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Upgrade from 1.x to 2.x

Kyle Farris edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

NOTE This is coming soon... I'm writing this upgrade doc as I'm developing version 2 so that you can prepare.

With the upgrade from version 1 to version 2, we have some breaking changes that will require you to update your code. The changes are fairly minor:

Instantiation Syntax

With the change to ES6 class syntax, I've changed the instantiation syntax of the module:


const qb = require('node-querybuilder').QueryBuilder(settings, 'mysql', 'single');


const QueryBuilder = require('node-querybuilder');
const qb = new QueryBuilder(settings, 'mysql', 'single');

// OR Just...

const qb = new require('node-querybuilder')(settings, 'mysql', 'single');

It's not a huge change, but, definitely one that will need to be made in order for your code to work using v2.

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