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Unscented Kalman Filter



In the previous lesson we saw the Extended Kalman filters and how it can be applied to a linear transformation. As you know original kalman filter had linear transformations and gaussian distribution as hard assumptions. It benefits from gaussian distributions remaining gaussian when a linear transformation is applied to them. It also benefits from the product of two gaussian distributions also being a gaussian. Extended kalman filter approximates a non-linear transformation by replacing it with a linear transformation that has the same derivatives at the mean. The resulting linear transformation will transform the original gaussian into a new gaussian, even though the real non-linear transformation would have reshaped that distribution. Unscented Kalman Filter uses the gaussian assumption to convert the mean and covariance matrix into a collection of representative points on that gaussian, then applies the non-linear transformation to get a new set of points

Build instructions

Assuming you have 'cmake' and 'make' already:

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./UnscentedKF along with the Term 2 simulator.

Rubric Points


Code compiles fine without any errors or warnings, flag is set for -Wall

kputtur@osboxes:~/Udacity/CarND-Unscented-Kalman-Filter-Project/build$ make
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/UnscentedKF.dir/src/ukf.cpp.o
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/UnscentedKF.dir/src/main.cpp.o
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/UnscentedKF.dir/src/tools.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable UnscentedKF
[100%] Built target UnscentedKF


Plot overlay of ground truth, sensor measurements and estimate position accuracy

Accuracy is within limits for the data set.

RMSE Dataset 1:

X  = 0.0715
Y  = 0.0832
VX = 0.2050
VY = 0.2473

Even though dataset 2 is not a requirement.

RMSE Dataset 2:

X = 0.1095
Y = 0. 0710
VX = 0.7083
VY = 0.4054

Position accuracy was excellent. positional accuracy

Velocity estimated accuracy suffers significant at the beginning of the run. velocity accuracy

Radar and Lidar measurements

NIS measurements for both LIDAR and RADAR: radar lidar

Tuning Parameters

This project can be tuned using various intialization parameters to improve the final calculated RMSE(Root mean squared error). In the ukf.cpp file, I have tuned std_a, std_yawd, the initialized x_ (separately for Radar and Lidar) and P_ (also separate for each sensor type).


The bulk of the code is from my class room exercises from the udacity class on self driving cars, lesson 7 "Unscented Kalman Filters". The infrastructure code in this project is supplied from project repository. Visualization is from here :