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An R package pipelining binary classification of survival


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An R package pipelining binary classification of survival

patroklos is pipeline that allows you to define, train, validate, test and analyze models whose final goal it is to predict if an event occurs before or after a pivotal time. It does so for the famous train-validate-test split of the data.


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What's the scenario this R package is tailored for?

patroklos is a good choice for the just mentioned scenario and it is very good choice for the scenario we tailored it for.

Imagine you are given a data set holding information on cancer patients. This data includes a many, many features from a high-throughput measurement like gene-expression levels for hundreds or even thousands of genes ("expression data") and some other features ("pheno data"). Among the pheno data is survival information in the form of time to event and right censoring. You want to build a binary classifier that takes a subset of your features (excluding the two survival features) as input to predict for a given sample if it faces the event (like progression or death) before or after a certain time.

This tasks involves

  • preprocessing the data,
  • deciding on an error measure for validation and testing,
  • training a whole bunch of models and validating them, including tuning their hyperparameters,
  • assessing the best validated model on the test cohort and
  • unlocking the test set for all trained models to do some analysis, e.g., how reliably
  • cross-validated errors estimate the test error.

At any point in this sequence, you or your boss may come up with new ideas: training a new model, training the same models on a different data set, testing the models on a different test set or changing the error measure for validation. But you are the boss of this machine learning project and, as such, you need to be flexible and able to integrate new ideas quickly. You may hire a secretary. Or you resort to patroklos.

patroklos will do a big part of the repetitive, administrative work and lets you focus on the statistical and biological part of your work. If there is still bureaucratic work left for you, patroklos at least tells you how to do it.

All in all, patroklos is not the star of the shows. But it plays a key role in it — just like Πάτροκλος in the Iliad: being Achilles' best friend, his death brings Achilles back to the battlefield helping the Greeks score decisive victories.

How does this R package make your life easier?

patroklos has three major goals: making integrating

  • new data,
  • new models with new hyperparameters and
  • your custom validation and testing

into your workflow as effortless as possible and at the same leaving you enough freedom to adapt the pipeline to the needs of your project.


The R6 class Data tells you how to preprocess your data. patroklos also gives you some tools you often need for preprocessing.


patroklos abstracts the data from the models, which you specify in another R6 class, Model. A model typically specifies more than just one combination of hyperparameters that need to be tuned. Concerning model classes and fitting functions, you have full flexibility — you can provide any fitting function as an attribute to a Model as long as its function interface fulfills patroklos's expectations: see the documentation for Models fitter attribute. If the fitting function generates hyperparameters automatically or tunes hyperparameters internally, that's totally fine as long it returns a single fit object with validated predictions and a predict method. Again, it is left 100% to the model how it calculates the validated predictions, e.g. by cross validation or out-of-bag predictions. patroklos also provides patroklos-compliant fitting functions out of the box, namely for Gauss, logistic and Cox models by means of the zeroSum package and random forests by means of the ranger package. For every Model, patroklos can tune some model-agnostic hyperparameters itself.

Validation and testing

Validate your models on their training data and test them on some test data for a variety of metrics including (scalar) error measures — precision (under the constraint of a minimum rate of positive predictions a.k.a prevalence), hazard ratio, ROC-AUC, lower and upper bound of the $\gamma$-confidence interval of the precision or hazard ratio — with the R6 classes AssScalar. For many models you first need to threshold their output before you have a binary classifier at hand. The R6 class Ass2d, which, for every possible threshold, plots one metric of binary classifier against another — e.g. prevalence against precision — guides in thresholding. In testing, you often want to compare your picked model to a benchmark model — no problem, just include its output into your data and specify a Model for it with the help of the projection_on_feature() fitter.

Meta analysis

After testing the picked model on a test cohort, unlock it for more models, plot validation versus test error, group models by their hyperparameters and find out which hyperparameters come with systematic flaws in validation and notoriously high test errors. Exclude problematic models from the set of Models in the future. val_vs_test() is your friend here.

More tweaks by patroklos

Storing and reading in models

Training and assessing so many models takes a lot of time. So as your project evolves over time, you don't want to fit your models again and again. To this end, patroklos heavily resorts to storing the models and reading them in on demand. Typically you would also "store" the Model, AssScalar and Ass2d objects, either as an .rds file or, more typically, their initialization in an R script.

Integrating models into another model

Some of the features of a Model may be the output of another model, e.g., from a gene-expression signature. We call the latter model, whose output becomes the new feature, an early and the former model, which experiences the output of the early model as a feature, the late model. If the early model was trained on another data set, this is just an ordinary feature (which might have issues with batch effects) — easy. If, however, you want to train the early model on the same data set as the late model, things become tricky and you might want to have a look at greedy_nestor() and long_nestor().


See patroklos in action in the repository of my master thesis.