(a|b)'
  • ?(a|b): matches zero or one of the patterns, separated by pipes
  • *(a|b): matches zero or more of the patterns
  • +(a|b): matches one or more of the patterns
  • @(a|b): matches exactly one of the patterns
  • !(a|b): matches anything except the patterns

The 'or' constructs can be combined with other special patterns; e.g., '+([abc])' would match 'abccba'.

  • excludePaths: (array of strings) any files with a path matching an excluded path are excluded from the results.
  • paths: (array of strings) a file path must match each path to be included in the results.

Depth and root handling options

  • atDepth: (boolean, default: false) if true, then limits the results to those at depth.
  • depth: (int, default: undefined) will only descend 'depth' directories past the search root (which is depth 0). Negatvie values are equivalent to 0.
  • excludeRoot: (boolean, default: false) if true, then root is excluded from the search results.


The following options default to false and may be set true to exclude the particular type of file. Setting all the regular no-options to true will raise an error as the search would be trivially empty.

  • noBlockDevices,
  • noCharacterDevices,
  • noDirs,
  • noFIFOs,
  • noFiles,
  • noSockets,
  • noSpecial: equivalent to noBlockDevcies, noCharacterDevices, noFIFOs, and noSockets,
  • noSymbolicLinks


The following options default to false and may be set 'true' to include only the particular type of file. Setting more than one only-option to true will raise an error as the search would be trivially empty.

  • onlyBlockDevices,
  • onlyCharacterDevices,
  • onlyDirs,
  • onlyFIFOs,
  • onlyFiles,
  • onlySockets,
  • onlySymbolicLinks