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A fancy noticeboard for Plone inspired by

This Plone-Addon allow suser to transform folders or collections into a fancy noticeboard where users can add and modify postit-like notes. Notes display the content of a content-type (by default News Items) and are editable in overlays. Notes are draggable, resizeable and can change color.

collective.noticeboard works with Archetypes and Dexterity. By default it displays

  • Title
  • Description
  • Image (if one exists)
  • Author
  • Modification-Date

In the configuration you can:

  • select the default type used for notes
  • select types that should be displayed
  • enable adding notes by clicking on the canvas
  • enable auto-publishing of notes
  • select if notes should be hidden when the were not updated for a certain number of days
  • display a link to a help-page (with the id 'noticeboard-help')

Items that were excluded from the navigation are not shown on the noticeboard (you might want to exclude the help-page).

.. attention::

In Plone, one needs delete permission on an object AND its parent folder.
Most often, a user has the edit permission on containing folders, so that does not matter.

On a noticeboard though, it makes sense that users are only allowed to add notes and not to modify the noticeboard itself.
To allow deletion of content, our delete functionality only checks the Delete permission on the object itself and not on the folder.

This should not create any trouble for you, but we note it here because it is a small deviation from plone behavior.


Add this line in the eggs section of your buildout.cfg::

eggs =


  • collective.js.jqueryui
  • collective.js.backbone
  • collective.js.underscore

Editing in overlays works with the version of Products.TinyMCE shipped with Plone 4.x as well as with the latest version compatible with IE9 (>= 1.3b7)


Written by -

Sponsored by DIPF -


  • Philip Bauer
  • Patrick Gerken