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Godot Sandbox Build

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Safe, low-latency and fast sandbox for the Godot game engine.

GodotCon 2024 Presentation

This extension exists to allow Godot creators to implement safe modding support, such that they can pass around programs built by other players, knowing that these programs cannot harm other players. All Godot platforms are supported.


  • Automatic (Recommended): Download the plugin from the official Godot Asset Store using the AssetLib tab in Godot by searching for Godot Sandbox.

  • Manual: Download the latest github release and move only the addons folder into your project addons folder.

What can I do?

  • Modding API
    • You can implement a modding API for your game. This API can then be used by other players to extend your game, in a safe manner.
  • Build once, run everywhere
    • You can publish your game for all mobile and console platforms, without paying a performance penalty. It's not going to be a laggy mess, which is always a risk with other solutions that eg. rely on JIT too much.
    • Programs will behave the same way on all platforms, including 32-bit platforms.
  • High-performance
    • You can use this extension as a way to write higher performance code than GDScript permits, without having to resort to writing and maintaining a GDExtension for all platforms.
    • Enable binary translation to increase performance drastically. Also works on all platforms, but has to be embedded in the project.
    • Yields 2.5-4x performance boost by default, 5-30x with binary translation
  • Publish and then make updates without re-publishing
    • You can distribute programs from a server to clients as part of the login sequence. You can use this to live-distribute changes like bugfixes or even new features to the game without having to re-publish the game itself. I do this in my game.
  • Supports many programming languages
    • Although we mostly work on C++ and there is growing support for Rust and Zig, any number of languages can be supported directly in the editor.


  • Write C++ or Rust in the Godot editor. An accompanying ELF resource is created.

  • Create a new Sandbox and assign the ELF resource to it

    • Access to the underlying Sandbox
    • Lifetime as any other node
    • Auto-completion from other GDScripts using @export
  • Or, directly assign an ELF script resource to a node

    • Shared sandbox among all instances with that script
    • Maximum scalability
    • Call functions and attach signals like GDScript


static void add_coin(const Node& player) {
	static int coins = 0;
	coins ++;
	Node coinlabel = player.get_parent().get_node("Texts/CoinLabel");
	coinlabel.set("text", "You have collected "
		+ std::to_string(coins) + ((coins == 1) ? " coin" : " coins"));

extern "C" Variant _on_body_entered(Node2D node) {
	if (node.get_name() != "Player")
		return Nil;

	get_node().queue_free(); // Remove the current coin!
	return Nil;

Script of a simple Coin pickup, with a counter that updates a label in the tree of the player. This script can be attached to the Coin just like GDScript.

pub fn _physics_process(delta: f64) -> Variant {
	if Engine::is_editor_hint() {
		return Variant::new_nil();

	let slime = get_node();
	let sprite = get_node_from_path("AnimatedSprite2D");

	let flip_h ="is_flipped_h", &[]);
	let direction: f32 = (flip_h.to_bool() as i32 as f32 - 0.5) * -2.0;

	let mut pos ="get_position", &[]).to_vec2();
	pos.x += direction * SPEED * delta as f32;"set_position", &[Variant::new_vec2(pos)]);

	let ray_right = get_node_from_path("raycast_right");
	let ray_left  = get_node_from_path("raycast_left");
	if direction > 0.0 &&"is_colliding", &[]).to_bool() {"set_flip_h", &[Variant::new_bool(true)]);
	else if direction < 0.0 &&"is_colliding", &[]).to_bool() {"set_flip_h", &[Variant::new_bool(false)]);


The Rust API is still under development, but simple scripts are possible.

You may also have a look at our demo repository for the Godot Sandbox. It's a tiny platformer that uses C++ and Rust.



If you want to contribute to this repo, here are steps on how to build locally:





The script icon is built from the Godot icons. It's using the same font as the Godot Logo, which is Lilita One. The icons are then imported into Godot once in order to check the box Scale With Editor in the import panel.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alf-André Walla
Alf-André Walla

K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee
K. S. Ernest (iFire) Lee

💻 🔬 ⚠️
Dragos Daian
Dragos Daian


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!