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Set up


npm install

npm start


open browser to http://localhost:4567/fuzzy/public/

Mongo Altas

a) Mongo Altas -> Create Search index on fuzzy->person fuzzy_person_searchindex

b) Mongo Compass -> Aggregate on AML

Stage 1: $search { index: "fuzzy_person_searchindex", text: { query: "erica", path: "primary_name", fuzzy:{} }, }

Stage 2: $limit { $limit: 5000 }

Stage 3: $project

{ _id: 0, primary_name: 1, type: 1, score: { $meta: "searchScore", } }

Test API [GET]

  • curl localhost:4567/fuzzy/api/v1

Person Ping API [GET]

  • curl localhost:4567/fuzzy/api/v1/person/ping

Person Search API [POST]

  • curl -H "content-type:application/json" -XPOST -d "{"name": "erica"}" localhost:4567/fuzzy/api/v1/person/search